Premature placental abruption – causes, symptoms & therapy

Premature placental abruption

Premature placenta abruption is a serious disruption of a healthy pregnancy and refers to the detachment of the placenta before birth . As a result, the baby’s nutrient supply is severely impaired and, in the worst case, can be completely interrupted by the death of the placenta. If the placenta not only detaches, but also dies as a result, this also means a health risk for the woman.

What is placental abruption?

In healthy pregnancies , the placenta sits in a part of the uterine wall far enough away from the cervix not to block it. Placental abruption takes place shortly after the baby is born , when it has left the uterus. As a result, it can leave the woman’s body as an afterbirth, since it is no longer needed. Premature placenta abruption refers to the partial or complete detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall while the baby is still in the uterus.

This can happen during the birth process as well as before the birth has even started. If the placenta detaches prematurely during the birth process, it is only necessary to check whether bleeding occurs, as this can be life-threatening. If the placenta detaches before birth, a caesarean section is often necessary .


The most common cause of premature placental abruption is a hematoma in the placenta. It is a bruise that can affect any part of the body – it is known as a bruise on the skin. Hematoma formation in the placenta is probably caused by external violence and subsequent trauma (rarely also by excessive contractions during birth if the placenta is already damaged), but also by high blood pressure during pregnancy, premature rupture of membranes, existing anomalies in the uterus or alcohol and nicotine consumption as well as malnutrition .If the woman has had previous pregnancies, the risk increases slightly. Premature placenta abruption follows the premise that in an emergency, the human body first tries to save itself before thinking of developing life. If his health and supply is endangered, he rejects what he can no longer carry – for example the placenta and thus the unborn child.

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of a premature abortion of the placenta:

The premature abruption of the placenta usually begins with dark red vaginal spotting, soon after the uterus hardens and no longer relaxes. This is accompanied by severe, cramping pain similar to labor, but this pain does not come in waves that get stronger and then subside. With a premature abortion, they are constant and quickly get worse.

Restlessness, feelings of weakness and anxiety accompany the development, since the woman can hardly overlook a premature placenta detachment. If the mother loses a lot of blood due to the premature abruption of the placenta , which can also happen internally without any further spotting, coagulation disorders and states of shock may occur over time . The child’s heart sounds show a severe lack of oxygen in the CTG. While few mothers die from placental abruption unless they receive medical attention and experience uncontrollable internal bleeding, the infant mortality rate is much higher.


Premature placental abruption is determined using Doppler sonography and blood sampling . During the blood test, the woman’s coagulation factors are checked, as they increase significantly if the placenta detaches prematurely. Even the ultrasound shows that the placenta has partially or completely detached. It also shows if internal bleeding has occurred. Therefore, it is decisive for the further treatment of mother and child.

treatment and therapy

The type of treatment for placental abruption depends on whether the diagnosis is made while the child is alive. Since the unborn baby can become starved very quickly, the infant mortality rate is quite high. If the child is still alive, an emergency caesarean section is carried out immediately to end the undersupply. The detached placenta is removed and the woman’s uterus is examined for injuries.

Internal bleeding is stopped, the woman may need a blood transfusion due to a high blood loss. However, this treatment is only useful if the placental abruption is detected early enough to save the child’s life.If the child died from undersupply, a vaginal delivery is sought, provided the woman can cope physically and psychologically – the birth is artificially induced. However, since very few women want to witness the birth of a dead child, caesarean section is more common in practice.


The best way for women to counteract a premature placenta is to abstain from alcohol and nicotine during pregnancy. Furthermore, as soon as the pregnancy becomes known, she should ensure that she is taking in sufficient amounts of micronutrients. She is most likely to have these three factors under her own control to prevent premature placental abruption.In the case of unusual vaginal bleeding during pregnancy and sudden severe pain, the woman should seek treatment immediately, as this may save the child’s life.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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