Inflammation in the nose
Inflammation in the nose usually affects the nasal mucosa and often manifests itself as a runny nose as part of a viral infection. However, there are also bacterial infections or inflammations as a result of allergic reactions . Longer-term complaints should be clarified by an ENT doctor.
What is inflammation in the nose?
Inflammation in the nose is often synonymous with an inflammation of the lining of the nose , which is known as rhinitis . However, there is also the possibility of local inflammation of a hair follicle in the nose. In this case, it is a very painful purulent nasal furuncle that can be very dangerous.
Rhinitis, on the other hand, is usually harmless and usually heals after a few days. It often occurs as a symptom of so-called colds . Sometimes, regardless of the cause, the inflammation can also spread to the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses. Then one speaks of rhinosinusitis. Since in these cases the inflammation in the nose can become chronic or lead to complications, a doctor’s visit is strongly recommended.
Inflammation in the nose is caused by various factors. The normal cold, whether it occurs as part of a so-called flu infection or is isolated, is almost always caused by a virus. There are around 200 different cold viruses, including the three subtypes of the influenza virus or poliovirus.These viruses trigger a reaction of the immune system , with a liquid nasal secretion being formed, which causes the typical symptoms of a cold with discharge of secretion, swelling of the nasal mucosa and the resulting difficulty in breathing through the nose. A second complex of causes of rhinitis relates to irritation of the nasal mucosa by allergic reactions, irritating chemicals or dry air.
If the nasal mucosa is already cracked or otherwise damaged, bacterial inflammation of the hair follicle in the nose can also occur. Then a so-called very painful purulent furuncle develops, which absolutely requires medical treatment, as it can lead to complications including meningitis or thrombosis . A medical examination is also required if an infection in the nose has lasted for a long time and threatens to spread to the paranasal sinuses.
When to the doctor?
When to go to the doctor with an infection in the nose depends on the cause of the infection. Anyone who suffers from a harmless cold with a runny nose does not necessarily have to see a doctor. In such a case, a doctor can only alleviate the symptoms.
For all other inflammations in the nose, a doctor should be consulted for therapy and treatment. Rapid treatment is required for a nasal furuncle, for example. A nasal furuncle is caused by an inflamed hair follicle caused by a nose hair being torn out. Subsequent infection triggers the nasal furuncle, which should definitely be examined by a doctor.
Subsequent pus formation can be very painful and also dangerous, since pus pathogens can lead to serious secondary diseases. This includes, for example, blood poisoning , which can be caused by the pus. However, by taking antibiotics, such an inflammation can be contained at an early stage.
In general, if an inflammation within the nose does not subside after 4 to 5 days, this should definitely be examined by a doctor. In this way, an aggravation of the inflammation can be recognized and treated early enough.
diagnosis and course
If it is a normal cold, it is not necessary to diagnose the inflammation in the nose. As a rule, the cold heals together with the existing cold. However, a doctor’s visit is necessary if the sniffles keep coming back or if the inflammation of the nasal mucosa does not heal even with the use of home remedies.
Regardless of the cause of rhinitis, as it spreads into the paranasal sinuses, its character changes in that a bacterial infection is added, which often becomes chronic. In these cases, the doctor must clarify the exact cause of the original rhinitis. Did it come z. B. In the course of the disease, has there already been a superinfection with bacteria or is there chronic irritation from allergens or chemicals? To clarify these questions, a patient-physician discussion is carried out on the anamnesis of the medical history.
Imaging methods such as sonography , X-ray examinations , rhinoscopy or computed tomography also help in making the diagnosis. If the main symptom of the inflammation in the nose is the appearance of a very painful and pressure-sensitive nodule, the doctor will usually diagnose nasal furuncles.
Inflammation of the nose can have a variety of causes, with a runny nose being the most common. Both cold viruses and allergy-causing substances ensure that the nasal mucous membranes swell and a runny nose develops. If this lasts longer, it can lead to nasal infections. Hair follicle inflammation and nasal furuncles also lead to unpleasant irritation. The drier the mucous membrane of the nose, the more susceptible it is to symptoms of inflammation.
Complications arise when nasal entry eczema forms. Redness and crust formation can have a chronic course that cannot be brought under control without appropriate treatment. If the therapy is too late, it comes to an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which extends to the paranasal sinuses.
Nasal furuncles are also associated with severe pain if they are not discovered in time. Here pus forms and even the cartilage that lies under the mucous membrane is affected. If the condition persists for more than 14 days and nothing is done, bacterial superinfection will occur.
In a particularly drastic course without intervention, meningitis develops, which is life-threatening. In any case, it should be noted that the germs associated with the boil are carried over time to other regions of the body via the bloodstream. Symptoms of infection such as fever are not uncommon.
treatment and therapy
In most cases, it is sufficient to use tried and tested home remedies for an inflammation in the nose to quickly provide relief. Onions and horseradish have a liberating effect on the nose, while e.g. B. garlic, pepperoni, currants or blueberries strengthen the immune system. It is also important to have an adequate supply of liquid, which can be taken in the form of herbal teas or still water.
Inhaling salty water vapor has also proven effective. Rinsing the nose with an isotonic saline solution also shows good results. Ginger and elderflower tea are also tried and tested home remedies. In the case of massive obstruction of breathing through the nose, decongestant nose drops can be administered in this context.If the disease lasts longer than 14 days and takes a severe course, an additional bacterial infection can be assumed. Therefore, a 5-10 day treatment with antibiotics is then initiated. When a nasal furuncle is the cause of the inflammation in the nose, antibiotic treatment becomes urgent to prevent complications.
outlook and prognosis
Inflammation in the nose is a clinical picture in which an exact outlook and prognosis is very difficult to make. In most cases, inflammation in the nose is caused by irritation of the mucous membranes. Under certain circumstances, constant scratching can also cause an open wound. Of course, there is an increased risk of inflammation with such an open wound.
If there is inflammation, the prospect of rapid healing depends on appropriate treatment. If the affected person decides to have treatment, then the open wound can be treated very well and effectively. The inflammation should subside within a few days, so that you no longer feel any pain.
However, if the affected person decides against treatment, then the prognosis for a quick recovery looks quite negative. The existing inflammation can worsen immensely, so that pus can even form. The formation of pus can also develop an abscess , which can even lead to blood poisoning. The following therefore applies: The prospect and prognosis of rapid healing can definitely be positively influenced if appropriate treatment is resorted to at an early stage. If this is not done, a significantly longer course of the disease can be expected.
Acute inflammation of the nose is quite common and affects everyone throughout life without exception. However, to prevent chronic nasal infections, which can then lead to sinus infections, the best protection is to strengthen the immune system through a balanced diet , physical activity and not smoking. If the inflammation in the nose is caused by an allergy , the triggering allergen should be avoided.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.