Sweating can be distressing, even though sweating is a human necessity. Because sweating regulates the heat in the body, which also means that the body cannot overheat. But excessive sweating or sweating can be bothersome; especially if you sweat profusely and often.
What is a sweat?
The skin has about two million sweat glands. These are distributed all over the body; the only places where there are no sweat glands are the lips and glans. The highest number of sweat glands, on the other hand, is on the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet and the forehead. The sweat itself consists of table salt , water, ammonia, as well as uric acid and urea. However, a distinction is made between thermoregulatory and nervous sweating.
With thermoregulatory sweating, the body ensures that the heat is regulated and thus cannot overheat. In the case of nervous sweating, on the other hand, sweating occurs when the person is agitated or nervous. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for the development and regulation of perspiration. However, if sweating occurs when temperature regulation is not required, this is referred to as pathological sweating – hyperhidrosis.
There are many reasons why the patient suffers from sweating. Sweating mainly occurs when the body temperature is elevated; For example, during physical exertion, clothing that is too warm, high outside temperatures and illnesses that cause fever .As a rule , overweight people also sweat more easily, since there is a great deal of physical stress during movement or physical activities. Psychological causes such as stress , anxiety or nervousness can also cause sweating. Even hormonal changes (e.g. during menstruation or pregnancy or during menopause ) can cause frequent sweating.
When to the doctor?
If those affected often suffer from sweating, a doctor should always be consulted. Breakouts in sweat can be caused by serious illnesses, some of which require intensive medical treatment. Those affected should contact a doctor if the sweating is intense and can no longer be controlled with conventional hygiene. If your professional and private life is already affected, you should see a doctor.
It is also advisable to go to the doctor if those affected notice damp palms or soles after just a little excitement or exertion. The same applies if the armpits, forehead or scalp are affected by sweating. A doctor’s visit should take place if those affected frequently sweat on the head or all over the body. Especially if the temperatures are not high, this is a warning sign.
If the sweating is accompanied by an infection, it should go away with the same. If this is not the case, a doctor must be consulted urgently. In addition, a doctor should be contacted if other symptoms such as body aches, muscle pain , back pain or headaches occur. If signs such as a strong feeling of thirst, paleness, stomach and intestinal problems as well as nervousness become noticeable, those affected should consult a doctor immediately. Anxiety and depressive moods are also indications of a serious illness.
diagnosis and course
As a rule, no medical diagnosis is required if the person sweats relatively heavily and frequently. Mainly because sweats are characteristic of disappearing after a few moments. However, if the sweats persist or if they occur without a reason, it is very necessary to contact the doctor. After a conversation with the patient and the associated anamnesis , he checks the essential physical characteristics. This means that a blood test or an ultrasound test is carried out.
If there is even a suspicion that the patient has cancer, a biopsy is taken from the bone marrow. If there is actually pathological sweating or hyperhidrosis, this is divided into three stages. Grade I is considered a mild form of the disease; here the armpits, the hands or the soles of the feet are excessively damp. With grade II, beads of sweat form at the relevant locations, while with grade III, there is talk of dripping beads of sweat.
Sweating is a symptom of an underlying condition, so the complications associated with it can vary widely. In most cases, sweating occurs in connection with a high temperature or fever. This complication usually gets worse if the affected person does not take appropriate measures. If you do not take medication, the temperature can even rise to over 40 degrees. At this point at the latest, a doctor should be consulted immediately so that serious consequential damage cannot occur. Sweating can therefore also be triggered by an infection.
It is not uncommon for complications such as headaches, nausea, diarrhea or even vomiting to occur. Therefore, a doctor’s visit is also highly advisable at this point. There is even a danger to life if you do not take the corresponding medication at all. A harmless flu can cause severe symptoms that can be very painful. The following therefore applies: If you sweat frequently, you should always consult a doctor. This is the only way to avoid complications. However, if the above complications have already occurred, they can be treated effectively by a doctor.
treatment and therapy
As a rule, no therapy is required for sweating. However, if hyperhidrosis is present, therapy must be carried out. If the cause is not pathological, it is important that the person concerned takes precautions themselves. This means that not only increased body care is required, but also that an appropriate antiperspirant should be used. Those remedies help above all because they ensure that the sweat glands are contracted, so that outbreaks of sweating or massive sweating are prevented.
Furthermore, the affected person has the option of having a small miracle cure at their side in the form of sage tea , which also ensures that the sweat glands contract so that excessive sweating can be stopped or reduced. It is also beneficial if – instead of synthetic clothing – mainly breathable fabrics are chosen. If sweating occurs during the night, it is still advisable to wear thin pajamas.The patient must also adjust their diet . This means that especially spicy foods, alcohol and coffee should be avoided; those substances and foods cause increased sweat production. Especially very hot spices stimulate sweat production and cause unpleasant sweating. However, the person affected should not reduce their fluid intake. While many believe that if you drink a lot of fluids you will sweat more afterwards, this is not true.
In the case of heavy sweat production in particular, it is important that the lost fluid is replaced. There are also conservative therapies and methods to stop or reduce sweat production. For example, by using direct current, it is possible that sweat gland activity is reduced. Botox injections also ensure that extreme sweating is a thing of the past. However, there are also surgical procedures. Here the sweat glands can be sucked out or completely removed. A blockage of the nerves is also possible. However, if there are no pathological causes, surgical treatment is not necessary.
There are quite a few ways that the sufferer can avoid profuse sweating. Especially if there is no illness behind the sweating. Losing weight (if you are overweight) or changing your diet helps in the first place . Spicy foods and spices, alcohol and coffee should primarily be avoided. It is mainly advisable if vegetables, fruit and dairy products are consumed. Sage also has a very calming effect on the sweat glands and can be taken in the form of tea.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.