Inflamed eyes
Sore eyes are the colloquial term for conjunctivitis or conjunctivitis. Inflammation develops in the tear glands and ducts of the conjunctiva, which leads to redness and watery eyes.
What are sore eyes?
Inflamed eyes result from the contact of different tissues of the eye with pathogens. The most common is conjunctivitis, or conjunctivitis, but other parts of the eye can also become inflamed, such as the cornea or middle part of the eye. However, these infections are quite rare. Typical signs of inflamed eyes are dry and itchy eyes , visible redness and increased tearing.
Increased pus may form in the edges of the eyes, and in the case of severely inflamed eyes, the eyelids may be very sticky in the morning. The facial skin around the eyes often dries out with inflamed eyes, as it is exposed to tears or the patient’s occasional rubbing of the eyes. The symptoms of inflamed eyes often subside on their own; medical intervention is only absolutely necessary in severe cases. However, many patients find the symptoms of inflamed eyes so unpleasant that they consult an ophthalmologist or treat them themselves, even with a mild infection.
Inflamed eyes are due to the eye coming into contact with bacteria , and more rarely with viruses . Of course, the human eye is constantly confronted with germs, but with a healthy immune system and generally good eye health, this alone does not happen. Unfortunately, risk factors for inflamed eyes are not uncommon, and eyes that are already dry or strained can be susceptible. A steady breeze is enough to dry out the eye enough for bacteria to have an easier time.
A general immune deficiency also contributes to eye infections. People often aggravate sore eyes themselves by rubbing or scratching them because they itch or feel uncomfortable when dry. As a result, however, the pathogens spread further and can also multiply well or be transmitted to other people. There are therefore only pathogens as the actual cause of inflamed eyes. However, certain risk factors in the environment put so much stress on the eye that inflammation is likely, such as drafty rooms or prolonged contact lens wear . Some allergies, especially pollen allergies, have symptoms similar to those of an eye infection.
When to the doctor?
Inflamed eyes require a doctor’s visit as soon as possible. Especially if the eyes have been red, itchy or burning for several days. Under no circumstances should those affected use eye drops or ointments themselves, as this can worsen an inflammation in the eye. If the eyelids are stuck together in the morning, a visit to the doctor is also strongly recommended. If the inflammation of the eye is caused by an infection, there is a high risk of infection, which makes thorough hygiene necessary.
If severe pain or sudden deterioration in vision occurs, this is a reason to see an ophthalmologist immediately. If an eye infection is accompanied by a stabbing headache, it may be due to a glaucoma attack , which requires immediate hospital treatment. There is an acute risk of blindness in the event of a glaucoma attack. If sore eyes are not treated early, it can spread to the cornea and form ulcers .
There is not always a serious illness behind inflamed eyes. In some cases there is only a stye or a foreign body in the eye. Nevertheless, inflamed eyes must be clarified by an ophthalmologist.
diagnosis and course
Inflamed eyes can be seen in most patients. Redness around the eye and in the eye itself, increased tear flow or pus in the corner of the eye are obvious. It can happen that only one eye is inflamed, but both eyes can also be affected at the same time. Transmission of the infection is not uncommon, because the eyes are not far apart. Slightly inflamed eyes usually heal on their own after a few days, this is especially true for mild conjunctivitis.
Severely inflamed eyes, on the other hand, benefit from treatment with eye cream containing active ingredients, which kills the germs as best as possible and thus leads to faster healing. However, depending on the severity and location of the infection, it may take a few days for the inflamed eye to visibly improve. However, contact lenses should not be worn while they are healing, because germs only collect underneath them and are also difficult to get rid of with medicines to treat the inflammation of the eyes. Visually impaired patients must wear glasses until the inflammation has completely subsided.
Inflamed eyes are caused by an immunological reaction in the eye area. Bacterial infections are usually the reason for this. Conjunctivitis is the most common type of inflammation. In addition to conjunctivitis, there are many other ways in which the eyes can become inflamed, such as corneal inflammation or a chalazion or stye . This results in a wide variety of complications. Visual impairment is rather rare. A complete loss of vision, i.e. blindness, is also extremely rare and usually does not occur with medical care.
So-called superinfections are more common. If other germs such as bacteria also infect an already infected eye, this is referred to as a superinfection. The immune system is exhausted by the germ that is already present, which makes colonization by other pathogens easier, making it more difficult to heal the inflammation of the eyes. Furthermore, the infection can spread to the cornea (= cornea), which can be dangerous because the cornea can become cloudy, vision is severely impaired and the patient can go blind. If the inflammation of the eye lasts for a long time, the connective tissue can proliferate, i.e. the eye can become scarred. This can also lead to clouding of the cornea with the consequences mentioned. The tear glands or ducts can also scar.
treatment and therapy
Inflamed eyes are uncomfortable and annoying, but if they are mild, they usually do not need any special treatment. In retrospect, conjunctivitis in particular can usually be traced back to an event as the trigger, such as driving a car with a direct draft. It only takes a few days to get better on its own. However, since inflamed eyes are so uncomfortable for the patient, home remedies such as cotton pads soaked in chamomile tea are recommended, which are gently held lukewarm on the inflamed eye for a few minutes. The patient will notice for himself what is comfortable and when the cotton pad can be removed from the eye again.
If the inflamed eyes are sticky after getting up in the morning, a chamomile tea pad also supports the gentle cleaning of the eyes. Herbal teas contain antibacterial agents that support natural healing – even ophthalmologists are happy to recommend this home remedy for only slightly inflamed eyes. If the inflamed eyes are sticky or if the infection lasts longer, antibacterial medication in the form of eye ointments or eye drops is recommended . The latter are often easier for the patient to use than the ointment.
With the right active ingredient in each case, eye drops are also prescribed for other foci of inflammation in the eye, as they are comparatively easy for the patient to use. If the inflamed eye becomes sensitive to light, the patient can be given an eye patch. This is more recommended for children because it is difficult for adults to wear in everyday life. In the case of allergies, the symptoms of watery, red eyes are also treated if the patient suffers from them, but the causative treatment is against the allergy.
outlook and prognosis
It is very difficult to give an accurate prognosis for inflamed eyes, since the course depends on any treatment. Inflamed eyes are usually caused by bacteria, causing the eyeball to turn red. In particularly bad cases, there is even pus formation , so that the eye is very sticky in the morning hours. If no doctor is consulted for this clinical picture, there is still a risk of a significant worsening of the individual symptoms. Under certain circumstances, an abscess may even form in the course of this disease . An abscess is a cavity filled with pus.
It becomes dangerous when this liquid enters the human bloodstream. In such a case, it can even lead to dangerous blood poisoning in the worst case . The course of the disease with medical treatment looks much better and more positive. The affected person can achieve rapid improvement by taking anti-inflammatory agents. Significant improvement can be expected after just three to four days. The following therefore applies: The prospect of rapid improvement in inflamed eyes depends heavily on whether medical or drug treatment takes place. If such treatment is carried out, a quick and complete recovery can be expected.
Sore eyes certainly happen to everyone several times in life. In particular, the conjunctiva becomes inflamed quickly, in children even earlier and more severely than in adults. To avoid this, it helps to avoid noticeable drafts in rooms or vehicles as much as possible. This means that even the air conditioning in the car must not blow directly into the eyes, because that can dry them out so much that bacteria have an easy time of it.
Sore eyes can also be avoided by replacing contact lenses after the prescribed time. Daily lenses are hardly a threat to eye health, while monthly lenses have to be replaced with new lenses after 30 days. Otherwise, germs may collect under the contact lens, which can lead to inflamed eyes. Lipid drops for the eyes help with dry eyes caused by a lot of screen work, dry heating air or other influences. These moisturize them and help against risky dehydration.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.