Jaw pain from stress
Laugh, eat, sing, speak, breathe, swallow, kiss. The space of our jaw construction is claimed in many ways. This can lead to jaw pain from stress . The upper jaw represents a kind of anvil on which the lower jaw can work. Four chewing muscles transfer the force to the jaw, while the articular process in the jaw joint can slide in a rotating movement.
What is stress-related jaw pain?
Because the muscles in the head partially overlap, work together, or complement each other, jaw pain can have a variety of causes. First of all, it must be ruled out that the pain is caused by an illness, e.g. B. the teeth. A visit to the dentist is necessary for clarification, who can also make the diagnosis. If there are no abnormalities on the X-ray , the position of the teeth is analyzed. A first suspicion usually arises when looking at the chewing surfaces of the teeth. If the teeth are normally subjected to vertical pressure when eating, worn areas can indicate horizontal wear. Then you have bruxism .
If no other organic components for jaw pain are found in the oral cavity, tension in the surrounding muscles must be assumed. Diffuse pressure, a pulling sensation, a slight burning sensation, or a hit in the jaw can be the first signs of long-term problems. In addition to poor sitting posture, one-sided sociosomatic body language and little exercise with balancing sport, stress is the top cause of muscle tension.
The neck and head area is surrounded by an abundance of muscles in the form of a cylinder. Equally numerous are the nerves that connect them to the brain and spinal cord . Blood vessels supply even the smallest fibrils. If in this combination one component works insufficiently, then there is a feeling of pain. Eventually, a circulus vitiosus sets in, a proverbial vicious circle.If the muscles are tense, they squeeze the blood vessels over small areas. No nutrients are supplied and trigger points develop. The sternocleidomastoid muscle, which pulls up laterally from the breastbone and collarbone, is often affected. The nerves carry signals from the brain to the muscles. These cannot react adequately, the information creates renewed tension instead of relaxation. The result is pain.
The question of why muscles tense is of central importance here. The demands of everyday life create a basic tension throughout the body. The body is waiting to be booted up at any time. He stays healthy when he can return to the starting point after work, exertion or successful learning. So-called healthy stress allows the body to work effectively and quickly, but disappears when a self-imposed goal is completed.
When this goal is demanded under great external pressure, stress arises that is sustained longer than necessary for fear of possible failure. It begins to radiate its effects on the body. The muscles do not relax, the blood circulation is disturbed, the jaws are pressed together. The chewing muscles begin to ache and with it the entire jaw. The flat muscles of the head region are partially superimposed. Every change in one place has an impact on the one above or below.
- dental diseases
- nutrient deficiency
- Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction
When to the doctor?
Jaw pain, which occurs due to increased stress in everyday life, can in many cases be reduced by taking your own relief measures. A change in lifestyle, sufficient sleep and times of regeneration are helpful. Various relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga, are also advisable. Cognitive training can help to ensure the ability to cope with stress independently and thus alleviate the pain. Irrespective of the demands of living conditions, everyone affected can take a few steps to counteract the feeling of stress, even without medical support.
If this does not succeed and the pain persists, a doctor’s visit is recommended. With their support, helpful tips and information can be developed and implemented for the individual situation. In most cases, jaw pain caused by stress is on the nerves. In order to achieve relief, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as the symptoms persist for a long period of time.
If the jaw pain spreads, a doctor’s visit is necessary. Pain during the chewing process or circulatory disorders can occur, which must be treated. Before taking any medication, you should have a basic consultation with your doctor. A discussion of the side effects and the selection of the right drug should take place in cooperation with a doctor.
diagnosis and course
Concentration during a work phase is expressed in the fact that the muscles in the back and neck area give the body extra support. The eyes try to focus on a target, a passage of text, the keys of the piano or the crease. The facial muscles contract the eye area, the tongue plays with the lips. Making a mistake, repeating a task, or not knowing what to do causes the lips to clench. Jaw pain comes and goes in less than 10% of the general population.
In patients diagnosed with cranio-mandibular dysfunction CMD, i.e. problems in the correct interaction of the masticatory muscles with those of the other areas of the skull, the values are over 30%. A doctor will have to base their diagnosis on the tight muscles and the patient’s general description of the pain. Acute, sudden symptoms can be relieved in the short term with the injection of painkillers .
A possible nerve inflammation caused by cold, a blow or an injury can also be cured in a short time. Stress-related ailments come insidiously and increase over time. The time factor is also the key point. Stress at school, at work or at home in the family is not easy to eliminate. The preview of the next day, the next week creates a burning sensation in the stomach and chest area . The whole body tenses. As if faced with danger, the head is drawn in and “no longer comes out between the shoulder blades”. Only when the tension becomes uncomfortable is the neck stretched and the muscles massaged.
Stress-related jaw pain can cause misaligned teeth. If the affected person frequently clenches their teeth, displacement of the teeth is possible. If there is a grinding of the teeth , the teeth suffer from premature wear and tear. Dental corrections are necessary. These are often associated with high costs, multiple visits to the dentist and ongoing therapy.
If the jaw pain caused by stress leads to a misalignment of the entire jaw, swallowing difficulties are possible. Food intake is reduced, and pain when swallowing is possible. If the symptoms persist, there is a reduction in the food and liquids consumed. Eating disorders and dehydration are possible consequences. The musculature of the jaw is closely connected to the neck and throat muscles. As a result, the pain in the jaw can lead to tension in the throat and neck.
Rotational movements of the head are restricted or trigger further pain. The stress leads to a reduction in the quality of life. Additional mental illnesses develop slowly with prolonged stress. In severe cases, there is a change in personality, burnout or depression . High blood pressure, headaches or sleep problems are caused by stress. Speech is restricted due to jaw pain. The interpersonal exchange takes place in a reduced form. Misunderstandings and problems in social interaction are the consequences.
treatment and therapy
If the pain is so great that a doctor has to be consulted, treatment of the chronically ill areas is agreed. Hyaluronic acid relieves pain in temporomandibular joint arthrosis, massage helps the lymphatic fluid to remove harmful substances. Hot water showers and trigger point massages also help. However, any treatment can only relieve acute and chronic pain. Long-term healing can only be achieved with a conclusive therapy.
In addition to analyzing the general circumstances to which the patient is exposed (work, family, leisure time), the stress-related factors must also be taken into account. In many cases, a combination of physiotherapy and psychological counseling promises a good result. Being aware of your body again and again helps to reduce or even put aside tension. A short break, stretching, a drink, a bite to eat all provide relief and balance to the body. Experienced and trained hands offer ultrasound treatments or osteopathy. Sport and light gymnastics help the whole organism. To train and relieve the facial muscles, laugh and sing more. acupuncturecan provide both short- and long-term relief.
outlook and prognosis
Existing mechanisms or situations that are experienced as stressful can lead to no noticeable recovery process taking place. The jaw pain continues unabated over a longer period of several weeks or months. If there are other stressors or circumstances that are perceived as causing stress, the jaw pain can even increase in intensity. This happens even though no clinical abnormalities can be found during examinations.
If the stress-triggering factors in the affected person’s life disappear, the jaw pain usually heals spontaneously. The symptoms are also alleviated if a different inner attitude towards the current stress experience is developed. It is helpful and therefore pain-relieving to understand stressors as part of the life and development process. As a result, solutions to current challenges can be seen more quickly and changes can be initiated.
People who generally suffer from jaw pain when they are stressed or nervous often experience a return of the symptoms as soon as new stressful moments or phases occur in everyday life. Only the general change in one’s own behavior and inner experience in dealing with stress will lead to a favorable prognosis. Learning different mechanisms to cope with the challenges of life leads to permanent relief and thus to complete freedom from stress-induced jaw pain.
The time factor is an important point. Looking at the clock and being rushed, or being rushed, conjures up stress and pain. Personal timing needs to be reconsidered and rehearsed. The deadlines and deadline shortages brought in from outside must be brought into an orderly field: follow-up work can only be answered with time in lieu. This applies both at work and in leisure time. Too much on the one hand must be followed by rest and relaxation on the other. The balance is important.
It is up to each individual to improve the working atmosphere with their own suggestions. Good, wholesome, aesthetically pleasing food often helps. The joy of doing something good for his psyche and body allows him to relax. Special attention should be paid to sleep .Energetically tested, sleep must be deep and uninterrupted. Taking problems to sleep is like poison. Sleep bruxism, grinding your teeth at night, is thought to be one of the biggest contributors to jaw pain. Finally, the importance of movement in the course of recreational sport must be pointed out once again. “Only a healthy mind resides in a healthy body.”
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.