Itching is a common symptom in medicine and is also known as pruritus . Itching is an uncomfortable sensation on the skin that sends a nerve signal to the brain that prompts an immediate need to scratch. Special nerves in the skin are responsible for causing itching.
What is itching (pruritus)?
Itching (pruritus) is a superficial discomfort of the skin. Itching is often a natural and harmless reflex that causes the affected person to scratch the relevant area of skin.
Therefore, itching is a healthy protective mechanism of the skin that signals potentially dangerous foreign objects on the skin’s surface – such as insects or harmful plants.
The scratching reaction can remove these foreign bodies; the instinct to scratch is difficult to control. However, itching can also be a sign of underlying intolerance or illness.
The itching can occur in different parts of the body and have different characteristics. Local itching is usually limited to certain parts of the body (e.g. scalp). In other forms, the itching can occur in different parts of the body.
A distinction is also made between the severity and duration of the symptoms. Itching caused by a mosquito bite, for example, usually goes away on its own after a few days. Chronic itching that lasts for a long time and is often very severe indicates a possible underlying disease.
In addition to the healthy warning function of itching, itching of the skin can also be a symptom of underlying diseases.Excessive itching can be triggered, for example, by allergies ( hives ). Such allergies can exist against particles that come into direct contact with the skin (contact allergy) – but also, for example, through particles in the air or through food.
Dry skin or prolonged contact with warm water can also cause itching . The skin can dry out quickly and become itchy, especially in people who like to take hot showers or long baths.
Intolerance to certain medications can also cause itching.
In some cases itching can be a sign of various diseases, some of which are serious. For example, nervous degeneration, renal insufficiency , neurodermatitis, diabetes mellitus or leukemia can lead to symptomatic itching.
It is also possible that itching develops into chronic itching that cannot be associated with certain physical illnesses; psychosomatic causes such as very high stress can also promote itching. Occasionally, a vicious circle of itching and scratching develops: Frequent scratching leads to skin injuries that cause further itching.
When to the doctor?
Itching that occurs for hygienic reasons disappears again as soon as appropriate personal hygiene is carried out. In most cases, a doctor’s visit is not necessary. If the itching occurs as a result of an allergic reaction, an allergy test should be carried out by a doctor. This provides information about which substances or conditions can trigger the allergy.
If a dry skin structure triggers the itching, a doctor should be consulted. This clarifies the needs of the skin and initiates countermeasures. The itching always leads to inner restlessness and nervousness. Many people are uncomfortable in their own skin. For these reasons, it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to determine the cause of the discomfort in good time.
In rare cases, the itching is an indication of an organic disorder. If the symptoms persist for several days or weeks without an obvious reason, it is advisable to initiate further medical examinations. There is a risk of malfunction or failure of the organs. If the itch is given in to, scratching the skin leads to further damage to the structure. Bleeding and open wounds are the result. A doctor should be consulted in these cases, since the wounds can become inflamed and soiled. In severe cases, blood poisoning is possible.
diagnosis and course
If itching is persistent or severe, it makes sense to consult a doctor to localize the cause of the symptoms. The doctor is initially interested in when the itching first appeared, how long it has lasted, which parts of the body are affected and whether certain situations might trigger the symptoms. The doctor will also ask about existing intolerances (allergies) and medications taken.
The doctor will then get a more detailed picture of the affected skin areas and possibly make an initial diagnosis of the cause. In further diagnostic steps, the doctor can order a blood and/or stool test, which can possibly provide indications of an infection. If the previous diagnostics do not provide any information about possible underlying diseases or if a possible cause needs to be investigated further, imaging examination methods (e.g. X -rays , ultrasound ) can also be used.
The reflexive scratching of an itchy part of the body can injure the skin after a while. Open areas of skin can become inflamed, discolored and ultimately even leave unsightly scars. A harmless and superficial skin irritation (dry skin) or a normal protective mechanism of the body (insect bite) often hides behind a short-term itching. If the symptoms are particularly pronounced or persist for a long time (chronic itching), this can indicate a serious underlying disease. In this case, you should definitely seek treatment from a doctor.
↳ Further information: Home remedies for itching
Ordinary itching does not usually represent a real illness and therefore does not have to be treated in the first place. The patient just has to be careful not to scratch the affected area permanently when itching, as this will damage the skin. Even with an ordinary mosquito bite, the bite itself should never be scratched open. As a result, the skin is severely damaged and must first regenerate. Scars may remain here, which can also be seen later. Here the skin can also be damaged by the severe itching if the person concerned does not take any medicine.
In most cases, however, itching can be treated very easily and will go away on its own. Creams and ointments that soothe the skin can help. In the case of intensive scratching, the skin is also severely dried out. It should therefore be creamed well, otherwise it can become cracked and brittle.
treatment and therapy
In order to be able to treat itching successfully, it is advisable to have any underlying diseases or other causes determined. The appropriate treatment of an underlying disease can then also lead to the relief of accompanying symptoms such as itching.
Basically, it is recommended to cool the affected skin area. Thorough cleaning and greasing the itchy areas with skin-friendly lotions can also alleviate the symptoms.
Such itching, which is associated with no visible symptoms in the form of skin changes, is also called pruritus sine materia in medicine . Pruritus cum materia , on the other hand, is the technical term for itching that appears on the basis of skin diseases.
In the latter case, effective medical measures include the use of ointments and lotions, such as aloe vera , to relieve itching. For example, such ointments contain antihistamines – histamines are substances produced by the human body that can cause itching.
There is also the approach of drug treatment via tablet administration – for example also in the form of various antihistamines or corticosteroids (hormones). Research is also being carried out in the field of ‘biologicals’ – active ingredients that are injected into the patient.
outlook and prognosis
The further course of itching depends very much on its cause, so that a universal prediction of this complaint is usually not possible. If an insect bite causes itching, in most cases it only lasts for a short time and then disappears on its own. The itching can only remain permanent in the case of dangerous or poisonous insects. If the itching is caused by another disease or infection, treatment by a doctor is usually necessary.
In most cases, however, the itching can be reduced relatively well with the help of creams or ointments. If the patient scratches, the itching usually gets worse. In the same way, if treatment is carried out incorrectly or late, scars can also form on the skin, which can limit the patient’s aesthetics. It is not uncommon for the itching to spread to other regions of the body if left untreated.
Depending on the cause of the itching, there are various options for preventing acute, increasing itching. In this way, the skin can be regularly supplied with moisturizing cream to prevent it from drying out.Wearing non-synthetic materials can also reduce the risk of itching and avoiding frequent exposure to warm water, which can dry out the skin and possibly make it itchy.
Cold compresses, for example, have a soothing effect – dipped in soothing teas, among other things. Appropriate medication can also reduce the risk of severe itching. Physical relaxation is often accompanied by a reduction in itching.
Relaxation methods such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation are used to achieve such physical relaxation .
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.