Iron deficiency
Iron deficiency is a deficiency of the essential trace element iron, which affects more than 30 percent of people worldwide. Iron deficiency mainly affects women and people who eat little or no meat or fish. The complete renunciation of meat and fish products jeopardizes the supply of this trace element .
What is iron deficiency?
The trace element iron is not produced by the body itself and must be supplied through nutrition. Iron plays an important role in blood formation.
Hemoglobin , as the red blood pigment is called, is responsible for transporting oxygen in the body. Iron deficiency affects cell nutrition and enzyme formation in the body.
Iron deficiency occurs when the normal daily iron loss of up to 2 mg iron is not replenished. An iron deficiency develops slowly, since the body has up to 30 percent iron stores and when the supply of iron is scarce, this store is used up first.
Iron deficiency can be caused by high iron losses due to accidents or operations. Other causes include heavy menstrual bleeding or bleeding affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Iron deficiency can also arise in connection with tumors.
Alcohol abuse and hemorrhoids can also lead to iron deficiency, just as various medications promote iron deficiency. Anyone who donates blood often can suffer from iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is also possible during pregnancy and after childbirth.
Iron deficiency often occurs in infants and young children or vegetarians when they do not get enough iron. Iron is poorly absorbed from plant foods.
Iron deficiency therefore often occurs when strict diets are followed. Iron deficiency is also possible in athletes and adolescents who need more iron than a normal person because of their increased oxygen turnover or their increased growth.
When to the doctor?
If you suspect iron deficiency, consult a doctor. If the first warnings appear, a blood test should be carried out to provide information about the deficiency. Low blood pressure , headaches, cold hands or feet are signs of an existing iron deficiency . The affected person often feels tired, exhausted or suffers from general weakness. Fingernails are thin or deformed. Muscle cramps occur for which no obvious cause can be found.
If you develop conditions such as unexplained visual impairment, shortness of breath or heart problems, you should consult a doctor. Iron deficiency gradually sets in. The side effects therefore appear gradually. However, they are persistent and have an increasing character. Therefore, a doctor’s visit should be made as soon as the first suspicion arises.
Pregnant women in particular should consult a doctor if they feel they are suffering from an iron deficiency. There is a risk that mother and child will develop deficiency symptoms and suffer permanent damage. People who generally avoid eating fish and meat products are well advised to visit a doctor at regular intervals to have a control test for iron deficiency.
symptoms and course
Iron deficiency manifests itself in certain symptoms such as tiredness , brittle hair and fingernails, dry skin and irritation of the mucous membranes. If an iron deficiency persists for a longer period of time, severe concentration disorders occur . Iron deficiency can also show up as pale skin on the face and tingling arms and legs.
Headaches and dizziness are also signs of iron deficiency. Anemia , also known as anemia , is caused by iron deficiency and weakens the entire immune system .
A burning tongue, difficulty swallowing and cracked corners of the mouth are other signs of iron deficiency. Iron deficiency can also manifest itself in behavioral problems in young people.
The doctor can determine whether the patient has an iron deficiency or not by examining the blood. Various blood components, such as the red blood cells (hemoglobin), the erythrocyte count or the hematocrit concentration are analyzed in the laboratory. Values that are too low can indicate iron deficiency anemia. reduced In order to clarify what triggers the iron deficiency in the first place, a gastroscopy or colonoscopy can be carried out for further diagnostics.
Iron deficiency can lead to various complications. Severe iron losses can cause anemia, a so-called iron deficiency anemia. It usually develops slowly, as it often takes a few months for the iron stores in the body to be empty. If the iron reserves in the body decrease more and more, the bone marrow produces only a few red blood cells. In addition, the size of the blood cells decreases. This can lead to headaches, severe tiredness, palpitations, brittle fingernails and skin changes, such as torn corners of the mouth.
Severe anemia can cause ringing in the ears , shortness of breath , vision problems, drowsiness, chest pain, heart failure and tachycardia, and absence of menstruation. In rare cases, membranous structures can also form in the esophagus in connection with iron deficiency and thus cause difficulties in swallowing. Iron deficiency can also trigger the so-called [pica syndrome]], a rare eating disorder. The fingernails become thin and deformed. Muscle cramps in the legs at night can also occur. People with pica syndrome often have strong cravings for things not intended for human consumption, such as soil, clay, or paper.
treatment and prevention
Iron deficiency is treated by supplying iron. In the case of iron deficiency, herbal blood juice helps very well and Schuessler salts and iron preparations are also suitable for the treatment. Eating the right diet with enough iron helps prevent iron deficiency. Lean meat 3-4 times a week or lentils, white beans and whole grain products are valuable sources of iron.
Vegetables that are rich in vitamin C , such as peppers or sauerkraut, Brussels sprouts or potatoes or fresh oranges, also help with iron deficiency. Since black tea and coffee remove iron from the body, you should generally wait up to half an hour before consuming both after meals.
Herbal blood juices or dragees are suitable for use as a cure to refresh the iron supply twice a year. Many of these preparations are also very suitable for children and pregnant women if they are made without alcohol and sugar.
It makes sense for athletes to consult their doctor once a year so that sensible therapy can be initiated in the event of iron deficiency. If you don’t have the time for a healthy and balanced diet, then the market has a number of inexpensive and highly concentrated substitutes or dietary supplements ready.
Iron supplements are freely available as tablets or capsules without a prescription from large, reputable online shops. Internet mail-order pharmacies now also offer these products from various manufacturers.
outlook and prognosis
Iron deficiency can have a very negative impact on the patient’s health, leading to various ailments or complications. In most cases, those affected suffer from exhaustion and fatigue. The quality of life is significantly reduced by the iron deficiency. In this case, the resilience of the person concerned also decreases. If there is still no treatment, the patient may lose consciousness. A fall can also result in injury.
Furthermore, it is not uncommon for the corners of the mouth to be torn and the affected person to suffer from shortness of breath. The breathing difficulties can also lead to an insufficient supply of oxygen to the internal organs. In the worst case, the internal organs and the brain are irreversibly damaged. Treating iron deficiency is relatively easy to do with a healthy diet or with a variety of supplements . There are no particular complications or discomfort. The symptoms disappear after just a few days and usually do not appear again. Life expectancy is not reduced with proper treatment.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.