Liver cancer
The largest organ of the body is the liver: It is considered the central metabolic organ and detoxification center of the body for alcohol & Co. – it thus fulfills vital tasks. The trigger of primary liver cancer is in most cases (about eighty to ninety percent) liver cirrhosis – it is mainly caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Men are more likely to develop liver cancer than women. In the early stages, symptoms are rare, in the further course non-specific complaints such as pain in the right upper abdomen may occur.
What is liver cancer?
If malignant neoplasms develop in the liver cells, there is talk of liver cancer. A distinction is made between primary and secondary liver cancer. If the malignant tumors originate directly from the liver cells, one speaks of primary liver cancer. If the malignant tumor also arises in the liver, but not from its cells, but rather from cells of other tissues that continue their growth process in the liver, secondary tumors of other organs (liver metastases) are present. This is called secondary liver cancer. In Germany, liver cancer is considered a comparatively rare tumor disease with less than 10,000 cases annually. Two-thirds of new cases affect men.
To date, the causes of liver cancer are not fully understood. However, a variety of risk factors are known that contribute significantly to the development of liver cancer. In addition to alcohol, the increase in obesity in our population is now considered to be the most important contributing factor. Primary liver cancer is usually the result of cirrhosis or molecular-genetic.
Cirrhosis, which refers to the final stage of chronic liver disease, is considered to be mainly responsible for the development of malignant liver cancer. Chronic alcohol abuse and chronic viral infections significantly promote the development of cirrhosis. In the case of cirrhosis of the liver, which is based on a congenital disorder of iron metabolism, the risk of disease is increased several times.
In addition, there are other causes that promote the development of primary liver cancer, for example the intake of certain poison stiffs of Aspergillus flavus, a fungus that spreads on certain foods. In addition, metabolic diseases as well as obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus can be responsible. Even the intake of certain sex hormones as well as the occupational exposure to various solvents and pesticides can promote liver cancer.
Symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of liver cancer:
Liver cancer is usually largely symptom-free at the beginning of its growth: The affected person initially hardly notices anything of his disease – except sometimes a rather diffuse feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen. The first, but usually non-specific signs that can indicate liver cancer usually only become noticeable in the advanced stage of this disease. At this time, it can often be too late for a complete cure.
Patients then report a rather general feeling of illness – of comparatively rapid fatigue and decreasing performance. In addition, unwanted weight loss can be an indicator of liver cancer. If liver cancer is more advanced, the impairment of liver functions continues to increase. As a result, jaundice can occur.
Limited protein production by the liver often leads to water retention in the legs and abdomen. An impairment of blood clotting is also not excluded. It can also lead to varicose veins in the esophagus and also in the stomach and abdominal area. In the end, it is the pain in the right upper abdomen that more or less clearly indicates liver cancer in an advanced stage.
When to see a doctor?
The correct contact person for liver cancer or its suspicion are the family doctor and / or the specialist for internal medicine. Even the description of the complaints provides the doctor with important insights into the current state of health of the patient. Possible questions may relate to a potential chronic inflammation of the liver or cirrhosis. Foreign trips to Asian or African countries can also be an issue. In addition, the question of alcohol consumption is also of evident importance. And last but not least, of course, frequently changing sexual partners play an important role in researching possible causes of liver cancer due to an increased risk of hepatitis B/C.
If liver cancer is suspected, the doctor carries out various examinations: He first tries to determine whether a malignant tumor is present at all. If so, he tries to clarify what type of tumor it is and what stage the disease is in. Elementary examination steps here are – in addition to the anamnesis (medical history) – a thorough physical examination as well as the ultrasound examination of the liver and various blood tests.
If the result points to liver cancer, further tests follow to determine both the type and extent of the tumor. Various examination methods are used here, such as Nuclear Spin Tomography ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)) of the affected liver, removal of tissue from the tumor ( Biopsy ), histological examination of the removed tissue and computed tomography (CT) of the chest. It is not uncommon for a Stomach or colonoscopy to be indicatedto do. The latter examination methods are used in particular when a “secondary” liver tumor is suspected. The necessary treatment steps can only be selected once all the test results are available.
Once the liver cells have degenerated, they are no longer able to fulfill their detoxification and metabolic functions. The toxins generated via protein metabolism (ammonia, phenols, amines) can no longer be sufficiently broken down – they often get into the Brain and damage the brain cells there.
As a result, in addition to depression and listlessness with corresponding personality changes, there can even be disturbances of consciousness and hepatic coma . The latter sometimes ends fatally. The insidious poisoning of the body follows the kidney failure . In the late stages, liver cancer can spread throughout the body. Subsequent ulcers or metastases can then develop not only in the neighboring Lymph nodes , but also in the Debates of the European Parliament , Bones , adrenal glands, peritoneum and pleuraform. However, such a complication is not very common.
treatment and therapy
Once the diagnosis of liver cancer has been made and the type of tumor and extent of its spread are known, the doctor will suggest the appropriate treatment/therapy to the patient. Various treatment methods can be used here. An operation with removal of part of the liver or liver transplantation is mainly made dependent on whether there is liver cirrhosis in addition to the tumor disease or not. In Germany, liver cancer without underlying liver cirrhosis is comparatively rare. Their removal via surgery appears to be the “best” therapy if it is possible to completely eliminate the tumor tissue and thus ensure permanent healing.
In the majority of cases (>75 percent), however, it is no longer possible to surgically remove the liver cancer at the time of diagnosis. As an alternative to surgery and as a bridging measure until later liver transplantation, local ablative procedures that destroy the tumor are used. In this context, microwave ablation (MWA) and radio frequency ablation (RFA) should be mentioned in particular. If it is not possible to completely destroy the liver cancer either surgically or with local ablation, transarterial chemo- or radio-embolization and/or drug therapy is used.
Outlook and prognosis
The chances of a cure for liver cancer depend to a large extent on the stage at which the liver cancer is first discovered. Decisive factors for a serious prognosis are size and location as well as the number of tumors. The following applies: The earlier an exact diagnosis is made, the better the chances of recovery. However, since liver cancer in most cases only appears relatively late in those affected, the majority of liver cancers are only discovered at an advanced stage.
The chances of recovery are still influenced by the question “primary or secondary liver cancer”. In the case of secondary liver cancer, life expectancy is largely determined by the original cancer and its progression. In the case of primary liver cancer, which can be eliminated by surgery, a life expectancy of at least five years can be assumed for more than fifty percent of the patients. In quite a few of those affected, the liver cancer has already reached a stage at the time of diagnosis that offers only small chances of recovery. This applies all the more if metastases have already formed. A so-called palliative therapy under these conditions leads to an average life expectancy of six to twelve months.
In order to reduce the burden on the liver to a minimum, a balanced, low-fat diet appears to be essential. The consumption of alcohol should be largely restricted, the same applies to tobacco consumption. When it comes to meeting vitamin needs, fresh Fruit and vegetables are extremely important. Grains and whole foods should also be on the daily menu – after all, they provide the necessary Dietary Fiber . Regular physical activity – about thirty minutes a day – not only prevents cardiovascular disease , but also reduces the risk of cancer.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.