Cellulite (Orangenhaut)
Cellulite , also known as orange peel , is the name for the bumpy, uneven skin texture that occurs mainly in women on the thighs, buttocks and arms and especially in obese women . Men are rarely affected by cellulite because their connective and fatty tissue is different from that of women.
What is cellulite (orange peel skin)?
Cellulite, popularly known as orange peel skin, is not a medical problem, but a cosmetic-aesthetic problem that mainly occurs in adult women in varying degrees of severity.
Cosmetically, there are three stages of cellulite. In the first stage, cellulite only becomes visible when the skin is pinched. In the second, you can see cellulite while standing, while cellulite in the third stage is already visible when lying down.
In women with cellulite, fatty tissue and collagen fibers in the conjunctiva are unevenly distributed under the skin, resulting in visible dimples in the skin.
The connective tissue runs columnar and perpendicular to the skin, with the fat deposits in between. Another thin layer of connective tissue lies parallel to the skin.
In the case of cellulite, the fat deposits appear as dents, while depressions become visible at the points of the connective tissue columns. Too much body fat or weak connective tissue promotes the development of cellulite.
Cellulite is therefore partly a genetic predisposition. In addition to the fat, connective tissue water and lymphatic fluid are deposited, which contribute to the irregular complexion.
In the past, the accumulation of slag in the affected areas of the skin was also considered to be the cause of cellulite, but this view is now outdated. What is certain, however, is that hormones influence cellulite, so that its expression can vary greatly in a woman’s menstrual cycle. In addition, cellulite can occur more frequently after rapid weight loss or liposuction, and men are not spared either. Smoking weakens the connective tissue and therefore promotes cellulite.
When to the doctor?
Cellulite is not a medical concern. Under normal circumstances, no further treatment is given. Since cellulite is not a clinical picture in the classic sense with complaints, pain or impairments, there is no need to see a doctor. This also applies if the cellulite spreads or increases in intensity. The weakening of the connective tissue does not result in any health impairments and is not an indication of another disease.
Since cellulite does not regress on its own, it is classified as an optical flaw and treated accordingly. If the person concerned develops emotional or psychological problems as a result of this visual defect, a doctor should be consulted. This applies in particular to mood swings , social withdrawal or the experience of depressive phases. The doctor can initiate measures against cellulite using certain therapy methods and provide detailed information about the disease.
Since the success of the methods used is disputed and often not sufficiently documented, some patients may not see any improvement in cellulite. For this reason, psychotherapeutic treatment should be sought in good time. In this, the causes of the psychological complaints are explored and the patient learns how to deal with the optical flaw. This should improve his quality of life despite the cellulite.
Cellulite is popularly known as “orange peel” and manifests itself as unsightly dents on the surface of the skin, mostly on the legs or bottom. Women in particular are plagued by it, since female connective tissue is weaker than male. The unloved dents occur when too many fat molecules are stored in the fatty tissue directly under the skin. In addition to the enlarged cells, there is a build-up of lymph that prevents waste products from human metabolism from being transported away.
However, cellulite is not dangerous – it is less a medical problem than a cosmetic one. The problems that arise with it are therefore primarily of a psychological nature: many affected women suffer from self-esteem problems. In the weakest form of cellulite, the dents are only visible when the tissue is pinched lightly, in the middle stage, the orange peel skin is clearly visible when standing, and in the strongest form of cellulite, the dents are even visible when lying down.
Since cellulite is usually caused by a hereditary weakness in the connective tissue, it is difficult to combat it. However, a significant improvement occurs when the muscles are tightened and the connective tissue is strengthened. The best way to do this is through exercise and a healthy diet. Massages and creams can be used to support this. Avoiding stress , abstaining from alcohol and nicotine and using a hormone-free alternative to birth control pills can also significantly improve the structure of the connective tissue.
As part of a cellulite treatment in certified practices or clinics, no additional risks that go beyond the risks of the individual therapy modules are to be expected with a careful anamnesis and diagnosis. When taking baths, however, it is important to ensure that there are no circulatory problems. An accompanying therapeutic fasting can strain the organism too much and possibly even weaken it. Therefore, this concomitant therapy should only be carried out with the consent of a doctor and under supervision.
Taking hormones that are not prescribed by a doctor can also lead to damage to the entire organism. An ultrasonic cavitation can temporarily generate an uncomfortable level of heat due to the energy development. However, this condition quickly subsides. Very rarely, bruising occurs as a result of the “tightening” of the skin because vacuum is required.
The complications of lymphatic drainage relate to a possible increase in the amount of lymph and, in extremely rare cases, destruction of the lymphatic vessels. Mesotherapy is considered free of complications. In connection with lipolysis therapy, swelling, hematoma, redness, slight pain and temporary sensitivity to pressure can occur.
Circulatory problems may occur in patients with hypotension. If the cellulite is not treated, the subcutaneous fat tissue becomes more and more compacted and thickened. Blood vessels and nerves constrict, which can lead to physical pain. Over the long term, harmful toxins can build up in the body.
treatment and therapy
Cellulite cannot be eliminated because there are always fat reserves under the skin. However, with the right treatment, pronounced cellulite can be significantly reduced and, depending on the predisposition, even made invisible. It is important in cellulite treatment that the fat deposits are reduced. You should make sure that you lose weight slowly, because rapid weight loss can make cellulite worse.
Regular massages can help drain water and lymph from the affected areas. Creams can increase the effect, but one should not expect miracles from cosmetics. Caffeine is an effective helper against cellulite, but it must be at least two percent and packed in liposomes. Retinol ( vitamin A ) strengthens the connective tissue. However, the effect of the massage is not permanent and therefore has to be repeated often.
outlook and prognosis
Cellulite or orange skin is a mass phenomenon of our time and many women hate the unsightly dents, especially on the thighs, hips and buttocks, like the plague. Cellulite is not a disease but a skin condition, a weakness of the connective tissue or hormone-controlled and if a problem at all, then only a cosmetic one.
You can try to counteract cellulite with the right diet, with plenty of fluids, with sport, with massages, with brushes, with alternating showers or with creams and little water. But opinions differ widely as to whether it really helps. The best thing to do is to come to terms with cellulite and not be bothered by it. For this reason, there is a high probability that the prospect of cellulite-free skin will not be achievable. Rather, it is assumed that the cellulite will intensify and become more obvious over time, unless an attempt is made to counteract it with the help of the measures mentioned above.
It is best to be natural, cellulite does not develop in the first place in such a way that it becomes visible. Obesity is to be avoided at all costs . Therefore, anyone who wants to prevent cellulite should do endurance sports regularly .
Walking or swimming are ideal, as they do not put a strain on the body and joints. You have to train at the right heart rate so that fat burning can take place in the body.
As a rule of thumb, you must still be able to speak while exercising. Targeted gymnastic exercises help to tighten the muscles in the endangered zones and thus prevent additional accumulation of fat.
Massages can support the removal of lymphatic fluid. However, they have to be done regularly, preferably daily, in order to have a lasting effect against cellulite. Cellulite can only be combated effectively with a combination of sport, nutrition and massage .
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.