Stuttering (balbuties) is a speech disorder also known as fluency disorder. The exact reasons have not been fully researched scientifically. However, experts assume genetic, emotional or cognitive causes. The symptoms can be reduced by targeted speech therapy (speech therapy).
What is stuttering?
Stuttering is a disorder of the normal flow of speech. It involves repeating or prolonging words, syllables, or phrases. Those affected also stop while speaking and remain silent for a short time before the flow of speech continues.
People who stutter know what they want to say, but have trouble getting the words out of their mouths. Stuttering is common in younger children and is part of language development. Sometimes, however, the problems become chronic and continue into adult life.
This form of stuttering can have a negative impact on self-confidence and communication with other people. Children and adults with this disorder may benefit from treatments such as speech therapy, counseling, or the use of electronic learning aids.
The causes of stuttering are numerous. Often they appear in combination. Possible causes are:Normal Language Development: In this case, language development lags behind what the child wants to say. This phase is usually overcome by the age of four.
Congenital brain disorders: Stuttering is more common in some families. Abnormal structures in the speech center can be passed on and cause the disorder.
Stroke or Head Injury: Stuttering can be caused by a stroke, head injury, or other trauma.
Mental disorders: In rare cases, emotional trauma can also lead to stuttering. This used to be thought to be the main cause of stuttering. Now we know it’s the exception. Researchers are still looking for underlying causes of stuttering. So it’s not clear why people who stutter often don’t have problems with articulation when speaking or singing to themselves.
When to the doctor?
When stuttering, there is usually no need to see a doctor. This symptom is not a symptom that is life-threatening and must be treated. However, stuttering can lead to many mental health problems that may require a visit to a psychiatrist.
As a rule, children in particular are affected by stuttering. Due to adolescent behaviors, stuttering often leads to social exclusion and thus to aggressive behavior. Other symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and depression can also occur. If the psychological problems caused by the stuttering weigh heavily on the patient, a doctor must be consulted in any case.
There is no universal cure for stuttering. Success depends heavily on the condition of the person affected and the extent of the stuttering. If the stuttering has prevailed since birth, there is hardly any cure. In people who grow up bilingual, stuttering occurs relatively often and is a common symptom. This can be counteracted by speaking and reading aloud frequently.
A doctor should be consulted, especially if the stuttering comes on very suddenly and has never happened before. This can be a trauma that needs to be treated in any case.
diagnosis and course
Parents of a child who stutters are interviewed by their doctor or a speech therapist about their child’s speech behavior. A diagnosis of stuttering requires accurate medical history, the time the stuttering started, and an assessment of the situations in which the child stutters most.
The child is then asked to read aloud to identify certain patterns in the flow of language. The doctor or speech therapist pays attention to two factors. On the one hand, the repetition or incorrect pronunciation of words, syllables and parts of sentences. This is normal for children of a certain age.
On the other hand, he pays attention to delays in the flow of speech and their occurrence. At this point in the diagnosis, the doctor tries to rule out other causes, such as tic and Tourette syndrome . Adults are asked additional questions about how stuttering affects them in everyday life. The best form of therapy can then be found.
Stuttering often leads to social complications such as teasing or bullying in children. People who stutter are often shy and find it difficult to make new friends. Speech disorders give many people the false impression that the person who stutters is less intelligent. This often gives rise to prejudices from which the person concerned can also suffer.
Possible psychological consequences are feelings of inferiority, social isolation, depression and anxiety. Anxiety and negative moods can also increase stuttering. Stuttering can be associated with other language disorders. In addition, people with a pervasive developmental disorder or autism suffer from stuttering more often than average.
Another possible complication is selective mutism. The affected person does not speak in certain situations or with certain people. Selective mutism can develop as a result of stuttering, but it is also possible for mutism to precede or occur at the same time as stuttering. Kindergarten and preschool children who stutter are more likely to suffer from dyslexia when they reach school age.
The dyslexia is (like stuttering itself) independent of intelligence and schooling. Parents of children who stutter should therefore monitor their child’s language development very carefully in order to be able to intervene at an early stage. However, excessive pressure to perform and excessive control can have a negative impact on stuttering and overall mental health.
treatment and therapy
There are different methods of treating stuttering in adults and children. These methods can be used at home, with a speech therapist, or as part of an intensive program. Treatment often involves different methods.
These include: Controlled speaking: This form of speech therapy teaches those affected to slow down their speaking speed and thereby become more aware of errors in the flow of speech. The further the training progresses, the more the pace and safety increases.
Through electronic devices: These devices are based on different principles of therapy. They are often worn as in-ear headphones connected to a small box. If speech errors occur, signals are emitted via the headphones to which the wearer must react.
Cognitive-behavioural therapy: This therapy primarily aims to identify thought patterns that lead to stuttering. A new way of dealing with these thought patterns can eliminate the stuttering.
Parental Involvement: Provides tips and teaching methods for parents to help their children control their stuttering in everyday life.
Some of the more targeted therapies for adult stuttering include: Treatment in Clinical Settings: These therapy sessions last from 1 to 4 hours per week for several months, during which identified fluency errors are corrected.
Intensive programmes: This form can be compared to an intensive language course. Patients spend 2 to 4 weeks in a special therapy center and take part in up to 100 hours of therapy.
Stuttering cannot be effectively prevented. Stumbling over syllables, words and sentence fragments is part of normal language development. Although researchers and speech therapists have long studied the issue, no means have been found to prevent stuttering in the first place.
This is mainly because the causes of stuttering can be genetic, emotional as well as cognitive. If stuttering runs in one’s own family, special attention should be paid to such undesirable developments in the development of a child.
In general: If symptomatic speech defects persist after the age of 4 years, an expert must be consulted.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.