Blue Fingernails – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Blue fingernails

Blue fingernails are called cyanosis in medicine. The Greek word cyanosis means blue discoloration. Blue fingernails are an impressive symptom, and a medical examination is always required to rule out central cyanosis with certainty.


If the fingernails are discolored in a shade of blue, this is a so-called acrocyanosis, because the fingernails are anatomically part of the acras, i.e. the tips of the body. The lips or the tip of the nose also belong to the acra, which can be bluish at the same time as the fingernails.

Depending on the clinical picture, a blue discoloration of the entire skin surface can also be observed. The degree of blue discolouration of the acral or skin always depends on the cause. For doctors, blue fingernails are primarily a sign of a lack of oxygen in the blood, which then shimmers bluish through the fine network of veins and the keratin of the cornea.


If the cyanosis of the fingernails is based on a detectable lack of oxygen, treatment must be given. However , blue fingernails, lips or tips of the nose can also occur in the cold, given the appropriate disposition. As soon as the ambient temperature rises again, the blue fingernails also disappear. Oxygen is bound to hemoglobin in the flowing blood , gas exchange takes place in the lungs.

If at least 5 grams of hemoglobin are loaded with oxygen in 100 milliliters of blood, then cyanosis develops, visible for example on the blue fingernails. The superficial blood vessels shine through the skin, which is why the effect is first visible in these areas. Blue fingernails belong to the so-called peripheral cyanosis. Another typical example is blue discolored lips in the cold. In the fine blood vessels, the blood flows slowly and viscously under the effect of cold. This slowed form of blood circulation is crucial for the development of the bluish, shimmering discoloration.

In the central form of cyanosis, there is insufficient oxygenation of the blood in the lungs for reasons of the disease. In addition to cold, blood changes, circulatory disorders or poisoning are also possible causes of blue fingernails. In the so-called cold agglutinin disease, spontaneous clot formation occurs in the acres when exposed to cold, these microagglutinates dissolve again when exposed to heat. Cold agglutinins are detected by laboratory diagnostics.


Diagnosis and course

The diagnosis of blue discolored fingernails can be made by the doctor based on the visual findings and the anamnesis . However, this is always followed by further diagnostics in order to get to the bottom of the cause. Unlike central cyanosis, the causes of acrocyanosis are usually harmless. Cold agglutinin disease or Raynaud’s syndrome are genetically determined and have a good prognosis with a slow tendency to heal over the years.

Raynaud’s syndrome is a hereditary vascular spasm that can also cause blue discolored fingernails. This disease mostly affects women. Blue fingernails are not always a sign that the entire body is already suffering from an oxygen deficit, as is the case with central cyanosis caused by heart defects or lung diseases. The neural form of acrocyanosis also occurs under the influence of cold, especially in women. In addition to the fingernails, both earlobes also turn blue.

Treatment and therapy

The treatment of blue fingernails should be rooted in the cause. If bluish shimmering fingernails are a sign of central cyanosis, then the underlying disease, such as pulmonary emphysema or asthma, must first be treated so that the symptom can disappear again. No special therapy is required for hereditary forms of acrocyanosis. However, these patients are advised not to engage in winter sports and to avoid long walks when the outside temperatures are cold.

Blue fingernails require treatment in particular if other symptoms such as shortness of breath or coughing occur in addition to this symptom. It should also not be forgotten that a whole range of medications can be responsible for blue fingernails as a side effect. If the symptom occurs and medication is taken regularly, for example to treat high blood pressure , it is definitely worth reading the package leaflet carefully.

The most important diagnostic criterion for distinguishing between central and acrocyanosis is the blood gas analysis. If the fingernails are blue, but the oxygen saturation of the blood is in the normal range, then it can only be a harmless blue discoloration of the nails. Emotional states of emergency can also lead to cyanosis due to hyperventilation and thus to blue discolored fingernails. In addition, this clinical picture can also be recognized by the so-called pawed position of the fingers. Temporary inhalation and exhalation into a plastic bag can help, preferably under medical supervision.


It is not possible to prevent the hereditary forms of blue discolored fingernails because it is a genetic disposition. All other manifestations of blue fingernails can be prevented by eliminating or treating the various causes of central or peripheral cyanosis. If drugs are the trigger, they must be discontinued and replaced with another preparation.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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