Burning eyes
Burning eyes often occur in connection with allergies or inflammation (conjunctivitis). Most of the time, the causes are harmless and only temporary. In rare exceptional cases, serious illnesses can also trigger the burning sensation in the eyes.
What are burning eyes?
Burning eyes are often associated with pressure on the eyes, a feeling of dryness in the eyes and a foreign body sensation. The eyes are usually red and itchy. Sometimes there can be an increase in tears in the eyes .
A purulent, watery or slimy secretion can also be observed. Eyes are often sticky, especially in the morning. An indication of the escape of pus . Rarely does scale appear on the lids or the base of the eyelashes. Burning eyes usually have harmless causes that can be treated quickly and easily. However, if the symptoms persist over a longer period of time, an ophthalmologist should always be consulted.
The causes of burning eyes are numerous and extremely varied. They are often of a rather harmless nature and do not require any special treatment. Even minor injuries or eye infections can cause an unpleasant burning sensation and foreign body sensation. Diseases such as eyelid edge inflammation (blepharitis), inflammation of the tissue near the dermis and conjunctivitis (episcleritis) or also the sicca syndrome , better known as dry eyes, are the most common causes of burning eyes.Much less frequently, the burning eyes are due to inflammation of the sclera of the eye, proliferation of vascular tissue in the conjunctiva and cornea, or inflammation of the cornea. In older people, burning eyes often occur due to age-related changes in the conjunctiva, the so-called pinguecula. The more harmless causes include eyestrain, for example due to long periods of computer work, or allergies .
Glasses or contact lenses with the wrong prescription can also lead to burning eyes due to overexertion. Sometimes toxins such as chlorine, formaldehyde or amalgam can also trigger burning eyes. However, burning eyes can also be a side effect of the eye flu. This eye infection caused by adenoviruses is highly contagious.
- eyelid margin inflammation
diagnosis and course
A thorough questioning by the ophthalmologist due to burning eyes forms the basis for the diagnosis. It is important to find out how long the eyes have been burning, whether the symptoms occur at the same time as others and whether certain situations cause the eyes to burn.
In addition, information about the patient’s occupation and living conditions can be extremely helpful in making the diagnosis. It is not uncommon for it to be working on the PC or handling irritating substances or toxins that cause burning eyes. This is followed by a thorough examination of the eyes. The doctor can determine possible swelling, redness and inflammation.
In order to rule out poor eyesight and the resulting eyestrain, an eye test is usually carried out. Other tests consist of a tear test and an allergy test. In addition, a swab from the eye that is examined under a microscope can show possible pathogens.
Often, however, an appointment with an ophthalmologist is not necessary because the causes are of a harmless nature. If you are overexerted or irritated by chlorine (e.g. after going to the swimming pool), it is usually enough to rest your eyes for a while. However, if the symptoms persist or worsen, a doctor should be consulted.
treatment and therapy
Targeted treatment of the burning eyes can only be started after the diagnosis has been made. The therapy depends on the individual cause. For example, overexertion due to poor eyesight can be quickly eliminated with a suitable visual aid. Protective goggles (e.g. swimming goggles in swimming pools) will help with burning eyes caused by chlorine.
Long periods of screen work can often hardly be avoided. Increasing the humidity and artificial tears can help. If the burning eyes are due to conjunctivitis or other inflammation caused by bacteria , the use of eye drops containing antibiotics is recommended .
In the case of viral inflammation, the use of drops containing cortisone may be helpful. They also have a decongestant and calming effect. If allergies are the cause of burning eyes, special eye drops relieve it. In the long run, hyposensitization can be useful. If toxins get into your eyes, rinse them out immediately.
If burning eyes occur more frequently, preventive measures must be taken. Decisive for this is usually the knowledge of the cause. In this way, allergy sufferers can take preventive medication.In order to relieve the eyes, screen work in particular, as well as excessive exposure to television, should be reduced as far as possible.
Regular breaks support the relaxation of the eyes. The eyes can burn, especially if the air is too dry, due to overheated rooms and air conditioning systems.
A humidifier often helps. In general, thorough hygiene should be observed. Avoid contact with the eyes, eg by frequent rubbing, if possible.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.