The poplar is a tree that has been an important medicinal plant since ancient times. Poplar preparations can be used against various diseases and complaints.
General overview
The poplar (Populus) forms a genus within the willow family (Salicaceae). The plants usually have the shape of a tree and are often used to produce energy, wood and paper. Some specimens such as the aspen (Populus tremula) or black poplar (Populus nigra) are also used for therapeutic purposes. An effective ointment can be made from the buds of the poplar, which is suitable for the treatment of joint and skin problems. There are around 35 different poplar species in total.
occurrence and cultivation
Most poplars are native to Central and Southern Europe. But there are also some poplar species on the American continent. They prefer to thrive on loose soil that contains plenty of lime and near rivers. Poplars are among the deciduous trees and shrubs. Their growth heights vary between 30 and 45 meters. The bark of the poplar is usually grey. Both female and male plants are present.
The poplar leaves are oval, heart-like or triangular in shape. Sometimes they are lobed or entire. The blade cross-section can be flattened laterally or round. The leaves on the short or long shoots often have different shapes. There are some unequal scales on the winter buds. The wood of all poplar species is similar. In Europe, the poplar is one of the fastest-growing tree species, which means that its wood has a soft consistency. It is ideal for making matches and clogs.
Application and effect
One of the most important ingredients in poplar is salicin. This protects the tree from insects. In the human body, however, salicin develops an anti-inflammatory effect . Salicin is converted into salicylic acid in the body. This is a substance that has similar effects to the acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) contained in aspirin. Like ASA, salicylic acid has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, but does not inhibit blood clotting.
In addition, acetylsalicylic acid has the negative property of irritating the gastric mucosa, which is not the case with salicin. Other ingredients of poplar are essential oil, gallic acid, tannic acid, populin and resin. Medicine uses poplar buds for therapeutic purposes. These can be prepared as a tea infusion. A teaspoon is dosed into each teacup. The steeping time of the tea mixture is five minutes. The recommended dose is two cups a day. The poplar bud tea is considered effective against various inflammations.
It is also suitable for the treatment of bladder infections, rheumatism and fever. Furthermore, it should have a positive effect on the male prostate gland (prostate). At the same time, its use can relieve heartburn and strengthen the stomach. The poplar buds are also suitable for external use. So she recommended Hildegard von Bingen for the treatment of skin inflammation, superficial wounds and external hemorrhoids. The poplar buds are given externally in the form of creams and ointments. The poplar ointment was already used in ancient times. It is believed to be helpful in treating burns, wounds and joint pain. Treatment with poplar is also possible in the form of baths and washing with poplar bud tea.
What does the poplar help against?
importance to health
The health-promoting importance of the poplar was already appreciated in ancient times. At that time, a brew was prepared from the poplar bark. People also used crushed buds, the leaf juice and the leaf powder of the poplar for therapeutic purposes. At the present time there are only partial studies on the healing power of the poplar. Commission E only rates them positively for the treatment of skin inflammation.
On the other hand, the findings on the therapy of rheumatism or nerve-related pain and prostate problems were negative. The reason for this is the insufficient scientific data. However, individual studies do suggest that poplar has a positive effect on rheumatism. The classic areas of application of the poplar include colds, fever, an irritable bladder, bladder infections and inflammation of the skin. According to recent studies, the plant also has a positive effect on gout and supports weight loss. However, so far only animal experiments are available.
Another field of application of the poplar in this context is homeopathy . This uses diluted extracts from leaves and bark to treat the prostate and the urinary tract. There are several other indications for the use of poplar, but their effectiveness has not been sufficiently proven from a scientific point of view. These include diarrhea, chronic bronchitis, obesity, nerve pain, muscle pain, external hemorrhoids, superficial skin injuries, sunburn and frostbite.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.