Sunstroke (insulation, heliosis) is basically a meningitis that is sterile, however, because it is only triggered by excessive heat radiation (UV radiation) on the head and neck region and not by bacteria or viruses. Sunstroke poses a greater risk during this time than many people think.
What is sunstroke?
In summer in particular, one is often exposed to great heat while at the same time drinking too little liquid. If you stay in the sun for a long time without protecting yourself accordingly, you risk heat damage or sunstroke after a short time.
Direct sunlight irritates the meninges that lie under the top of the skull and can sometimes have serious consequences. The first signs are nausea and headaches as well as dizziness , while the neck, head and neck are very red at the same time. Clouded consciousness or even loss of consciousness can also occur.
The primary cause of sunstroke is, of course, direct, intense sunlight over a long period of time.Above all, people who spend most of their time outdoors for professional or leisure reasons, such as outdoor sports enthusiasts or construction workers, are at risk. But even those who relax in the sun should not underestimate the danger.
With direct exposure to UV rays on the head, the sun penetrates the hair, skin and skull bones, causing significant heating. As a result, the meninges can become inflamed.
Additional risk factors are generally high temperatures and physical exertion while being exposed to heat.
At high altitudes, UV radiation is significantly stronger, so there is an increased risk here. If countermeasures are not taken at the first sign of sunstroke, there is also a risk of complications. Meningitis, which in the worst case results in permanent brain damage, cannot be ruled out.
When to the doctor?
As a rule, a doctor should be consulted if sunstroke becomes noticeable. A doctor should be contacted, especially if you have a headache with associated neck stiffness and a feeling of heat. If sunstroke is accompanied by severe nausea, vomiting and dizziness, those affected should not hesitate to consult a doctor. In addition, a doctor’s visit is necessary if the head is massively reddened. This can also be a warning sign of heat stroke or sunburn, so this is part of education.
As soon as fever and chills occur, a doctor’s visit is essential. An accelerated pulse and restlessness also need to be clarified by a doctor. Those affected should ensure that their eyes are not affected. In addition to sunstroke, this can also lead to conjunctivitis with burning eyes.
Affected people who suffer from sunstroke should contact an emergency doctor immediately if a clouding of consciousness becomes noticeable or if they fantasize. An ambulance should also be consulted if convulsions or severe vomiting occur. Sunstroke accompanied by a fever of over 39 degrees requires immediate medical attention.
diagnosis and course
Sunstroke can occur after prolonged exposure to the sun, especially in fair-skinned people and children. Depending on the severity and type of symptoms, a medical diagnosis is advisable. The family doctor asks about the acute symptoms and previous illnesses. The duration of the intensive solar radiation, the type of complaints and the timing of the appearance of the complaints indicate whether sunstroke is present. Typical symptoms are: headaches, nausea or dizziness, which often only appear a few hours after being in the sun. It can lead to vomiting, inner restlessness, ringing in the ears, fever and drowsiness.
The doctor will also perform a physical exam. It measures body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and pupillary reflex. In the case of sunstroke, the head and neck are often very red and heated. Irritation of the meninges, which can be caused by strong sunlight, is often reflected in a painful, tense neck. An ambulance should only be called or a hospital visited for further diagnosis and treatment of the sunstroke if the symptoms are very severe, such as loss of consciousness.
The symptoms of sunstroke, which often only appear a few hours after exposure to the sun, usually pass without further consequences. Affected patients should avoid sun. Cooling the body with cold, damp cloths, especially in the head and neck area, provides quick relief. For this purpose, the patient should lie with the head and upper body slightly elevated.
Only in rare cases can sunstroke lead to long-term symptoms. Cerebral edema can occur or, in rare cases, meningitis can occur, especially in children. In such cases, medical treatment of sunstroke is essential.
Various symptoms and complications can occur with sunstroke. These depend greatly on the physical condition of the patient and the strength of the sun. In the worst case, a circulatory collapse occurs and the person concerned loses consciousness. With sunstroke, the person affected suffers from dizziness, general weakness, and vomiting. In addition, it can also cause tachycardiaand severe pain in the head and ears. There is a general weakness that can break out in a slight panic. Only in rare cases does sunstroke lead to respiratory arrest or cardiac arrest. In most cases, the person affected recovers relatively quickly from the symptom. Treatment, as a rule, takes the form of bed rest and does not lead to any complications. The patient needs to drink plenty of fluids and rest. Physical and sporting activities are usually restricted. After sunstroke, the patient may feel unwell or sick for a few days. After that, the symptoms usually disappear on their own and there are no further complaints.
treatment and therapy
How sunstroke is treated depends primarily on the severity and condition of the patient. The first signs – a red head, dizziness, nausea and headache should be taken seriously in any case.
As a first measure, it is of course important to get the affected person out of the sun and to ensure that the environment is as cool as possible. In this case, lying completely flat is counterproductive; instead, the upper body should be slightly elevated.
Even when the outside temperature is cooler, it is important to keep your head and neck cool. Both ice packs and cold towels are suitable for this. Fluid and salty food bring the electrolyte balance back into order.
In the case of a mild sunstroke, this form of self-treatment should take effect quickly. However, if the patient has lost consciousness, the help of an emergency doctor is urgently required. Children should always be examined by a doctor.
In order to prevent sunstroke, the head should always be protected from intense sunlight with an appropriate cover.It is also important to stay in the shade as often as possible and to avoid prolonged UV exposure as much as possible.
Children should never go out in the sun without a hat, as they are particularly susceptible to sunstroke.
Excessive physical exertion in strong sunlight should also be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
If the outside temperature is generally very high, the body should be supplied with sufficient liquid.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.