Postural defects
Many people deal with back problems. Poor posture occurs when the body is subjected to one-sided stress over a long period of time. If you put more stress on one side than the other, your spine can curve sideways (scoliosis).
What are postural defects?
One speaks of postural damage when bony changes in the skeletal system occur, mostly in the spine due to one-sided incorrect loading. It usually has a slight double S shape. In the case of a hollow back (hyperlodrosis), the lower spinal area is tilted more inwards. With a rounded back , the thoracic spine is affected.
The head and shoulders are then more forward-aligned. When a hollow back and a hunchback occur together, it is referred to as a hollow hunchback.
The most common cause of postural damage is one-sided improper strain, e.g. B. through too much sedentary activities, sitting incorrectly or heavy physical work. Heavy bags or rucksacks, too much excess weight and the wrong mattress can also cause poor posture. Too little physical exercise and weakness in the abdominal and back muscles can promote this condition, in which the muscles can no longer optimally support the spine.Injuries, diseases and congenital malformations can also be a cause of poor posture. If there is a difference in leg length , e.g. B. there is a lateral curvature because the spine has to compensate for the difference. Mental problems can play a role in postural damage. When you’re sad or depressed , it’s easier to slouch your shoulders, resulting in a hunched back, or you literally have to hunch over or hunch over.
When to the doctor?
In many cases, postural defects can be corrected in the early stages without consulting a doctor. A doctor’s visit is necessary if the person concerned would like to find out more about existing damage or would like to expand their knowledge of how to prevent possible damage. If the person concerned already suffers from postural damage, a doctor’s visit is generally recommended. If pain occurs, postures when sitting, standing or lying are uncomfortable or if there is a sensory disturbance on the skin, a doctor should be consulted.
In the case of circulatory disorders due to incorrect posture, one-sided strain on the body or a misaligned pelvis or shoulders, further medical examinations are necessary.
Basically, body positions in a rigid posture should be avoided. Compensatory movements should always be attempted on your own responsibility so that no muscle, tendon or bone damage occurs. However, if symptoms occur, such as numbness or reduced muscular performance, a doctor’s visit is necessary.
If the affected person suffers from increased tension, headaches or restricted mobility, they need a doctor. If everyday, sporting or professional obligations can no longer be carried out as usual, a doctor should be consulted. If you experience sleep disorders, inner restlessness or general malaise, you need a doctor. If the bones are misaligned, a doctor must be consulted.
symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of postural damage:
Poor posture is usually only noticed when symptoms arise. Indications can be a pulling or dull pain in the back. A variety of symptoms can occur with a spinal curvature. Babies with scoliosis may have a C-shape and inward rotation of the hip bones when lying on their side. In most cases, however, postural defects are only clearly recognizable in adolescence at the earliest, or they are noticed beforehand during preventive medical check-ups.
Complaints caused by a crooked spine usually only appear after years of improper strain. This pain is located below the twisting of the spine, causes severe muscle tension and, if not treated, leads to chronic back pain due to the permanent and one-sided wear and tear of the affected vertebral bodies. A spinal curvature can cause pain in the hips, knees, or ankles. In old age, it can also limit the performance of the heart and lungs.
When the first symptoms of poor posture appear, one usually consults a doctor, usually an orthopedist. In infancy, it is more difficult to recognize postural defects because they are not yet so clearly visible. Most of the time, they can’t be seen more clearly until they are 10-12 years old. In adulthood, the diagnosis is usually easier because postural damage then causes typical symptoms due to the longer period of one-sided strain, which gives the doctor information about the cause.
The orthopedic surgeon performs a physical examination, takes a closer look at the painful areas, feels the pain points and can thus determine whether a spinal curvature is present. The pain that can occur when palpating allows him to assess which vertebrae are affected. The extent to which the spine is affected can be determined by an X-ray examination . The X-ray image provides information about the extent of the curvature and the angle. A leg length difference can also be determined in this way.
Poor posture can impair the functioning of muscles, nerves and tendons. The supply to the fibers can be interrupted and lead to pain or structural changes. Shortening of the muscles or nerves occurs, which under certain circumstances can no longer be corrected. All movement sequences are influenced by this and can cause irreparable damage to other systems.
If blood vessels are squeezed, circulatory disorders occur. These can lead to the supply and the functionality of organs no longer being guaranteed. There is a risk of acute and life-threatening conditions such as a heart attack or stroke.
Postural damage causes changes in the skeletal system. The bone structure of the skeleton shifts or can be damaged by friction. Abrasion can cause bone disease and cause permanent damage to individual bones. These in turn influence the attitude of those affected and are responsible for a further increase in symptoms. The speed of locomotion, the security of the gait and freedom from pain when walking, sitting or lying down are influenced by postural defects.
In most cases, the symptoms have a progressive course. Over several weeks or months, the symptoms increase and new ones appear. The risk that the affected person will no longer be able to move around without outside help increases continuously over the course of time.
treatment and therapy
When treating postural problems, it is important to first treat the cause. In the event of an illness, it is treated first. One of the most important treatment methods is avoiding one-sided stress through targeted physical training. Physiotherapy is usually prescribed to loosen up the tense and incorrectly stressed areas and to reduce bad posture.
Sometimes back school is also recommended, where those affected learn how to avoid incorrect strain in everyday life and how to protect their back. It is generally recommended for everyone, even if they do not have any symptoms. If there is severe pain, a painkiller will also be prescribed to support treatment that is as painless as possible.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.