Streptococcal infection – causes, complaints & therapy

Streptococcal infection

Streptococcal infection is an infection of the body with a specific group of bacteria. This can lead to a variety of sometimes serious diseases.

What is a streptococcal infection?

Streptococcus is a group of bacteria that regularly settle on and in the human body. Especially in children, streptococci in the throat are often found as an incidental finding.

The detection of streptococci is therefore not necessarily a medically questionable finding. Only when streptococci multiply too much, they can lead to serious diseases. The name derives from the ancient Greek words for “necklace” and “grain”, which refers to the chain-like shape of the bacteria.


Infection with streptococci often occurs as a droplet infection or through direct physical contact with another sick person. Close coexistence and close contact as well as poor hygiene thus promote infection.Frequently, therefore, numerous infections occur in homes, barracks and other community facilities if appropriate precautions are not taken.

If people come into contact with streptococci and the body’s immune system cannot fight the bacteria sufficiently, an infection occurs and about one to three days later the first symptoms occur. The group of streptococci is divided into several strains and subgroups, each of which is associated with different diseases.


A streptococcal infection can result in a variety of inflammatory complications. It is crucial what type of streptococci it is and where in the body the bacteria settle. Common consequences of streptococcal infection are inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, middle ear, tonsils, meninges, inner membranes of the heart, urinary tract, larynx, lungs and connective tissue; also lichen and wound roses. The childhood disease scarlet fever arises as a result of a streptococcal infection caused by the toxins produced by the bacteria.

Symptoms and course

Symptoms of streptococcal infection vary depending on the affected area of the body. All streptococcal infections are often accompanied by fever, swelling, purulent secretions and severe pain.

Streptococcal infections can develop into very serious clinical pictures; in particular, meningitis is a medical emergency. If infection with these bacteria is suspected, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Warning symptoms in this context are high fever, chills, great subjective weakness, a poor general condition. Streptococcal infections affect both adults and quite often children.

An infection with streptococci that is not detected and treated too late or too late can result in sepsis. The streptococci enter the bloodstream in large quantities, which can end in an infectious-toxic shock and thus fatal within a short time. This dramatic course of the disease particularly affects patients with a weakened immune system from the outset, for example due to AIDS, heart disease or diabetes.


If a streptococcal infection is suspected based on the clinical picture described above, a swab is taken if possible. If this is not possible, a blood sample can also be taken to create a blood culture. This is cultivated in the laboratory, which allows the pathogen to be detected under a microscope. However, as already described, a certain colonization with streptococci is not unusual and pathological. A blood test can also be used to determine whether antibodies against streptococci have formed. This is a clear indication of a streptococcal infection.

treatment and therapy

In the case of a streptococcal infection, antibiotics are used to kill the bacteria. The most common remedy in this context is penicillin .

Since there are some streptococci that have developed resistance to certain antibiotics, it can make sense to create a bacterial culture and examine it for possible resistance. In this way, an effective drug can usually be determined.A streptococcal infection is contagious, which is why affected patients should cure their infection at home in order not to spread their disease further. After starting antibiotic treatment, however, the risk of infection should quickly subside. Patients not treated with antibiotics remain contagious for weeks.

An untreated or insufficiently treated streptococcal infection can have serious consequences – in addition to complications of the actual infection, it is also associated with certain Autoimmune diseases and acute rheumatic fever. Prompt medical therapy until complete healing is therefore urgently required.


Streptococcal infections are particularly dangerous for people with an already weakened immune system , since the body’s own defense system has little to counteract the bacteria. A generally healthy lifestyle also helps to avoid complicated streptococcal infections. Appropriate personal hygiene, especially when in contact with acutely infected patients, is also an advantage. Infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae can be prevented by a pneumococcal vaccination; however, this does not affect all bacteria of the streptococci group.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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