Stretch marks
Stretch marks are stretch marks that often appear on the abdomen, hips, buttocks, upper arms and breasts of pregnant women due to overstretching of the skin. The medically harmless but visually unsightly skin strips do not recede on their own. They are treatable and regular massages during pregnancy are considered good preventive measures.
What are stretch marks?
Stretch marks, or stretch marks , medically known as striae cutis atrophicae or striae cutis distensae, can appear on any part of the skin that is subject to gradual overstretching. These are tears in the connective tissue of the subcutaneous tissue that are caused by overstretching of the collagen fibers in the overlying dermis. The collagen fibers of the dermis below the top layer, the epidermis, give the skin elasticity and firmness.
Typically, in the last months of pregnancy , the skin on the abdomen, buttocks, hips, upper arms and breasts of pregnant women is overstretched, which leads to more or less pronounced stretch marks. People suffering from obesity can also develop stretch marks. Women are affected much more frequently than men.
An important factor in the development of stretch marks in pregnant women are their hormonal changes , which have an adverse effect on the elasticity of the skin. The reduced elasticity of the skin combined with increasing overstretching promote the formation of stretch marks.The extent to which the change in biochemical processes plays a role in the inadequate adaptation of the connective tissue of the dermis is being discussed, but has not yet been finally clarified. Longer treatment with cortisone can also cause the formation of stretch marks, because the elastic and collagenous fibers of the dermis lose their elasticity if cortisone preparations are not used optimally and tears in the connective tissue of the subcutaneous tissue cannot be prevented.
Similar symptoms can be caused by prolonged suboptimal treatment with adenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Bodybuilding, which leads to strong muscle growth over a short period of time, leaves the skin too little leeway to get used to the changed conditions, so that the formation of stretch marks can hardly be avoided. A general weakness of the connective tissue and environmental factors such as existing obesity and lack of physical activity also play a role.
When to the doctor?
Stretch marks are stretch marks on the skin that, in a medical sense, do not indicate a condition of concern. A doctor does not normally have to be consulted when the skin changes occur. Stretch marks usually appear in the course of pregnancy from mid-pregnancy to the end of gestation. As the fetus grows, the mother’s skin becomes stretched.
There are steps you can take independently during pregnancy to avoid the strips. The skin should be well cared for and supplied with vitamin-rich oils several times a day. Regular massages also help. Stretch marks can form in people who are very overweight. However, seeing a doctor for stretch marks is not necessary. This is where you should consult a doctor to lose weight.
The stretch marks are an optical flaw. If you are suffering, it is advisable to see a doctor. With laser treatment, the streaks can be reduced or completely removed. If emotional problems arise, it is advisable to consult a doctor. They include excessive shame, withdrawal, and depressed or low mood. If the stretch marks lead to a loss of libido or sexual dysfunction , there is a risk of problems in the partnership. Therefore, in these cases, a doctor should be consulted in good time before there is a risk of separation.
diagnosis and course
Stretch marks in the skin can usually be diagnosed visually and haptically. If the diagnosis is doubtful and there are problems in distinguishing it from a possible scleroderma , an autoimmune disease of the skin, a microscopic examination of the affected skin tissue can provide clarity. Torn elastic fibers visible under the microscope and almost no connective tissue confirm that they are stretch marks.
In the early stages, the stripes can be recognized visually by their pale pink colour . At this stage they cannot be felt. As the pregnancy progresses, the stretch marks become longer, wider and deeper. They can then be felt under the epidermis as a kind of groove pattern, and they gradually take on a blue-violet colour. After the excessive tensile stress on the skin has ceased, i.e. after childbirth or after overcoming obesity, the striae cutis develop back into grey-white strips of skin. This makes them look less noticeable, but they can no longer completely recede.
Stretch marks never go away completely, but become almost invisible over time. This comforts many people who have just gotten fresh stretch marks that are still reddish or bluish in color. It is also at this stage that the most unpleasant complications appear. In stretch marks that turn this color, tissue has torn and there has been minimal bleeding. This is basically harmless, but as with any wound, no matter how small, it can lead to inflammation. Usually behind such exceptional cases is an already weakened immune system. Apart from that, the skin on a newly formed stretch mark is also particularly sensitive and therefore more susceptible to injuries. You should be treated carefully during this time so that no subsequent injuries occur.
Another complication is poorly healing stretch marks. They are initially a purely cosmetic problem, since they then remain more or less clearly visible on the skin and do not recede into a narrow, white, almost invisible strip.
If stretch marks are associated with a more serious injury, it is quite possible that unsightly scarring will follow and the scar will in turn cause problems. The risk is particularly high if the stretch mark has become infected and the body has had to cope with a more extensive healing process, which could also result in major complications.
treatment and therapy
There are few options for treating stretch marks during pregnancy. The main options are light massages and the use of vitamin-rich oils to facilitate a certain regeneration. The regular treatment of the affected skin areas with creams containing vitamin A acid , which is otherwise recommended during the acute phase, must not be carried out during pregnancy and breastfeeding! The active ingredient stimulates the formation of new cells and thus supports the skin’s natural regeneration process.
The wide range of further treatment and therapy options offered usually presupposes that the acute stretching phase has been overcome. The regeneration of the skin and improvement of the optical appearance are in the foreground. In addition to the external application of vitamin A acid preparations, optical improvements can be achieved with special laser treatments and trichloroacetic acid.
As an alternative to laser treatment, cryotherapy can also be used, in which the uppermost layers of the cornea are detached and removed using cold technology. Trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid is used for a medical peeling of the cornea. The acid treatment can be combined with a microdermabrasion, in which the uppermost layers of the callus are removed from the epidermis. Dermabrasion is performed under local anesthesia or under short anesthesia with a special device.The affected skin areas need a regeneration phase lasting several days after the procedure. In exceptional cases, there is also a surgical solution through skin transplantation or contraction of certain areas of the skin, which usually leads to new, less noticeable scarring . Unfortunately, a complete regeneration of the skin with a complete retraction of the strips is not possible, but the possibilities for optical improvement are great.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.