Lumps under the tongue
In the case of a lump under the tongue , various diseases can be responsible for the symptoms. The differentiated diseases progress in a different way. This is one of the reasons why it is important that those affected seek medical help if the lump persists.
What is a lump under the tongue?
In the case of lumps under the tongue, the salivary glands in particular are increasingly affected. The human body produces around 1 to 1.5 liters of saliva every day to digest the food it eats. One of the largest salivary glands is under the tongue. A large part of the liquid production is carried out here. Lumps under the tongue can occur due to a variety of factors. Most causes often turn out to be harmless. At the same time, however, the existence of a tumor cannot be ruled out. It is therefore important that those affected consult a doctor in good time after discovering the lump.
There are many causes of a lump under the tongue. It is not uncommon for this to be an inflammation of the salivary glands. This is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as existing pain and fever . A weak immune system is crucial for the disease.
The inflammation is caused by viruses or bacteria and often arises as part of another disease. At the same time, the cause can also be a lack of oral hygiene. The pathogens manage to penetrate the affected salivary gland and thereby trigger the infection. This process is favored by reduced saliva production, as occurs, for example, with excessive alcohol consumption .
In the area of the salivary glands, the cause can possibly be found in a salivary stone. Here, too, the cause is often a reduced production of saliva. Another cause of a lump under the tongue could be oral cancer. This disease causes swelling and patients feel a foreign body sensation. Depending on the size and location of the tumor, you may have difficulty eating and swallowing.
- Mundkrebs
When to the doctor?
If you find a knot under your tongue, you don’t need to panic right away. Usually it is an inflammation of the salivary glands. This often occurs in conjunction with fever and persistent pain. In many cases, the cause is a weakened immune system . Poor oral hygiene can also lead to a lump under the tongue. Nevertheless, going to the doctor is not directly necessary. In such a case, those affected should simply pay attention to strict oral hygiene. In addition, anti-inflammatory substances such as chamomile can be taken.
In this way, the inflammation is effectively reduced and pain is inhibited. However, if you do not notice any improvement after four to six days, you should see a doctor with the lump under your tongue. Only then can serious illnesses be ruled out or examined and treated at an early stage. In rare cases, such a nodule turns out to be a tumor . In an emergency, this must be surgically removed and then treated with radiation therapy. So if you find a knot under your own tongue, you should not put off a visit to the doctor. In the case of acute pain and no rapid improvement, a prompt visit to the doctor is inevitable.
If a lump appears under the tongue, the cause should be clarified by medical personnel. During a detailed discussion, the patient describes how long the lump has existed and whether there are any other symptoms. Any pain should be mentioned, this already provides clues to the possible cause. The subsequent physical examination often consists of palpating the affected area. In addition, an X-ray can provide further information about the lump. Depending on the specific suspicion, a tissue sample may also be taken. This is the case, for example, if the doctor suspects a tumor. A laboratory examination of the tissue sample taken will help determine the cause.
The course of a knot under the tongue takes on very different forms. Ultimately, what matters is the cause. While inflammation and salivary stones are often perceived as painful, they are usually treatable. After a successful therapy, no restrictions remain. However, it must be expected that the symptoms will recur. If a tumor has been diagnosed, the prognosis depends primarily on the time at which it was made. In general, the chance of survival for patients is around 50 to 60 percent of those affected, approximately five years after the diagnosis was made.
The cause and origin of a lump under the tongue must be determined during treatment, only then can the appropriate measures be taken. Inflammation of the salivary glands can cause severe pain due to the swelling and migrating bacteria, which makes eating and swallowing extremely difficult. If a malignant growth or a cancerous tumor is found in a lump under the tongue, immediate treatment is absolutely necessary in order to contain further complications as far as possible.
At the beginning, the affected person suffers from minor injuries or covered spots or knots under the tongue. Tongue cancer is usually accompanied by difficulty swallowing, pain in the tongue and/or throat and increased salivation. If the tumor is detected too late or left untreated, the patient will end up in a life-threatening condition in the long term. The cancer continues to grow unchecked and affects surrounding tissue. Once the cancer has progressed so far that the throat is affected, not only is the intake of food prevented and speech disorders occur, the affected person is also unable to breathe at some point and there is a risk of death by suffocation. The movement of the tongue is also more or less restricted in advanced disease, depending on the location of the tumor,
treatment and therapy
In order for the lump under the tongue to be treated professionally, it is very important that the correct cause is identified. This is the only way to initiate appropriate measures to ensure that the symptoms disappear. If there is an inflammation of the salivary glands, the cause that is responsible for the infection must also be found out .
If bacteria or viruses have caused the lump to develop, most doctors will first prescribe antibiotics and painkillers. Strict oral hygiene also has a positive effect on the course of the disease. Some patients are also advised to consume sugar-free gum or candy in moderation. These stimulate saliva production.
Salivary stones are not only an individual problem, at the same time they can be held responsible for inflammation of the salivary glands. If this is the case, the stone itself must first be treated. With smaller stones, which prevent the saliva from draining, massages often help.
However, if the stone is located at the back of the salivary gland or is of a certain size, it is possible to shatter it with ultrasound and use the flow of saliva to expel the pieces to the outside.
As part of this therapy, saliva production is stimulated, for example, by acidic juices. If the measures were unsuccessful, surgical intervention is necessary. If possible, a tumor is first operated on and then treated with radiation therapy.
outlook and prognosis
A lump under the tongue is most often caused by a bacterial infection. It is very difficult to make an exact prognosis and outlook in this context, since the course of the disease is significantly more difficult and complicated if it is not treated. However, if the affected person decides to treat the existing lump under the tongue, rapid and complete healing can be expected. If you pay attention to strict oral hygiene, you can expect a significant improvement after just a few working days. The swelling under the tongue will subside, and the pain will decrease significantly at the same time.
However, if the affected person refrains from treatment by a doctor, then the outlook and prognosis are much more negative. The knot under the tongue can develop into an open wound very quickly, so that even in the worst case, inflammation can occur. Viruses and bacteria lodge in this open wound and pus can form. The following therefore applies: Anyone who does not seek treatment from a doctor for a lump under the tongue must expect considerable complications. Those who resort to treatment can definitely count on a more pleasant course of the disease.
Lumps under the tongue can be prevented to a limited extent. Prophylaxis can be achieved by increasing fluid intake. This ensures optimal saliva production. Diseases such as gout or diabetes can promote the formation of salivary stones. At the same time, the probability of inflammation of the salivary glands increases. In order to reduce the risk, it is important that the underlying diseases are treated.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.