Trauma (physical)
Trauma is a physical injury to any part of the body caused by an accident or violence. Severe trauma must be treated as soon as possible, as there is a danger to life.
What is physical trauma?
A physical trauma refers to a physical injury caused by an external force. Depending on the severity of the trauma, it may be necessary to act quickly and arrange for the injured person to be transported to hospital; the preservation of life or a body part may depend on it.
There are a variety of injuries that can harm people in very different ways. Therefore, there is a medical catalog to classify the various physical traumas.
There are many possibilities that can lead to physical trauma. The nature of the injury affects people in very different ways and hardships. Statistically, trauma is classified as either intentional (suicide, self-harm, violence, war) or unintentional.The most common cause of traumatic death is blunt trauma (motorcycle accidents, falls, etc.). Intentional trauma is a common form of trauma.
Penetrating trauma occurs when a foreign object, such as a knife or bullet, enters the body tissues, leaving an open wound. Firearm injuries are a particularly complex and difficult-to-treat trauma.
Usually there is a combination of blunt trauma, penetrating trauma and an additional burn injury. Trauma is often closely related to certain activities. Thus, there are repetitive traumas of individual occupational groups or classic injuries of certain sports.
Symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of trauma:
- Bleeding
The human body responds to physical trauma systematically and generally, as well as specifically on the injured part of the body. The reaction is aimed at protecting vital organs, then cell production can be increased and the damage that has occurred can be repaired.
Very severe traumas are usually noticed quickly. Pain is severe and the injury is obvious. In many cases, the affected person also loses consciousness. Especially in this case, fast action is required.
Some traumas, especially internal ones, such as bone fractures, ligament tears or internal bleeding, may not be recognized immediately, the symptoms occur only with a time delay. A tolerable tugging at the ankle may lead to severe swelling and stiffening the next morning. Attention should be paid to people who have recently bumped their heads, a hematoma may be slow to notice.
The purpose of the physical examination is to identify possible life-threatening injuries as quickly as possible. This happens directly at the scene of the accident. Further examinations may be carried out during transport in the ambulance. Here, an attempt is made to identify all injuries that have occurred in order to initiate the necessary processes directly in the hospital.
X-rays or computed tomography are common in people who have suffered severe trauma. With these procedures, a more precise overview of the injuries to the entire body can be made. In particular, heavy internal bleeding must be diagnosed quickly, as it can be life-threatening.
Treatment and therapy
After a physical trauma, those affected are brought into a state by special stabilization techniques in which they can better survive the transport to the hospital. With the first examination of the injured person, breathing, respiratory tract and blood circulation are controlled. In order to avoid further injuries, the affected person is stabilized on a couch.
The rapid transport of people with severe trauma often significantly improves the subsequent chances of recovery. In many cases, transport by helicopter can be vital. People need special treatment after trauma, including surgery and Blood Transfusions .Experience shows that in severe cases, the measures must be taken quickly, as there is often a narrow time frame and it is not possible to predict when the patient will succumb to his injuries. There are special accident clinics with a trauma center that are trained to treat the seriously injured quickly and have the appropriate equipment.
Whether an operation is performed depends on the severity of the injury and the location of its occurrence. In the post-injury critical condition, only those injuries that are life-threatening are treated surgically. Only when the patient has reached a stable status are more comprehensive measures and operations initiated and carried out.
Preventing trauma lies in avoiding the risks that cause it. The highest risk of danger is for children, which is why prevention measures are particularly conspicuous here. In general, special precautions are recommended for activities, often required by law. This includes putting on the seat belt in the car, wearing a helmet on a bicycle or motorbike, and avoiding alcohol consumption when subsequently driving. The use of alcohol or other drugs in particular increases the risk of accidents or violence.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.