Proper nutrition is one of the principles of a healthy lifestyle . Like every living being, humans also need substances with which the energy requirements for all vital processes of the body are covered. Nutrition is the basis for a healthy and efficient organism.
Why do we need to eat?
Humans need energy to “function” or “live”. He takes this energy in the form of food. To do this, you have to imagine the human body as a power plant or an internal combustion engine (car engine). Both the combustion of fuels (eg diesel, petrol) and the burning of nutrients in the human body provide energy.
However, combustion in humans is much more complex and slower. Food is converted into vital energy in many small steps. The amount and type of food has a decisive influence on the metabolism and energy metabolism.
For example, regular intake of food is important for:
- physical and mental development (growth),
- maintaining performance (body functions),
- metabolic processes (digestion, respiration),
- resilience,
- health and happiness of people.
How is food processed by the body?
Human food is usually taken in solid or liquid form through the mouth.
The foreign, energy-rich and organic food is converted into endogenous organic substances through various sub-steps (digestion processes).
The digestive system includes the alimentary canal, which extends from the mouth to the anus, and various glands (oral salivary glands, pancreas).
oral cavity with teeth
The food or nutrients are first mechanically crushed with the help of the teeth. This increases the surface of the food and can be better moistened with the saliva.
The saliva and the enzymes it contains ensure optimal lubricity and the first biochemical changes in the food. Therefore, chewing food for a long time is important for the initial breakdown of food.
The food is then guided into the esophagus with the help of the tongue. The crushed and well-oiled food is now transported via the pharynx through the esophagus to the stomach with the aid of the swallowing process.
The stomach
The stomach is a sac-like extension of the digestive tract. The last food you eat is always stored inside the stomach.
The digestion of the proteins is initiated by the hydrochloric acid and enzymes contained in the gastric juice. The stomach volume (capacity) in an adult varies from 1.6 to 2.4 liters. The walls of the stomach (stomach muscles) expand as a result of regular increased food intake.
The result is an increase in the volume of the stomach. Only when the stomach is full does a feeling of satiety set in. This means that with an enlarged stomach, more food has to be consumed to reach a degree of saturation than with a smaller stomach volume.
This increased intake of calories without appropriate compensation often leads to obesity. Being overweight (pre-obesity) or even severely overweight (obesity) can cause significant and permanent damage to your health.
In order to prevent overstretching of the stomach wall, large, generous portions should be avoided. Instead, it is advisable to eat several small meals (4-6) throughout the day.
In the case of severe, health-threatening obesity and futile dietary measures, many doctors recommend surgery. A gastric band is a common option to reduce stomach volume.
small intestine
The contents of the stomach are gradually passed through the pylorus to the small intestine.
The small intestine is the section between the stomach outlet (gatekeeper) and the large intestine. In adult humans, the small intestine reaches a length of between 5m and 7m.
The gastric mucosa, which contains glands, secretes intestinal juice, which contains enzymes that cause further digestion of the nutrients.
In the small intestine, the nutrients are converted into water-soluble, absorbable substances.
The large intestine is the section between the small intestine and the anus.
Water and minerals are extracted from the contents of the colon and fed into the blood. What remains is a thick mush of dietary fiber, colorings and leftovers of undigested food.
rectum and anus
The contents of the intestine are collected in the rectum.
The resulting droppings are excreted through a ring-shaped muscle (anus).
What does a healthy diet look like?
Above all, healthy nutrition is varied and never too one-sided. According to today’s opinion, there is no food that would be taboo in a healthy diet. The amount of the different foods alone, i.e. the overall composition of the menu, is decisive if a person takes healthy nutrition to heart.
A healthy diet should be high in nutrients but low in calories. With a healthy diet, the calorie requirement should be covered predominantly by “good” carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates that are good or valuable for the body include whole grain cereal products and foods rich in fiber (rice, potatoes, legumes, vegetables).
A sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals is the second requirement of healthy nutrition. Fats and animal products should make up the smallest part of the diet.
Grain products and potatoes form the basis of a healthy diet – also in terms of quantity. Flour and flour-containing foods should ideally only be whole grain products.
The dietary fibers promote the health of the digestive tract, and the unpeeled grains also provide minerals and trace elements . Fruit and vegetables are a daily companion to a healthy diet at all meals. They not only provide vitamins, but also fructose in sufficient but not excessive amounts.
But animal foods also contain vitamins, including those that are not found in green plants. It is important for a healthy diet that lean meat and fish are consumed several times a week. Fish is a carrier of omega-3 fatty acids as well as iodine and other important trace elements. Meat and fish are also our main sources of protein and iron .
About 350 grams of fish and 600 grams of meat and sausage per week are sufficient and therefore advisable for an average adult. That sounds like relatively little, but eggs and milk and milk products supplement the spectrum of protein and vitamin supply in a healthy diet.
Why should we eat healthy?
A healthy diet provides the body with all the nutrients it needs without putting a strain on it. Starchy foods slowly but continuously supply the organism with the fuel glucose, excessive concentrations would overwhelm the body. Because too much sugar not only makes you fat, but can also cause diabetes.
In order for the organism to be able to use the nutrients optimally, it must receive sufficient vitamins. Because without these vital substances, the metabolic enzymes cannot work at all. In addition, trace elements are required for the effects of the enzymes, which can only be found in a satisfactory amount in a healthy diet.
Because it is a part of the body, protein is used to maintain the biological flow balance, because otherwise there would be a loss of substance due to the constant natural cell death. Although fats and similar substances such as cholesterol are just as vital, they can lead to circulatory diseases in excess. A healthy diet aims for minimal fat consumption.
Which foods should you rather avoid?
Fat should only make up a small proportion of a healthy diet. Therefore, fried foods, but also fried foods, are only a small part of a healthy diet.
Gentle cooking methods such as steaming or boiling are therefore the preferred methods of preparing a healthy diet. It should also be taken into account that animal fats are often associated with a high cholesterol content. Too much of it can lead to the well-known circulatory diseases.
Because of their high sugar content, sweets are not the best food for providing carbohydrates. As part of a healthy diet, sweets should therefore be seen as a stimulant.
The same is true for alcohol, which is a small part of the healthy eating plan. A healthy diet contains little salt, but all the more herbs and spices. Drinking enough fluids means drinking 1 1/2 to 2 liters a day. This rule is also part of a healthy diet.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.