Anemia (anemia), iron deficiency anemia – causes, symptoms & therapy

Anemia (low blood count), iron deficiency anemia

Anemia is a blood disease that only affects the red blood cells, the erythrocytes . For this reason, the term anemia is also relevant to this disease. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia. Typical symptoms of anemia include pale skin, tiredness, general weakness, dizziness and headaches.

What is anemia (anemia, iron deficiency anemia)?

Iron deficiency anemia and anemia in general is characterized by the fact that the number of red blood cells in the bloodstream is too low. Therefore, anemia is synonymous with anemia. As a result, the supply of oxygen maintained by the erythrocytes can no longer be guaranteed.

Anemias are divided into different forms, with iron deficiency anemia being a special anemia and one of the most common forms of anemia. Iron deficiency anemia was so named because of its disease-triggering causes (iron deficiency).

Anemia is particularly to be feared when certain groups of people have an increased need for red blood cells. This mainly applies to pregnant women, women with intense and prolonged menstrual periods, premature babies and newborn children lighter than 2,500 grams.


Anemia occurs when the development or formation of erythrocytes is already disturbed in the bone marrow. This contributes to the production of too few red blood cells or that they are abnormal in their development.In addition, the opening of a blood vessel and the associated permanent bleeding can be the cause of a loss of red blood cells, which can no longer be compensated for by a normal replica in the bone marrow.

As a result, there is a shortage of red blood cells. Causal connections between a disturbance in the distribution of erythrocytes in the body and anemia are also important.

Iron deficiency anemia is a so-called “sideropenic anemia” because it occurs due to a lack of iron supply. Iron of a special value is required to produce the red blood pigment, hemoglobin, which is the prerequisite for oxygen binding and oxygen transport.

Another reason why anemia can develop is a lack of folic acid , vitamin B6 , vitamin C , vitamin B12 and protein .

When to the doctor?

Anemia (anaemia) and iron deficiency anemia trigger numerous symptoms that need to be clarified by a doctor. With the disease, the respective organs receive significantly less oxygen, which leads to pale skin in those affected . This can be seen in particular on the mucous membranes and on the inside of the eyelids.

Those who suffer from anemia are less productive than they used to be. Concentration also decreases and those affected tire more quickly. A doctor should always be consulted if you experience headaches or dizziness during physical exertion. Anemia increases the risk of shortness of breath. If the disease is severe, the body tries to compensate for the lack of oxygen. It pumps the blood more quickly through the vessels. As a result, the pulse increases and those affected perceive a racing heart. In some cases, fainting may occur.

The most common form is iron deficiency anemia. Those affected notice brittle nails and diffuse hair loss. In addition, dry and itchy skin and painful inflammation in the mouth develop. Affected people should contact a medical professional if they experience burning tongue and pain when swallowing. Those affected often notice cracked corners of the mouth and suffer from a loss of appetite.

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of anemia (low blood count):

Depending on the type and cause of anemia (anemia), the symptoms and progression can also vary.

People suffering from the most common form of anemia – iron deficiency anemia – are often very pale and show symptoms such as dry skin , damaged hair and cracked corners of the mouth. Other typical symptoms can include: tiredness, exhaustion, headaches, dizziness, tachycardia and diarrhea.

With appropriate treatment, iron deficiency anemia usually progresses well. If left untreated, iron deficiency can become chronic. Chronic anemia can lead to increased susceptibility to infection, reduced performance and developmental disorders in children and adolescents.


In order to diagnose anemia medically, a physical examination and a blood test in the laboratory are essential.

Pale skin, pale mucous membranes in the eyes and/or an increased pulse are possible indications of an existing anemia. A small blood count to be created in the laboratory provides information about the number of red blood cells and the amount of red blood pigment.

The blood count contains values ​​that indicate the anemia and its cause. If there are too few erythrocytes in the blood and the hemoglobin value (amount of the red blood pigment) is too low, this indicates anemia. Other blood values ​​that provide information are the hematocrit, which quantifies the proportion of solid blood components, and the mean erythrocyte hemoglobin (MCH), a value that indicates the proportion of the red blood pigment. In addition, the mean erythrocyte volume (MCV) and the number of white blood cells and platelets are measured.

If anemia can be diagnosed based on the laboratory findings, it is the doctor’s job to find the cause of the anemia. The laboratory values ​​can also be useful here. A low MCV and a low MCH indicate an iron deficiency that needs to be investigated. For the precise clarification of the causes, a differential blood count must be drawn up, in which the cells can be examined under a microscope.


Nowadays, anemia due to iron deficiency can usually be treated well, so that it usually heals without complications. However, if no treatment takes place, negative consequences are to be expected. Iron deficiency anemia develops very slowly, often taking months to deplete the body’s iron stores. As the body’s iron reserve decreases, the bone marrow produces fewer and fewer red blood cells, which also decrease in size. The increasing anemia is noticeable through complaints such as tachycardia, pronounced tiredness, headaches, brittle fingernails and tears at the corners of the mouth.

If the anemia is severe, there is a risk of other symptoms such as visual disturbances, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), drowsiness, breathing difficulties, heart failure, chest pains and, in women, the absence of their menstrual period. Occasionally, the iron deficiency can also lead to membrane-like structures developing in the esophagus, which cause difficulties when swallowing. Another conceivable complication of iron deficiency anemia is pica syndrome. Those affected suffer from thin and deformed fingernails with this disease. In addition, muscular cramps in the legs are possible at night. In addition, people suffering from pica syndrome feel a strong desire for starch, earth or ice. In case of severe anemia, cardiac arrhythmia may also occurappear. Sometimes it even leads to a heart attack. In addition, the patient’s performance decreases, which in turn negatively affects his quality of life.

treatment and therapy

The treatment of anemia depends on the type of anemia and the causal factors. If the diagnosis indicates iron deficiency anemia, then the cause of the continuous blood loss must be found and corrected.

It is also relevant that a deficiency is compensated. In addition, to fill the iron deficiency, it is important to take iron -containing supplements orally because iron is absorbed through the gastric mucosa. If this is no longer possible, for example because the gastric mucosa has been destroyed or the stomach has only been reduced to a small part, iron can be injected into the vein.

These measures can correct an iron deficiency. After about three months, the evaluation of the blood count clearly shows that both the number of red blood cells and the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood have increased.

In some cases, it may make sense to treat an acute iron deficiency and a low hemoglobin concentration in the short term with blood transfusions or the administration of so-called erythrocyte concentrates.


In order to prevent iron deficiency anemia, it is important to ensure a balanced diet ( healthy diet ) in order to stabilize the level of iron needed for the formation of hemoglobin. In addition, various proteins are also required, which is relevant for the formation of the cell structures for the erythrocytes.

These proteins and important vitamins , which are required for blood formation, can also be ingested through animal or vegetable foods. Careful observation of one’s own body is also helpful in recognizing anemic manifestations from various diseases.

If there is an increased risk of iron deficiency, it makes sense to discuss appropriate prophylactic or therapeutic options with your family doctor.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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