Vomiting in the baby
Vomiting in babies usually has no serious causes. However, it is also possible that there is a disease of the digestive system or the brain. Treatment is important in any case.
What is baby vomiting?
When the baby vomits, it is usually due to a simple upset stomach. Dirty milk bottles and poor hygiene in general also lead to the baby becoming nauseous and having to vomit. Since the exact cause is difficult to determine, a doctor should always be consulted. He can diagnose the trigger and initiate appropriate therapy. Special electrolyte solutions and similar preparations are usually prescribed to compensate for the baby’s loss of fluids . Light sedatives and suppositories are also used to relieve the symptoms.
Vomiting in babies can have a variety of causes. The properties of the vomit can be used to determine what the trigger is. For example, if the vomit is acidic, it comes directly from the stomach and is mixed with stomach acid . The cause can then lie in a disease of the stomach. If the vomit is green-brownish, it may have come from the large intestine. A narrowing of the small intestine is then not unlikely.
If it is mucous or even bloody, there may be bronchitis or stomach inflammation. If it smells foul or contains feces, there may be an intestinal blockage or a section of the intestine that is invaginated, a so-called intussusception. If the vomit foams, there may be poisoning from dish soap. Prompt treatment is then essential.
Serious causes are expressed by blood in the vomit. Light blood, for example, indicates bleeding in the upper stomach area or in the respiratory tract. Brown or black blood indicates bleeding in the stomach or an ulcer. So the causes are varied. Of course, it is also possible that the baby does not tolerate the meal and therefore throws it up. While this is common, it should always be checked out by a doctor.
- invagination
When to the doctor?
In most cases, vomiting in the baby is not a reason to see a doctor. The habituation of the stomach to the food leads to vomiting in almost every baby. This is considered a natural process that must be observed. A baby’s body systems are still growing. The organism must first learn how the interaction of the individual organs works best.
If the baby is given too much food, it will automatically come out again. The entrance to the stomach is narrowed in a baby. The same applies to the transition between the stomach and the intestine. For this reason, frequent and at the same time small meals are given. If parents feel overwhelmed with this process, the midwife or a doctor should be asked for advice. They provide important information that will lead to a reduction in symptoms.
Vomiting in the baby also occurs when the food is changed. This is a natural process that also occurs in adults and is not a reason to see a doctor. The organism has to gradually get used to the new food and needs some time for this. The symptoms are minimized if the changeover is slow and gradual. If the baby vomits outside of food, see a doctor immediately.
diagnosis and course
If the baby vomits repeatedly or is younger than six months, a doctor should be consulted. This can prescribe special suppositories against vomiting and, in particularly severe cases, initiate an infusion . In addition, he conducts various examinations to determine the cause of the vomiting. Depending on the suspicion, the abdomen is carefully palpated, an X-ray examination is performed or bloodremoved. All these measures help to identify abnormalities and contribute to the recovery of the child. Last but not least, talking to the parents is important. This will clarify how long the symptoms have been occurring, the intensity with which they occur and whether there are any other abnormalities.
The course of the symptoms depends entirely on the cause that was diagnosed. Normally, vomiting can be stopped quickly by using the preparations mentioned, and the baby will be completely healthy again within a few days. If there is a serious illness such as an intestinal obstruction, prompt treatment is essential so that the child’s condition improves again.
A baby is still so small and sensitive that harmless physical reactions such as vomiting affect it far more than an adult. In the case of vomiting, the loss of fluid plays a particularly important role. It usually doesn’t bother an adult to vomit once or several times in a row. He quickly makes up for lost fluids. It doesn’t happen that quickly with a baby. In addition, vomiting often leads to baby refusal to eat, so the baby vomits but fails to replenish fluids and becomes dehydrated quickly.
This in turn can have a negative effect on the underlying disease and make it even more difficult for the immune system to kill pathogens. Overall, the baby’s condition deteriorates rapidly and, in the worst case, necessitates the baby being given intravenous fluids in the hospital. In the case of contagious diseases that cause the baby to vomit, there is also a risk that the parents will become infected. In this state, it is no less exhausting for her to take care of her sick child. To avoid this, extreme hygiene should be ensured in the event of vomiting, and not just in the children’s room. Above all, this also prevents the baby from being infected again after it has recovered.
treatment and therapy
Vomiting in babies can usually be treated with simple measures. Parents should first calm the baby down and hold it when it vomits. Water and tea counteract the dehydration and should be offered to the baby at regular intervals. Special rice gruel-electrolyte solutions from the pharmacy are also useful, as they compensate for the loss of minerals. Binding complementary foods such as carrots, apples or bananas should also be offered to the baby.
Vomiting in babies can also be cured with plenty of rest and attention. The mother should pay attention to how the child behaves. Is it apathetic or does it move a lot? Does it sleep a lot or a little? Are you craving a bottle more often than usual? Answering these questions is important to enable a speedy recovery. Parents who are unsure should contact a doctor if they have any questions. Babies in particular lose a relatively large amount of fluid very quickly through vomiting and must be treated accordingly. Ideally, the baby is prevented from vomiting in the first place.
outlook and prognosis
Vomiting in the baby is usually not a worrying clinical picture that must be treated by a doctor. The prospect of a quick and full recovery from this symptom is very high. Frequently, there is even only one vomiting, so that it does not even hide an independent clinical picture. A baby is not yet able to swallow properly, which often leads to vomiting. Of course, the parents of the baby do not have to panic, because there is a high probability that it is just a one-off appearance.
However, the prospect of rapid healing is different if the vomiting is triggered by an infection. If there is an infection, it can lead to repeated vomiting within a short period of time. In such a case, taking appropriate medication is recommended, because this is the only way to achieve a quick and speedy recovery. However, if the baby is given appropriate medication, a significant improvement can be expected very quickly. Repeated vomiting is often accompanied by headaches and an elevated temperature. But these two side effects should also subside after a few days.
Vomiting in babies cannot always be prevented. However, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk by paying attention to which foods the child can and cannot tolerate. It is also important to avoid infectious diseases and other diseases that can put a strain on the baby’s organism. Finally, strict hygiene must be observed. Leftover milk must be disposed of and should not be reheated to prevent germs from forming. All bottles and accessories should also be boiled in a water bath or in a vaporizer.
If there are sick people in the household, they should not have any contact with the baby if possible so that the pathogens are not transmitted. In general, it is important for parents to also ensure adequate hygiene in order to keep the risk of illness for the child as low as possible.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.