Pressure pain
The perception of pain can be different for each person. Typical and frequently recurring representations of pain include stabbing and throbbing, pressure pain or dull pain.
What is pressure pain?
The term pressure pain usually hides localized abnormalities that can be caused by different triggers. In this context, the pressure pain is described in a very differentiated manner. This affects not only the region, but also the intensity and frequency of the pain.
A person’s ability to develop tenderness as such is based on a natural ability of the organism known in the medical community as tenderness. This fact is used in medical diagnostics to trigger pressure pain through palpation.
Pressure pain can have different backgrounds. It does not always have to be pathological causes that lead to more or less severe pressure pain. In general, even tight-fitting shoes, belts or tight clothing can contribute to this perception of pain. In the medical field, pressure pain is of importance when there may be abnormal increases in volume of tissue or when organs are in an incorrect position.
The first cause is preferred, for example, in tumors, abscesses, proliferating inclusions or inflammatory processes with an acute or chronic course. In the second case, pressure pain can be caused by broken bones.
Not only changes in the body’s own tissues, but also water retention or pus accumulation as well as swelling in joints or under the skin can cause classic pressure pain. Pressure pain can also be an indication that skin damage will soon occur as a result of a decubitus.
- stomach inflammation
- pelvic inflammatory disease
When to the doctor?
Pressure pain caused by clothing that is too tight or after a slight impact can be treated by yourself. Change of clothing and rest or cool the affected area. Many people experience pressure pain in the form of a headache as soon as the weather changes. They are considered to be particularly sensitive to the weather and should allow themselves sufficient rest.
The perception of pain is different for each person. If the pressure pain is experienced as very unpleasant or stressful, a doctor should always be consulted. If the pressure pain increases in intensity or spreads to other regions of the body, the symptoms should be discussed with a doctor. The same applies if the quality of the pain changes from pulling to stabbing, for example.
If other functional disorders such as a visual impairment, hearing impairment or motor disorders occur, a doctor must be consulted immediately. Consult a doctor before taking any pain reliever medication. There are risks and side effects that must be considered.
Persistent tenderness is a sign of another condition. A doctor should be consulted to carry out appropriate examinations and determine the underlying disease. In the case of pressure pain to which no obvious cause can be attributed, the complaints should be presented to a doctor. Treatable nerve disorders may be present.
diagnosis and course
On the one hand, the pressure pain can be a warning signal, on the other hand, it can be a clear sign of a disease. For the diagnosis of pressure pain, it is first important to ask the patient about the quality and quantity as well as the localization of the pressure pain. These statements are supplemented by palpation. This is carried out by a doctor where the cause can be suspected.
In this context, pressure pains are quite often tested where they are most pronounced. Internal organs that are not visible and are located in the abdomen or chest and are suspected of being diseased can be checked through the pressure pain. A manual cause by the examiner can be an indication of appendicitis or stomach inflammation, abdominal inflammation or nerve pain. A heart attack that is taking place is also noticeable through pressure pain in the chest.
Existing pressure pain can lead to various complications. Touches in particular are perceived as unpleasant. This can lead to dismissive behavior towards family members or partners. In addition, depending on the region of pain, postures such as sitting or lying down can be uncomfortable. This leads to a reduced quality within the regeneration process during the night’s sleep. The sufferer suffers from a depressed mood and increased irritability.
Other complications such as headaches or circulatory problems can occur. This is associated with circulatory disorders or dizziness. In the case of pressure pain, many sufferers use the possibility of pain relief by taking medication. These in turn have side effects such as headaches, stomach and intestinal problems as well as nausea or vomiting. As soon as the effect of the medication wears off, the pressure pain starts again. This can lead to frequent use of medication, which in turn can cause dependency.
If the pressure pain occurs in the area of the head, a migraine or visual disturbances can develop as further complications. Prostheses in the area of the limbs or in the mouth often lead to pressure pain. There is also the risk of infection or inflammation. These are associated with the formation of pus. In the mouth, it leads to a change in taste perception. On the body, the pus can lead to an unpleasant body odor.
treatment and therapy
The specialist doctor has various options available for the treatment of pressure pain. First of all, it makes sense to eliminate the pressure pain after a detailed diagnosis depending on the result with medication. In this regard, the classic pain medications in varying strengths are among the drugs of choice. This can be the case with both acute and chronic pressure pain.
If the pressure pain persists or keeps recurring, surgical treatment with the surgical removal of the cause can be useful. This is known, for example, from the removal of inflammation from the roots of teeth or the appendix or the opening of cysts and abscesses.
If the patient affected by pressure pain is immobile and mostly bedridden, it is essential to change the position of the body. As part of the nursing activities, this means that these people are repositioned in bed exactly according to the positioning plan and are to be equipped with positioning aids. In this way, by realizing the pressure pain, a prospective lying down can be avoided.
In those patients who are severely malnourished and emaciated, particular attention must be paid to reporting tenderness to prevent skin irritation and ulcers.
In many cases, a milder form of tenderness can be a sign of vomiting . After the stomach has been emptied, the pain may go away. Ill-fitting dentures, whether placed in the mouth or intended as a post-amputation fitting, can also cause tenderness. They absolutely have to be readjusted or, if necessary, reworked.
The development of pressure pain can be prevented with relatively simple means. When using artificial aids such as prostheses, regular follow-up checks for any pressure points should suffice. If the patient is bedridden for a long time, massaging the skin and continuously repositioning the patient and keeping the skin clean are important preventive measures.
Mechanical forces on the body from the outside should be avoided as far as possible so that no subsequent pressure pain from hematomas can occur. Appropriate externally applied ointments relieve the bruises. In the case of swelling, pressure pain can be largely prevented by applying cool pads. Then the swelling recedes and the local nerves are no longer irritated.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.