Low Back Pain – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Lower back pain

Back pain and especially pain in the lower back, also known as lower back pain , affects millions of people across Germany and is the most common reason for sick leave. After all, 85 percent of the German population is affected by back pain at least once in their lives.

What is lower back pain?

Lower back pain is generally defined as any pain that affects the lower part of the back, i.e. the lumbar region. In principle, lower back pain can occur at any age – while this usually occurs in older people as a result of natural wear and tear, younger people often suffer from lower back pain due to poor posture or too little exercise.

The lumbar spine is affected in around 60 percent of people who suffer from back pain – this means that low back pain is one of the most common types of back pain. In medicine, pain in the lower back is also referred to as lumbar syndrome.


Typical diseases:

There are many causes of low back pain: In older people, natural wear and tear processes are the trigger for this type of illness. Joints wear out over the years and bones become porous. Osteoporosis, the loss of bone, is often associated with pain in the lower back.

But too little exercise, one-sided strain and sitting in front of the computer for a long time can also lead to lower back pain. Being overweight can also cause low back pain; People who are overweight should therefore pay particular attention to sufficient exercise. However, not only sitting for long periods of time can trigger low back pain, frequent lifting of heavy objects also leads to this symptom.In some cases, various other underlying diseases are responsible for the low back pain. People with ankylosing spondylitis, a congenital disease, suffer from low back pain just as much as patients with a herniated disc.

Last but not least, psychological problems should not go unmentioned as a cause of the pain in the lower back. In most cases, however, the back pain has no serious background and accordingly disappears on its own after some time.

When to the doctor?

Sitting positions that are taken unfavorably over a long period of time trigger back pain. The older a person gets, the faster the symptoms usually appear. After a few minutes of hip and back movement and small stretching exercises, the symptoms disappear. There is no need to see a doctor. In the future, however, the seating position should be reconsidered and changed.

In the case of intensive physical activity, such as lifting heavy objects, a doctor’s visit is also not necessary. Here, too, it is sufficient if the body is spared and these activities are omitted in the future. As soon as the low back pain sets in regularly after performing certain activities, it is advisable to speak to a doctor or a physical therapist. If the back pain occurs despite a healthy posture, a doctor should be consulted. The cause of the complaints must be determined and countermeasures must be initiated.

If the pain persists or increases over a longer period of time, consult a doctor. If a spontaneous, intense pain occurs that has a pulling or stabbing character, it is also necessary to consult a doctor. Before taking pain-relieving medication, you should always consult a doctor. The side effects and possible alternatives are discussed and clarified.

diagnosis and course

In patients suffering from low back pain, the back area is often tense, and the pain can also radiate into the buttocks or legs. If there are symptoms of paralysis or numbness , it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Low back pain can be clearly diagnosed, but the causes are often difficult to find out. Here it is important to rule out underlying diseases such as Morbus Bechterew or a herniated disc. In order to find out the cause of the lower back pain, extensive examinations are usually necessary.

X-ray examinations are usually used whenever there is a suspicion of Bechterew’s disease. Computed tomography (CT) and an MRI are further examinations that are often used for low back pain.


Lower back pain can indicate a poor posture of the body. When walking, sitting or standing, the weight shift is not optimal, so that the pain sets in. Correction is often associated with behavioral changes, which are usually met with a defensive reaction. Regular physical activity or physical therapy is necessary to relieve the pain. When it comes to pain, many people turn to painkillers. The drugs have a number of side effects. Nausea , vomiting, mucosal problems or diarrhea occur. Regular use leads to addiction.

Lower back pain indicates wear and tear of the bone structure. These can be caused by overloading or an internal breakdown process. Chronic diseases such as rheumatism , gout, osteoporosis or arthrosis are possible diseases that may be present. Lower back pain leads to an influence on the way of life. Freedom of movement is restricted. Everyday tasks can no longer be carried out as usual. Sporting activities are often reduced. This leads to a deterioration in well-being. In severe cases, mental disorders appear. Interpersonal relationships are strained.

A herniated disc is another possible complication of low back pain. Movements can no longer be adequately cushioned, so that simple movement leads to pain. Lower back pain is triggered by a heavy load. Obesity can be a cause. Losing weight is associated with an immense change in current lifestyle.

treatment and therapy

In order to treat low back pain specifically, it is first important to find out the cause. In many cases, physiotherapy helps with lower back pain; Massages or various heat applications usually help very well with this pain. Ultrasound and electrical stimulation are also often used for lower back pain, as is manual therapy. This primarily serves to release blockages and loosen tense muscles.

In most patients, however, the low back pain goes away on its own after a few days, even without treatment. Only if this lasts for several days or even weeks should you see a doctor immediately so that the back pain does not become chronic. In the case of acute pain, anti-inflammatory drugs such as antibiotics initially help to combat the pain.

There are also some home remedies that are known to help with back pain. Warm baths, heat packs or patches can relieve the symptoms, as can a visit to the sauna. It is important not to take it easy if you have back pain, but to ensure that you move around easily. Even a short walk can work wonders here. It is only advisable to stay in bed for a few hours if you have very severe back pain.

outlook and prognosis

The further course of existing low back pain is individual and is directly related to the underlying disease. If chronic diseases are present, the pain remains constant or increases in intensity. This usually happens slowly and insidiously over several months or years. Drug therapy provides relief but not complete healing.

If the low back pain is based on one-sided movements, complete recovery occurs within a few weeks. As soon as the posture and loads on the bones and muscles are changed, the pain reduces. It is important that the movement sequences are corrected permanently and stably. In the case of minor bone damage after a fall or accident, there are good chances of recovery. Within the regeneration process, there is usually an alleviation of the back pain. However, many of those affected report long-term sensitivity in this region to the point of sensitivity to the weather.

Spontaneous healing is possible if the low back pain was triggered by poor sleeping or sitting conditions. With an optimized lying or sitting position, the complaints often disappear within a very short time if there are no additional impairments. Rapid healing is also possible if the pain is caused by overexertion. With rest, protection and warmth, the complaints disappear in many cases after a balanced night’s sleep.


Getting enough exercise is important to prevent back pain. Above all, people who have a predominantly sedentary job should ensure a balance in their free time and do sports. Cycling and swimming are particularly suitable as recreational sports.It is also important to avoid being overweight, because overweight people suffer from lower back pain much more often. Back school can also help prevent low back pain or alleviate existing pain. Other relaxation methods such as yoga or Pilates are also useful for permanently strengthening the back muscles .

Last but not least, it is very important to buy a high-quality mattress, because it also relieves the back during sleep . A mattress that is too hard or too soft can lead to lower back pain and is often the trigger for this condition.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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