Atrial Fibrillation – Causes, Symptoms & Therapy

Atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is a situation that requires quick and effective action. Atrial fibrillation is a side effect of diseases of the cardiovascular system . In atrial fibrillation, both atria of the heart are usually affected.

What is atrial fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation describes a disturbance in the heart rhythm . This impairment leads to an insufficient supply of blood to the body and can be the cause of cardiac arrest and circulatory collapse.

The heart no longer beats with a normal, steady and strong rhythm, but in the case of atrial fibrillation it can no longer pump sufficiently by squeezing the heart muscle. Clear signs of atrial fibrillation are interruptions and irregularities in the conduction of impulses in the heart atria.

In addition, the persistent and characteristic tachycardia occurs in atrial fibrillation. A healthy heart rhythm can no longer be maintained. There are different types of atrial fibrillation.


Coronary heart disease , enlargement of the atria, disease of one or both heart valves and existing high blood pressure are named as causes of atrial fibrillation .

In addition, diseases of the heart muscle , an overactive thyroid gland ( hyperthyroidism ) and heavy abuse of alcohol and drugs promote atrial fibrillation. Connections with organic impairments are only rarely considered in the case of atrial fibrillation.

symptoms and course

Clear signs of atrial fibrillation are shortness of breath , chest pain , an oppressive feeling and in some cases even fear of death. Typical symptoms of atrial fibrillation are also dizziness , an extremely fast and flat pulse and tachycardia .

In addition to these acute signs, symptoms associated with having survived atrial fibrillation can also occur. In addition to embolisms or blockages of the blood vessels by coagulated blood components, these symptoms also include a stroke and a heart attack . These after-complications can retrospectively point to atrial fibrillation, because atrial fibrillation can occur in some people without noticeable accompanying symptoms.

Depending on the course of the atrial fibrillation, attacks of weakness and fainting and attacks of dizziness represent general impairments within the symptoms.


The cardiologist is the medical contact for diagnosing suspected atrial fibrillation. The anamnesis already provides information about the presence of risk factors that may promote atrial fibrillation. These include heart palpitations, frequent alcohol consumption, thyroid disorders and asking the doctor whether atrial fibrillation has already occurred in other blood relatives. The survey is followed by a detailed physical examination with auscultation of the heart sounds, a pulse measurement and a blood pressure measurement.

Special cardiological examinations follow for extended diagnostics. The most important examination for diagnosing and monitoring auricular fibrillation is the electrocardiogram , EKG . Since the ECG is part of the standard examination in every family doctor’s office, even for other non-specific complaints, atrial fibrillation is often an incidental finding.

If the findings are unclear, a portable ECG for a period longer than 24 hours may also be required. In order to consciously provoke atrial fibrillation under medical supervision, the doctor can also order a stress ECG. Ultrasound examination of the heart muscle, echocardiography, can also be useful to confirm the diagnosis. In this examination, the structure and pumping behavior of the heart are examined in particular.

If atrial fibrillation has already been diagnosed in the past, then it is particularly important to carry out an echocardiography in order to detect even small blood clots in the chambers or atria of the heart at an early stage. Transesophageal echocardiography is a special form in which the ultrasound probe is advanced through the esophagus to the level of the heart. Due to the anatomical proximity of the esophagus to the heart, a particularly precise assessment of the heart valves is possible.


Atrial fibrillation can lead to various irregularities and complications that have serious health consequences. In addition to symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, a decrease in physical resilience and unsteady gait, there is inner weakness, sleep disorders or a general feeling of illness. Mental and physical performance drops significantly, with the result that the psyche is severely weakened.

Heart palpitations or respiratory disorders are possible physical consequences of atrial fibrillation. If the organism is not sufficiently supplied with oxygen, serious impairments occur. Dysfunctions, interruptions in consciousness or a complete loss of consciousness can often be documented. If there is insufficient first aid, irreparable organ damage will develop.

The disease also increases the risk of lung damage. Pulmonary edema can develop, which poses a life-threatening threat to those affected. Embolism is possible, anxiety due to shortness of breath, or premature death due to suffocation.

Atrial fibrillation can trigger a heart attack. If there is no immediate medical care, the victim dies. If the person affected survives a heart attack, various health impairments remain in most cases. Paralysis, limitations in mobility and a restructuring of lifestyle can occur.

In some cases, a defibrillator must be implanted to ensure functionality. This increases the risk of infection or injury.

treatment and therapy

Not all patients suffering from atrial fibrillation need treatment. This is shown by the latest scientific studies.

In the treatment of atrial fibrillation, special measures are taken during the atrial fibrillation itself and to prevent the development of an embolism. The aim of corresponding therapeutic activities is in particular to achieve a healthy heartbeat. In addition to constant monitoring of the heart rhythm, it is important to support and manifest a constant heartbeat during therapy. In addition, so-called antiarrhythmic drugs are administered in the form of drugs that are intended to prevent a relapse.

If drug treatment for atrial fibrillation is not successful, partial sclerosing of the inner lining of the heart is an option. This can be done through surgery or through the use of a cardiac catheter.

Treatment for atrial fibrillation is usually implemented using various combinations of medication and surgery. In this context, the focus is on the administration of drugs that prevent the formation of thrombi in the blood vessels. In this regard, so-called anticoagulants are prescribed.


In order to prevent atrial fibrillation or to suppress existing heartbeat irregularities, high-quality and extremely sensitive pacemakers are already being tested.

People who develop atrial fibrillation from excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs should stop taking these substances. In order to prevent atrial fibrillation, all dangerous causes that lead to damage and impairment of the heart and the circulatory system must be limited.

In addition to stopping smoking, adopting a healthy lifestyle, reducing obesity and treating high blood pressure , low-cholesterol foods and active physical activity are important prophylaxis. In addition, psychological factors such as permanent overload, stress and hectic pace are often triggers for atrial fibrillation. Not all patients suffering from atrial fibrillation need to be treated.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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