Bone fracture – causes, symptoms & therapy


Bones are very complex structures that are very resilient and resilient, but surprisingly can break easily under extreme impact. Regardless of the age and physical constitution of those affected, a broken bone heals more quickly or more slowly.

What is a broken bone?

A broken bone, also known as a fracture, can occur anywhere on the body where there is bone. In addition, long bones or flat bones such as the ribs or skull bones can also be subject to fracture. In some special diseases, a bone fracture occurs even when the smallest mechanical forces are applied.

A broken bone hides a fracture. This means that the bone fracture is based on a partial or complete severing of the bone. The continuity of the bone is thus impaired.


Most of the causes that lead to a broken bone are due to various triggers, which occur both with and without the use of force. In the event of increased exposure to violence, the structures of the bone can no longer withstand the sudden or slow stress, resulting in a fracture.

The mechanical forces impact the bone either directly or indirectly, or act multiple times. These are processes in which blows or falls, leverage or so-called microtraumas lead to bone fractures. The microtraumas are also referred to as stress fractures .

A broken bone can also occur without violence. Bone structures that are imperfectly developed or show instability due to previous damage break more quickly. Other causes of bone fractures are diseases such as osteoporosis , bone tumors, osteomalacia and spontaneous fractures. In addition, metastases from cancerous growths located elsewhere can also infiltrate the bone substance, making it more vulnerable to fracture.

symptoms and course

The course of a broken bone depends on how extensive the break is, which bone is affected, and whether the fracture is open or closed. In addition, there are certain and uncertain signs that are similar to inflammatory symptoms in bone fracture . When a bone is broken, there is pain, limited redness and swelling , bruising (not always), increased warmth, and limited mobility.

Reliable diagnostic indications of a bone fracture are a so-called axial misalignment, in which the bone does not point in the anatomically predetermined direction, an open wound with visible fragments, gaps within a bone and a gradation in the shape of the bone. Specialists also hear cracking or crunching noises at the fracture, see a gap in X-ray diagnostics and recognize an unnatural mobility in a broken bone. Individual signs of a bone fracture can be present in combination or be completely absent.


The diagnosis of a broken bone is initially based on the information provided by those affected, provided they are conscious, on palpation, touch by the doctor and his visual observations. If the symptoms and the extent of the fracture cannot be clearly clarified in order to tackle a targeted diagnosis, various medical and mainly imaging procedures can help. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography as well as X-rays and other technologies are therefore among the classic diagnostic tools for fractures.


In most cases, a broken bone heals after proper care without any consequential damage. If the fractured bone penetrates adjacent tissue, temporary or permanent nerve damage, severe bleeding or organ damage can result. A broken rib, for example, can injure the lungs and lead to life-threatening breathing problems, while fractured skull bones are often associated with serious brain damage. If massive blood loss through damaged blood vessels is not compensated for as quickly as possible by supplying liquids using infusions, there is a risk of shock with subsequent circulatory failure.

When fat droplets from the adipose tissue get into the bloodstream as a result of a bone fracture, a blockage of blood vessels known as a fat embolism can occur. Inflammation can occur as a further complication, and in the event of wound healing disorders or infestation with aggressive pathogens, tissue death is possible as a result. If this so-called necrosis remains untreated, pathogens can penetrate the bloodstream and cause blood poisoning, which can sometimes be fatal.

In some cases, a complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) develops after a bone fracture: This disease, also known as “Sudeck’s disease”, is associated with sensory disturbances, restricted movement and severe pain. Doctors speak of a non-union when a bone fracture has not healed after six months and a dummy joint has formed at the fracture site.

treatment and therapy

The treatment of broken bones takes place in individual steps and thus represents a complex interaction of different processes, which depend on the complexity of the fracture. The distinctive goal of a broken bone is to achieve healing and stability of the affected areas as quickly and painlessly as possible.

The individual components of treatment for fractures consist of functional and emergency care, immobilization and so-called extension therapy. Included in these concepts are both conventional and medicinal measures as well as more or less extensive surgical interventions.Over the years, completely differentiated variants have been developed and tested within the framework of the treatment of broken bones, which are divided into open and closed methods due to their variety. In addition to the application of bandages, plastering and splinting of broken bones, excellent alternative techniques are also implemented, which are extremely complicated and require enormous specialist knowledge. These procedures can only be performed by surgeons and stem from the mechanisms of biomechanics.


A broken bone cannot always be avoided if the relevant factors have an unfavorable effect on the body. However, by exercising regularly in sunlight and by stressing the bone and postural systems, and by avoiding vitamin D and calcium deficiencies , it is possible to make the bones stronger and, in a sense, their structure resilient. By maintaining the compactness of the bones, bone fracture can be prevented. This also applies to avoiding accidents caused by falls or other violent factors.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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