Rales in the lungs
Rallies in the lungs are abnormal breathing sounds that are caused by the movement of liquids or secretions in the airways. In medicine, the term “rattling noise” is considered obsolete and is only used as a synonym for discontinuous breathing noises.
What are rales in the lungs?
Rakes in the lungs are divided into wet and dry rales. In the case of wet rales, there are again coarse-bubble (large-bubble), medium-bubble and small-bubble (fine-bubble) noise types. They can be ringing, non-ringing or metallic. The sound of the noise depends on whether its source is near or far from the ear. Moist rales are caused by fluid in the lungs. coarse blistered
Rattling noises occur, for example, in pulmonary edema or bronchiectasis. Bronchitis often produces medium-bubble murmurs, and small-bubble rales can occur with pneumonia. The different wet rattles are based on their place of origin. Coarse-bubble respiratory noises are generated in a large-bore section of the bronchi and fine-bubble noises in small-bore sections. The noises are similar to the bubbles of air in mineral water.
Dry rales are produced by strings of viscous secretions vibrating like guitar strings, producing sounds expressed as whistles, wheezes, or hums. This form of rales often occurs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or bronchial asthma. A third form of rales in the lungs is found in pulmonary fibrosis , which is expressed in so-called crackling noises.
Rallies in the lungs are caused by often serious lung diseases. Fluid entering the lungs can have a variety of causes. Inflammatory processes can increase the permeability of the blood vessels so that fluid can escape. A so-called pulmonary edema develops. Such inflammatory processes occur with pneumonia, bronchitis and other infectious diseases.Poisoning and chemical burns in the lungs also increase the permeability (permeability) of the blood vessels. For example, inhaling corrosive vapors from chemical accidents often leads to life-threatening pulmonary edema. Water can also enter the lungs through accidental water inhalation during drowning.
Another cause can be cardiac insufficiency, which leads to a backlog of blood in the pulmonary vessels. The formation of viscous mucus in COPD or bronchial asthma is responsible for dry rales. Rattling noises in the lungs in the form of crackling rattles are caused, among other things, by pulmonary fibrosis, which can have various causes.
When to the doctor?
Rattles in the lungs should always be checked out by a doctor. They indicate respiratory problems that may get worse without treatment. If the symptoms increase, a doctor must be consulted immediately. If you experience shortness of breath or if your lips turn blue, see a doctor as soon as possible. There is a risk of suffocation and this is a life-threatening condition.
The rales in the lungs can be caused by a viral infection. If you have additional symptoms such as a sore throat, fever or cough, you need to see a doctor. The viruses spread within a short time in the organism. This leads to a deterioration in health.
The sounds can be an indication of an allergic reaction . If skin changes occur or your eyes water, you need to see a doctor. An allergy test must be carried out, which provides information about the substances that are responsible for the allergic reaction. The rales in the lungs can indicate pulmonary edema. Since this disease puts a strain on the heart muscle and thus increases the risk of a heart attack, you should consult a doctor as soon as your heart starts racing or there is increased heart activity.
diagnosis and course
Because of their characteristics, rales in the lungs are easily detected by the doctor. By auscultating (listening to) the lungs with a stethoscope, the doctor can distinguish between wet and dry rales. After this distinction, further differential diagnostic measures can be initiated. Accompanying symptoms provide further clues to the cause of the disease.
Sometimes the disease can only be diagnosed as part of an emergency medical appointment, because there is no time for long-term examinations due to the acute danger to life. In other cases, the doctor treating you will of course take an anamnesis of the medical history. Laboratory tests of the blood and sputum are examined for infectious processes and responsible pathogens.
Imaging methods such as X-ray examinations and computer tomography also provide further information on the extent of the disease. Dry rales in the lungs give the doctor an indication of COPD or bronchial asthma, which he can then confirm in the differential diagnosis.
For example, rales in the lungs occur when too much fluid builds up in the lungs, as is the case with pulmonary edema. As a result, the lungs can become inflamed and pneumonia develops. In the worst cases, the inflammation can spread systemically and cause the life-threatening condition of sepsis . In addition to sepsis, there is also a risk of inflammation of the meninges or even the brain (meningitis or encephalitis).
If the pulmonary edema remains chronic, the lung tissue can scar and the affected person gets less air because the lungs can no longer expand properly. This can lead to lung failure and respiratory failure. The affected person then suffers from a lack of oxygen, which ends in cyanosis. A failure of multiple organs is possible due to the insufficient supply of oxygen.
In addition, rales are also typical of an asthma attack. The dreaded status asthmaticus can arise as a complication. Antiasthmatics no longer help the person concerned and he suffers from severe shortness of breath, which is why an emergency doctor has to be consulted. A seizure can overinflate the air sacs in the lungs, resulting in emphysema. This puts increasing strain on the right heart and it can progress to right heart failure (right heart failure). In the case of heart failure, there is a risk of heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias).
treatment and therapy
A crackling sound in the lungs is sometimes a sign of a very serious life-threatening situation. Immediate emergency medical treatment is indicated if rattling occurs suddenly. If cardiac pulmonary edema is present, the upper body must be elevated immediately and ventilated with oxygen.
Catecholamines, nitroglycerin and diuretics are also administered. In the case of toxic pulmonary edema, the patient must inhale glucocorticoids or have them injected into a vein. Bronchiectasis is treated with expectorants ( mucolytics ), bronchodilators, and antibiotics .
Since bronchitis can be caused by both viruses and bacteria, it must be decided individually whether the use of antibiotics makes sense. Cough suppressants are also prescribed and bronchospasmolytics may be administered to expand the bronchi. Antibiotic treatment is initiated for pneumonia, depending on the cause. It is usually treated with antipyretic, cough suppressant, and expectorant medication. Patients with COPD often require lifelong breathing assistance (breathing equipment).Further therapy is carried out with bronchodilators (medicines that widen the bronchi), glucocorticoids and PDE-4 inhibitors via powder inhalation. If the rales in the lungs are caused by bronchial asthma, treatment with bronchodilators and glucocorticoids is often necessary.
Standard respiratory disease prevention recommendations apply to prevent rales in the lungs. It is important to strengthen the immune system through physical exercise, stress reduction and a balanced diet. The most important measure to prevent respiratory diseases with rales in the lungs is to avoid smoking.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.