Sensory Disorder – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Sensory disturbance

sensory disorder is temporary irritation or permanent damage to the nerves . This leads to misguided sensations when external stimuli are applied to the patient’s body. There are a variety of forms of sensory disorders, and the causes, possible diagnoses and treatment options are just as diverse. Unfortunately, there is no effective prevention against sensory disorders.

What are sensory disorders?

A sensory disorder is an altered perception of external stimuli caused by a disturbance in the nerves. A distinction is made between seven different stimuli: touch, temperature, vibration, pain, movement, position and strength.

In the presence of a sensory disturbance, these stimuli are either perceived as unpleasant or painful (in the case of so-called dysesthesia), as stronger than usual (in the case of hyperesthesia), as weaker than usual (in the case of hypesthesia) or not at all (in the case of anesthesia).

Another form of sensory disturbance is paresthesia, in which a sensation is present but not triggered by an appropriate stimulus. This leads, for example, to what is known as ant sprout, where it feels as if insects are running over the skin, but this is not the case.

Sensitivity disorders are not only a concern per se, they can also have more far-reaching consequences: For example, if a person affected by anesthesia sustains an injury and does not notice it because they do not feel pain, they may not initiate wound care. There is a risk not only of bleeding to death, but also of infection of the wound.


Since a sensory disorder is triggered by a dysfunction of the nerves, its respective cause is also to be found in this area. The reasons for the symptoms can range from a temporary irritation of the nerves, such as migraines , circulatory disorders, an attack by viruses or drug treatment, to permanent damage to the nerves.These include, for example, burns, a stroke, diabetes, tumors (especially if they occur in the brain or spinal cord) or neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis.


When to the doctor?

In the case of inexplicable severe sensory disturbances in the body, a doctor should be consulted as soon as they last for several hours or days. If a sensory disorder occurs in the form of severe hypersensitivity to temperatures or touch, the affected person experiences a strong sensation of pain. A doctor should be consulted before taking any pain-relieving medication.

Numbness on the skin increases the general risk of injury and burns. A great deal of due diligence is required. In addition, if the skin is damaged, a doctor should be consulted immediately, otherwise inflammation or infection will occur. If the sensory disturbances continue to spread, it is unavoidable to see a doctor. Medical examinations are necessary to clarify the cause.

If there are other symptoms such as cold extremities , disturbances of consciousness, reduced ability to react or a feeling of exhaustion, a doctor’s visit is recommended. There may be circulatory disorders which, if not treated, lead to functional failures of individual systems or organs.

Swelling and reddening of the skin in the affected region must be clarified by a doctor. A sensory disorder that affects actions such as grasping or holding objects should be presented to a doctor. There may be chronic conditions that need to be diagnosed and treated as they can spread.

diagnosis and course

Since the causes of a sensory disorder are varied, a medical examination is essential if the symptoms persist for a long time to determine whether it is a temporary nerve irritation or a serious illness. The responsible specialist is the neurologist. First, he interviews the patient who has noticed an unusual sensation in his body, such as numbness or unusual pain without a trigger. The neurologist finds out how long the symptoms have existed and whether possible causes are known. He must also be informed of any previous illnesses and medications taken.

At the same time, an examination of the body and blood as well as a neurological examination takes place. In the latter, it is checked whether and how the patient reacts to stimuli such as different temperatures or pain. Depending on the suspected form of the disorder, further examinations, such as magnetic resonance imaging , computer tomography , a brain water examination or an allergy test , then narrow down the disease further.


Sensitivity disorders can lead to various complications that depend heavily on the severity of the disorder. In the worst case, there is a complete loss of a certain body part or body field. In these cases, the patients also have an increased risk of accidents because they cannot correctly perceive or assess dangers. In this case, the sensory disturbance can lead to serious accidents. Wounds and scars are not noticed and treated in time by the patients. As a result, even simple and small wounds can become inflamed and trigger an infection.

In most cases, the patients are also psychologically burdened by the sensory disorder. This usually leads to depression and social withdrawal. Visiting the workplace is often no longer possible. The sensory disturbance can also have a negative effect on the patient’s movements or coordination. In these cases, the person concerned is dependent on the help of another person.

Especially in children, movement restrictions can lead to severe psychological problems. Treatment is possible in many cases and does not lead to further complications. However, it is not always possible to completely limit the sensory disturbance.

treatment and therapy

When treating a sensory disorder, the specific cause is decisive. For example, if a nerve is pinched, this can be treated either with an operation, a massage or with gymnastic exercises. Basically, in dysesthesia and hyperesthesia, i.e. the two forms in which stimuli lead to pain, it is a recommended procedure to suppress the pain with pain- relieving drugs .

If necessary, antidepressants should also be considered. If a stroke is present, immediate intensive medical care is essential. If the stroke is not treated, this will result in permanent damage or even the death of the person affected. 

If the sensory disturbance is the side effect of a medication, then the patient must stop taking it under the constant supervision of a doctor. If there is a bacterial infection , antibiotics must be administered.

Since severe alcohol abuse can also be a cause of a sensitivity disorder, in this case a withdrawal treatment and taking vitamin B1 is recommended.

Diabetics should bring their blood sugar levels to a healthy level while consuming alpha lipoic acid. In most cases of sensory disturbances associated with a permanent disorder of the nervous system, the long-term use of medication cannot be avoided.


Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive way to prevent a sensory disorder. In general, a balanced diet with the supply of sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals is recommended. In addition, a lot of exercise, frequent recovery phases and avoiding unnecessary stress serve to reduce the risk of nervous diseases . If the problem is of an orthopedic nature and the patient is aware of it, long-term physiotherapeutic treatments can have a preventative effect against sensory disturbances.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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