A preventive examination is carried out in order to detect diseases at an early stage, so that treatment can be carried out in time. In this way, the patient’s chances of recovery increase.
Preventive examinations are examinations that serve the early detection or prevention of diseases or health impairments. In addition to diseases, physical aberrations can also be discovered.
Why are check-ups important?
A preventive examination is suitable for numerous areas of application. These include growth disorders, metabolic disorders and dental problems already in childhood.
Of course, a preventive examination is also important for adults, which is especially true for cancer screening. Child and adolescent check-ups are carried out between birth and the age of 13 to 14. These include newborn screening, preventive examinations U1 to J2, kindergarten examinations and school examinations.
An important indication for women is pregnancy, in which it is necessary to control not only the health of the mother, but also that of the unborn child.
General medicine carries out preventive examinations to detect arterial hypertension, elevated cholesterol levels, lipid metabolism disorders or sleep apnea. Examinations of this kind are also important in dentistry in order to treat damage to the teeth at an early stage.
Cancer screening is of particular importance. Thus, early cancer detection can be vital for treatment. Cancers that can be detected during screening include breast cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, cervical cancer, skin cancer and prostate cancer.
What preventive examinations are there?
Preventive examinations in infancy and childhood
Preventive examinations begin immediately after the birth of a child and take place at regular intervals. In addition to possible diseases, doctors also pay attention to developmental abnormalities of the baby. Preventive examinations are one of the most important tasks of paediatrics (paediatrics). For example, its introduction has significantly reduced child mortality.
The initial examination of the infant is called U1. Among other things, weight, height, navel pH and Apgar score are determined. The further preventive examinations for children take place at certain age groups and are referred to as U2 to U9. At the age between 10 and 15 years, the J1 joins, which is also called U10.
Preventive examinations in women
In women over 20 years of age, an examination of their reproductive organs is possible every year. After reaching the age of 30, examinations of the skin and breast follow. From the age of 45, the intestine can also be controlled. Maternity care is also one of the important preventive examinations for women.
As part of a preventive examination, medicine uses different procedures. Early detection of cancer includes the woman’s annual genital and breast examination. In addition, mammography screening takes place every two years in women over 50 years of age, which is used for the early detection of breast cancer (breast cancer). Mammography is part of radiology and is also known as X-ray mammography.
Preventive examinations in men
From the age of 45, men can have an annual check-up of the prostate, genitals, colon and skin. In addition, a check-up examination, also known as health TÜV, is possible from the age of 35. This health check-up consists of various examinations.
Men over the age of 45 can have a palpation of their lymph nodes, a genital exam and a prostate exam once a year. In addition, the skin on the entire body is examined for both sexes from the age of 35.
From the age of 50, an annual check-up of the colon and rectum takes place. Colonoscopies can also be performed every 10 years. A test for hidden blood in the stool is also carried out every two years. Skin cancer screening is offered every two years from the age of 35.
Cancer prevention
During a cancer check-up, special diagnostic methods are used, such as mammography for early detection of breast cancer or colonoscopy for early detection of colorectal cancer. Stool examinations, which look for occult blood, and scanning of the colon also play an important role in colon cancer screening. Cancer screening for women also includes taking a smear test from the lining of the uterus. In addition, internal and external genital organs are scanned to Detect cancer of the uterus , ovaries or cervix.
Further check-ups
Dentistry also carries out extensive check-ups. This includes examining for tooth, jaw and mouth diseases. The dental check-up takes place once every six months. A glaucoma screening can be carried out by ophthalmology in order to diagnose the dangerous eye disease glaucoma at an early stage.
The preventive examinations in ear, nose and throat medicine include the hearing threshold audiogram and the discomfort threshold audiogram. Occupational medicine, in turn, deals with preventive examinations that serve to identify work-related illnesses or occupational diseases.
As part of prenatal care, high-risk pregnancies are monitored and ultrasound examinations, HIV examinations and blood tests for possible infections are carried out. In addition, pregnant women are advised about health risks and their diet.
Health check-up from the age of 35
One of the most important check-ups is the health check-up from the age of 35, which is a full-body examination. They also include determining cholesterol and blood sugar levels , measuring blood pressure and a Urine test .
How does the health check-up work?
preliminary talk
Before a preventive medical check-up such as a health check-up, there is a preliminary talk, during which the doctor asks the patient about any previous illnesses or current complaints. Previous health problems or surgical interventions are also important. These include diseases such as cancer, heart attacks or diabetes mellitus . Also, the patient should inform the doctor about the medications he is taking.
The living conditions and habits of the person to be examined also play an important role in the preliminary talk. This can be the consumption of nicotine and alcohol, diet and professional or private stress. The doctor will also ask about physical or sporting activities. The doctor also asks specific questions to identify hereditary or acquired risk factors.
process and implementation
A preventive medical check-up, like a health check-up, is subject to a specific procedure. First, the doctor records the medical history of the patient. The questioning is followed by the physical examination, during which the whole body is examined. The anal area and the genital region are also inspected. The doctor also listens to the heart and lungs, scans important Lymph nodesand the abdomen, checks the reflexes and the status of the musculoskeletal system. Sensory organs and skin are also examined.
The health check-up also includes determining the body mass index (BMI). For this purpose, the doctor determines the body weight and height of the body. These two factors make it possible to calculate the BMI. The doctor can see from the values whether you are Overweight or Underweight . This in turn results in statements about the risk of certain diseases.
The next step in the health check-up is taking blood and urine samples. These are then examined in a laboratory. The aim is to determine the total cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood as well as the levels of white blood cells (leukocytes), red blood cells (erythrocytes), nitrite, glucose and protein in the urine.
It takes a few days for the results to be evaluated. A final consultation with the doctor takes place at a second appointment. The doctor informs the patient about the test results and the consequences for their lifestyle. If there is behavior that is harmful to health, the doctor gives tips on how to reduce or prevent it. The doctor also explains to the patient the importance of regular cancer check-ups. If the findings indicate possible diseases, more precise examinations must be carried out and, if necessary, appropriate therapy must be carried out.
Self-service or health insurance – who will bear the costs?
The costs for a large number of check-ups are covered by the statutory health insurance companies. This includes, above all, the health check-up from the age of 35 and cancer prevention. However, some examinations such as eye screening and preventive examinations of the lungs, brain performance or bone density do not receive any subsidies. If a person with health insurance is interested in a specific check-up, it is recommended to inquire with the respective health insurance company by telephone or online.
Risks, dangers and complications
One of the greatest risks of a check-up is false-positive results, which can lead to negative consequences for the patient. He usually suffers from unnecessary mental and physical stress because of this. In addition, clarification tests are carried out, which are not necessary at all.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.