Bloody stool – causes, treatment and prevention

Bloody stool

Bloody stool is initially a shock for many of those affected, as it is often associated with serious diseases such as colon cancer. There are many other reasons for bloody stool, which are often far more harmless.

What is bloody stool?

Bloody stool can manifest itself in four different ways. If the blood in the stool has a light, reddish color, this is called hematochezia. If, on the other hand, the blood has already coagulated and turned dark in color, the bloody stool is called melena.

Due to the dark color and the often shiny and sticky surface, colloquialism is often referred to as tarry stool or black stool. If light and dark blood mix in the excretion, this is called blood stool. However, there can also be blood in the stool without being visible from the outside. In this case one speaks of occult blood in the stool. The risk of bloody stool also increases with age; people under 65 are significantly less affected than those over 65.


The causes of bloody stool depend on its type. In the case of hematochezia, i.e. light-colored blood in the stool, the bleeding occurs in the lower regions of the intestine. Bleeding from the anus, which can be caused by external injuries, for example, or ruptured hemorrhoids can also be responsible for the light-colored blood in the stool. Dark blood in the stool, on the other hand, is caused by bleeding in the upper regions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bleeding in the intestines or stomach, which ultimately leads to bloody stools, has various causes. As already mentioned, the more harmless ones include burst hemorrhoids or injuries to the mucous membrane such as fissures. Even bleeding in the mouth and throat are excreted with the feces. Benign polyps can also cause bleeding.

But there are also a number of serious causes of bloody stool, which, however, occur much more rarely than the harmless ones. These range from bleeding tumors in colon or stomach cancer to intestinal infections and stomach ulcers to chronic intestinal inflammation such as occurs in Crohn’s disease. In very rare cases, parasites such as tapeworms can also lead to bleeding in the intestines and consequently to bloody stools.


  • hematochezia

When to the doctor?

If blood loss is minimal in bloody stools, in most cases there is no need to see a doctor. This is often the case after vigorous physical or sporting activity. Especially if heavy weights have been lifted, this can cause the bleeding. In these cases, it is a ruptured blood vessel that normally stops bleeding on its own within a few hours. If there is another bowel movement, there should be no more blood around the stool for this cause.

If the bloody stool has already occurred repeatedly, a visit to the doctor is advisable. Even if there are no other symptoms, it can hide a serious illness. In rare cases, the bleeding then stops on its own. If there are other symptoms such as weakness, pain or fever, a doctor should be consulted. A heart attack could be present here, which is very threatening.

If you also experience discomfort when sitting, you should also consult a doctor. This can be an inflammation of the anus or hemorrhoids . Both should be treated before the symptoms increase. If the symptoms appear after experiencing intense sexual intercourse or after certain sexual practices that involve the anus, the symptoms are usually temporary. Protection of the region and time for regeneration are sufficient.

diagnosis and course

While the diagnosis of light or very dark blood in the stool is very easy due to the good visibility and can also be made by those affected themselves, occult blood can only be detected using a so-called hemoccult test . In this procedure, the person concerned has to take several samples of his stool, which are then evaluated using biochemical processes. The hemoccult test can detect blood in the stool even if it cannot be seen with the naked eye.

After the clear detection of blood in the stool , the reason for the bleeding must be determined. This is usually done with the help of a gastroscopy, in which a probe is inserted through the mouth or anus into the stomach or intestines. This can then be used to detect any irregularity in the digestive tract.

complicationsBloody stool is always a reason to see a doctor as soon as possible. Even if the cause has been determined and a diagnosis has been made, this does not mean that the bloody stool is safe from now on. Depending on the amount of blood involved and how often there is blood in the stool, the loss of blood may be a problem for the person’s body. Long-lasting bloody stool can therefore lead to anemia with all the other consequences in the long term.

If the blood in the stool cannot be treated and eliminated immediately, it is therefore advisable to keep an eye on the general state of health of the patient and, as the person affected, to pay attention to signs of possible anemia. There are simple but efficient treatment methods that can increase well-being immensely.

In addition to real health complications from blood in the stool, hygiene also plays a role. It is often uncomfortable for those affected to go to public toilets, since there is a certain risk of infection with hemorrhoids, for example. Also, they sometimes have a hard time cleaning themselves in public after a bowel movement in a way that makes them feel comfortable again. Traces of blood in their underwear are uncomfortable for most of those affected and can make them reluctant to leave the house if their stool is bloody for a long time.

treatment and therapy

The treatment of bloody stool always depends on the underlying trigger. Hemorrhoids are usually treated with ointments or suppositories, in exceptional cases surgical removal is also necessary. The situation is similar with anal fissures. Here, too, ointments or suppositories are usually sufficient for successful treatment, but in more serious cases surgery is required.

Colon polyps, on the other hand, have to be surgically removed in most cases. The situation is similar with colorectal cancer, although the surgical removal of the tumors is often followed by radiation or chemotherapy . If stomach ulcers are the trigger for bloody excretions, the treatment of choice is a mixture of antibiotics and drugs to reduce acid production in the stomach.

If this does not work, an operation is also necessary here. Intestinal infections, if they do not go away on their own, are also treated with antibiotics. To combat intestinal parasites such as tapeworms, there are also a number of effective drugs that kill the worms, after which they are simply excreted.

outlook and prognosis

If people notice blood in their stool, that’s not a cause for concern. Most bleeding will subside on its own after a short time, even without medical treatment. However, if blood in the stool keeps appearing, it is essential to contact a doctor who can make an accurate prognosis. In addition to blood in the stool, other symptoms such as severe pain, nausea and vomiting can also occur, which can only be cured by consulting a doctor. As a rule, blood in the stool no longer appears after a few days after successful therapy.

If there is a suspicion that the blood in the stool is the cause of a serious illness, specialists such as a proctologist should be considered. Depending on how long the cause of the disease has been present and what stage the disease is in, a prognosis can be made. The earlier the disease is discovered and treated, the more likely it is that it will heal quickly.


Most causes of bloody stools can be prevented by leading a healthy and active lifestyle. This makes a significant contribution to normal intestinal activity, which in turn is central to the correct prevention of many gastrointestinal diseases. In addition to regular physical exercise, this healthy and active lifestyle includes a balanced diet rich in fiber and avoiding very greasy and very sweet foods.These measures relieve the burden on the intestines and make it easier for them to fulfill their main task: digestion. In addition, good hygiene through regular washing of the anal area also prevents various ailments that can lead to blood in the stool. You should also pay attention to hygiene during sex. Bloody stool should always be a warning sign, but it is rarely a harbinger of a serious illness. Despite all this, the causes of bloody excretions should always be examined by a doctor in order to rule out serious illnesses.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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