Groin pain when jogging – causes, treatment & prevention

Groin pain when jogging

Groin pain while jogging can have many causes. A hernia is not always behind the symptoms, some of them are harmless. However, a doctor’s visit is advisable.

What is groin pain while jogging?

The groin (lat. Inguen) is the lower lateral part of the abdominal wall and represents the transition from the abdominal wall to the thigh. Humans have a left and a right groin. The inguinal canal is located in the groin region. In men, this contains, among other things, the spermatic cord, in women the uterine ligament. The inguinal lymph nodes are also located in the groin region . The inguinal canal is a natural weak point in the abdominal wall. The groin is part of the abdominal wall and not, as is often wrongly assumed, a bony structure.

Some people who are active in sports experience groin pain or pain in the groin region during and/or after jogging . This pain can be of different nature and intensity. This pain makes the majority of those affected think of a “hernia”, a hernia in the groin area. However, this is not the case with every groin pain. Various other physical and non-physical causes must be considered. In the following, these possible causes as well as the diagnosis and treatment options are explained.


If pain occurs in the groin while jogging or after jogging, most of those affected see this pain as a symptom of a “hernia”. However, this is not always the cause of groin pain. In order to be able to explain possible causes, we first have to look for basic similarities among the people affected. Since the pain intensity and also the type of pain can be quite different, these characteristics cannot be used as commonalities to be considered.What all those affected have in common, however, is that they feel pain in their groin or in the groin region – of whatever kind – that occurs while jogging. From this, the second common feature, the sporting activity of the persons concerned, can be derived. Based on this consideration, some possible causes can now be named. One of these is the already mentioned “inguinal hernia”. This is not a fracture , although the designation of a fracture is most commonly used for such a fracture.

The “inguinal hernia” is actually an inguinal hernia (inguinal hernia). A hernia refers to a ruptured viscera. As a result of a weak point in the “solid shell” of the abdominal cavity, there is a gap in it. If this happens in the area of ​​the inguinal canal, there is an inguinal hernia. Parts of the intestine can leave the abdomen through this “gap” and become visible as a bulge. The hernia can be caused as a result of increased intra-abdominal pressure (e.g. during pregnancy ), by chronic severe coughing , by straining in the event of constipation , or by increased intra-abdominal pressure caused by heavy physical exertion.

Usually, the hernia of the groin causes only mild pain or a feeling of pressure . If sudden, severe pain occurs and the “bump” cannot be “pushed away” while lying down, there is an impacted fracture. This must be corrected immediately operationally. An uncomplicated inguinal hernia, on the other hand, does not have to be repaired immediately.

Other causes of groin pain while jogging are, for example, hip problems. If the symptoms only occur when jogging or other physical activity, disturbed movements of the hips, for example, can cause pain that “radiates” to the groin region. In general, many complaints and clinical pictures of the hip are conceivable. The so-called impingement can be mentioned as an example. This is an impairment of joint mobility. Competitive sport favors the development of this hip problem.

Assuming that the affected person is generally active in sports, which can be assumed due to jogging, the presence of the “athlete’s bar” is another possible cause. The athlete’s bar is a very controversial complaint. There is a weakness or a defect in the muscles, tendons , etc. of the abdominal wall in the groin area. In contrast to an inguinal hernia, however, there is no bulging and hernia sac, i.e. part of the intestine leaking out . It is controversial whether the athlete’s groin is an independent symptom or an atypical inguinal hernia. As the name suggests, the symptoms mainly occur in athletes.


  • bad posture
  • athlete bar

When to the doctor?

In many cases, groin pain when jogging is due to incorrect breathing techniques. A doctor does not need to be consulted. Resting and breathing slowly relieves the pain until it completely disappears in a short time. In the future, breathing should be checked and corrected while jogging. If the groin pain occurs when jogging due to overload, the person concerned should also take it easy. If the pain is still there after a few hours, you need to see a doctor.

If the groin pain spreads further or gets worse, a doctor must clarify the symptoms. If the groin pain occurs suddenly and unexpectedly while jogging, a doctor’s visit is necessary. There is a risk of a strain or bone damage, both of which require treatment. If there is additional swelling or discoloration of the skin, it is also necessary to consult a doctor.

If the symptoms persist over a longer period of several weeks, chronic diseases may be present. A doctor should be consulted as the pain will continue to spread as the disease progresses. Taking medication is generally only advisable after consulting a doctor. Painkillers have various side effects that need to be discussed beforehand. If the pelvis is tilted or the gait changes, there is a risk of permanent damage. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor in good time.

diagnosis and course

The diagnosis of groin complaints always consists of a detailed anamnesis . Here the doctor asks when the pain occurs, how long it lasts, how severe the pain is and what type of pain occurs. Questions will usually also be asked about inguinal hernias that have already been treated. A physical examination follows the anamnesis. To rule out an inguinal hernia, the doctor will first look to see if there is a bulge.

Furthermore, the doctor will feel the groin for a gap, the fracture point. Since this cannot always be properly determined or ruled out by a palpation examination, a sonography (ultrasound) of the groin is often also carried out. Sonography can always be used to determine whether a hernia is present.

If there is no hernia, the doctor will arrange for or carry out further examinations. This includes, for example, an examination of the musculoskeletal system, since malpositions can lead to incorrect loading during sport, which can trigger pain in the groin. In a man, the doctor may also examine the testicles, since the pain can also come from them. Other possible causes that can or should be determined diagnostically or ruled out are damage to the hip or urinary stones.

In addition, the pain can be caused by swelling of the lymph nodes , the surrounding joints and muscles, varicose veins or an aneurysm. The doctor will consider all of these possible causes and base his diagnosis on them. In women, the symptoms can be caused by pregnancy. If no cause is found, it is possible that the pain is caused by incorrect jogging, incorrect footwear or overuse.


Groin pain when jogging leads to an interruption or reduction in physical activity. This triggers a change in the general lifestyle of regular joggers. Avoidance behavior often occurs, which may be permanent. In some cases, an anxiety disorder sets in . This causes a reduction in all physical activities and significantly restricts one’s own life. Life satisfaction decreases and mental illness occurs. Panic attacks are possible later on . With a decrease in movements and increasing dissatisfaction, weight gain often occurs. Obesity and an eating disorder are possible.

The groin pain can indicate a bad posture of the body. Bone damage is also possible. In severe cases, both can lead to surgical intervention, which is associated with risks. In addition, infections or an inflammatory process can occur at the entry point during an operation or a hospital stay. Groin pain when jogging can indicate faulty breathing functions. The cause can be problems or malformations of the respiratory tract. In addition, there may be irreparable damage to the lungs. In the further course, reduced breathing or a failure of lung activity can occur. Artificial respiration is necessary. This increases the fear of suffocation.

treatment and therapy

The treatment and therapy depends on the identified cause. If there is a hernia in the groin, it must be repaired surgically. Various surgical procedures are available to repair an inguinal hernia. The doctor clarifies with the patient individually which technique or which procedure is best suited for them. If there is an impacted fracture, it must be treated surgically immediately.

If the pain is due to hip problems, the first thing to do is to find out exactly what the cause is. If, for example, it is osteoarthritis of the hip joint, this can only be alleviated symptomatically by administering anti-inflammatory drugs . Other hip and joint problems, on the other hand, can be corrected surgically or conservatively so that the cause is eliminated.

Muscular problems can usually be remedied with relaxation, massage and pain-relieving gels or ointments, which means that the symptoms are resolved relatively quickly. If no cause is found, or if the symptoms are caused by overexertion, it is advisable to refrain from sporting activity for a certain period of time. Ultimately, the attending physician prescribes the therapy at his discretion based on his examination results.


The best way to prevent it is to avoid overexposure. If you are just starting to do sports, you should not exhaust your possibilities right up to your physical limit. Furthermore, you should not exercise every day and not for too long, as this can quickly lead to overload. In addition, the right footwear is important to avoid incorrect loading. However, no other general tips can be given.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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