Cardiac arrhythmias
Cardiac arrhythmias are the disordered sequence of heartbeats. Many people perceive these irregular heartbeats as a racing heart, palpitations, or palpitations. This unfamiliar heartbeat occurs in healthy people, but it can also be the result of a disease affecting the heart.
What are cardiac arrhythmias?
In principle, cardiac arrhythmias are not a clinical picture, but rather a complex of symptoms with many different possible manifestations.
Cardiac arrhythmias can be divided into slow (less than 60 heartbeats/min.) and fast (more than 100 heartbeats/min.) heartbeat sequences.
A cardiac arrhythmia becomes dangerous when the heartbeat becomes dangerously slow, so that not enough blood can be pumped to supply the rest of the body, especially the brain, with oxygen.
This becomes noticeable when the person concerned faints out of the blue and usually regains consciousness immediately. Such forms of cardiac arrhythmia need to be clarified in any case, and medicine has good therapeutic options available for most of the causes.
Basically, there are a number of causes for cardiac arrhythmia. First to clarify – because the most dangerous – is a pathology of the heart muscle, such as a heart attack or myocarditis .So-called haemodynamic causes are also possible, i.e. disturbances in the pumping function of the heart. Examples would be congenital heart defects or a pressure load on the heart due to high blood pressure or calcified heart valves.
In addition, there is an unmanageable number of causes beyond the heart that often cannot be differentiated in more detail in individual cases: Psychological factors can play a major role, and poorly processed psychological stress is often behind the long-term occurrence of noticeable cardiac arrhythmias.
Electrolyte disorders of the potassium balance or calcium balance are just as possible as intoxications with alcohol , caffeine or other drugs.
The long-term use of medication (in particular so-called antiarrhythmics, i.e. heart medication, or antidepressants ) can always cause cardiac arrhythmias and should be checked by a cardiologist if necessary. Hyperreactivity in the cardiovascular system can also be a cause of cardiac arrhythmia.
When to the doctor?
Atrial fibrillation and other cardiac arrhythmias do not always require specialist treatment. However, due to the possible complications, the diagnosis must always be made by a doctor. In addition, a specialist should be consulted if the disorders have existed for a long time or are accompanied by pain, shortness of breath and other symptoms.
In general, noticeable changes in the pulse rate should be clarified, since there may be a serious underlying condition that requires treatment. Since disturbances of the heart rhythm are difficult to assess themselves, a cardiologist should be consulted in the event of any abnormalities. This can determine whether the cardiac arrhythmias are harmless irregularities or a serious warning sign.
Early treatment can almost always prevent further side effects. Patients who suffer from heart disease or are generally in poor health should also consult a doctor.
The same applies if the symptoms occur for no apparent reason or involve symptoms such as anxiety or depression . Cardiac arrhythmias after exercise or after taking medication also indicate a condition that requires treatment. Cardiac arrhythmias in children and the elderly generally require clarification by a cardiologist.
symptoms and course
Typical cardiac arrhythmias and accompanying symptoms:
Typical symptoms of cardiac arrhythmias are tachycardia, in which the pulse can sometimes be very fast, regular or irregular. At the same time, a heart stumbling can be heard through a stumbling and a dull pounding.
Another symptom can be dizziness or general poor performance, since the cardiac arrhythmia makes you less resilient. Inefficiency: Those affected are less resilient because the heart is no longer working properly.
Anxiety can also be a side effect of cardiac arrhythmias, since the people who suffer perceive cardiac arrhythmias as threatening. Even unconsciousness can occur if the heartbeat is too fast, which is equivalent to a circulatory arrest and is life-threatening without outside help.
Chest pain and shortness of breath can be a sign of an angina pectoris attack. Vision problems occur when the heart stops beating effectively as a result of a drop in blood pressure.
In the majority of cases, cardiac arrhythmias are harmless, but only a clarification by a doctor can rule out serious illnesses and thus help to calm the patient.
In a conversation, the doctor first gets a precise picture of the patient’s symptoms and previous illnesses. This is followed by the pulse and blood pressure measurement and careful listening with a stethoscope. Electrocardiography (long – term and stress ECG) is a common method of analyzing heart activity.
Cardiac arrhythmias can go unnoticed throughout life, but can also be associated with many problems. If the heart has already been damaged by other diseases, the risk of complications is increased. If the heartbeat is disturbed for a longer period of time, dizziness and loss of consciousness can occur. This is possible when the heartbeat is too fast or too slow. This can lead to uncontrolled falls and injuries. Furthermore, in the case of cardiac arrhythmias, the probability of the occurrence of ventricular fibrillation and sudden cardiac death is significantly increased.
In addition, with some arrhythmias, small clots can form in the heart, which can enter the bloodstream and block vessels there. Most commonly, this happens in the lungs ( embolism ), brain (stroke), or intestines (mesenteric infarction). A permanently increased pulse due to cardiac arrhythmia can lead to a weakness of the heart muscle, the so-called cardiac insufficiency. Especially with atrial fibrillation, the most common cardiac arrhythmia, it can happen that the pulse takes on very fast frequencies of up to 160 beats per minute (tachyarrhythmia absolute). If left untreated, this can lead to death.
treatment and therapy
Basically, the therapy depends on the extent and cause of the cardiac arrhythmia.
If stress as an exclusion diagnosis is the reason for long-term recurring attacks of heart palpitations or tachycardia, ways should be found to reduce stress hormones. This is where endurance sports in moderation can be very helpful.
If a serious cause for the arrhythmia is found, it must of course be treated. Various medications, so-called antiarrhythmics , are available to slow down or speed up the heart, or to effectively prevent extra beats, depending on the individual problem.
If necessary, an electrical ablation of individual pathologies in the heart muscle is also possible – here, an electrode is advanced using a small catheter via the inguinal artery under X-ray control into the heart cavity, with which the overactive center of the arrhythmia can then be obliterated. In certain cases, definitive healing is also possible in this way.
In cases where the heart beats too slowly or life-threatening pauses occur, a pacemaker is often the final solution to the problem.
outlook and prognosis
If left untreated, cardiac arrhythmias lead to an increase in symptoms. These can be characterized by a gradual and continuous course over several weeks or months or they can occur suddenly. An unexpected deterioration in health is often caused by a heart attack or a stroke . If these acute illnesses are not treated professionally by a doctor immediately, there is a risk of a life-threatening condition.
For many of those affected, however, lifelong impairments remain. Symptoms include paralysis, numbness, cognitive limitations or dysfunction of individual organs. The process of recovery after a seizure takes several months and usually involves a complete lifestyle change and ongoing medical care.
With a gradual increase in cardiac arrhythmias, sleep disorders , tachycardia, high blood pressure and disturbances of consciousness occur. Headaches, inner restlessness, psychological problems and higher susceptibility to infections or other diseases are also present over a longer period of time. In some cases, treating the arrhythmia can lead to a complete cure. Depending on the cause, there are options for recovery. In most cases, however, the disorders are triggered by an existing disease that cannot be cured but can be treated or treated well in the long term. In this way, with medical support, a good lifestyle can take place with cardiac arrhythmias. However, side effects of the medication are to be expected.
Although the risk of cardiac arrhythmia cannot be completely ruled out by various measures, it can at least be reduced.Cardiac arrhythmias that are not caused by illness can be prevented by living a stress-free life with plenty of exercise and sport in the fresh air, a balanced diet , relaxation exercises and a generally healthy lifestyle.
Basically, it does no harm to have any form and symptoms of arrhythmias clarified by a cardiologist, just to make sure that there is no serious underlying disease behind it.
A simple ECG can often be sufficient to initiate symptomatic or causal treatment.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.