Neurotransmitters – function, structure & symptoms


Nerve cells are not only present throughout the human body, they also perform important functions such as the perception of sensations and cold. The neurotransmitters play a particularly important role in this. Medical conditions can cause serious problems and should always be treated.


In order for certain information to be passed on, the nerve cells must be well connected to one another. On the one hand, there are afferent pathways, in which external stimuli are transported to the brain from outside , and efferent pathways. These enable the brain to communicate with other structures in the body.

The neurotransmitters carry messages between the nerve cells via synapses . Synapses represent the connection point between two neurons. In order for information to reach the recipient organ, the work of the neurotransmitters is necessary.


In order for neurotransmitters to be able to carry out their function, they need the synapses. A nerve cell consists of a body and an extension called an axon. The end of the axon of the nerve cell that radiates a signal hides the presynaptic terminal button.The neuron that receives the transmitted stimulus has a postsynaptic membrane . The synpathic cleft lies between the presynaptic end button and the postsynaptic membrane. The gap is only a few thousandths of a millimeter wide. If a nerve cell wants to transport a stimulus further, it fails to bridge the synaptic gap.

The neurotransmitter represents a carrier substance. It is located in vesicles in the area of ​​the presynaptic nerve ending. An electrical stimulus of a neuron ensures that the neurotransmitter is released by opening the vesicles. After being released, the neurotransmitters move to the postsynaptic membrane.

The membrane has a specific surface that follows the lock and key principle: only a specific neurotransmitter can dock to the receptor . A chemical stimulus can be converted into an electrical stimulus via a neurotransmitter. After the process, the neurotransmitter either dissipates or returns to the vesicles of the presynaptic terminal button.


The task of the neurotransmitter is therefore to make the signal readable for the following neuron by translating the chemical structure into an electrical one. The exact function of the neurotransmitters cannot be generalized. There are different substances that lead to different results.

Acetylcholine is considered the most important neurotransmitter of the peripheral nervous system . The neurotransmitter is responsible for the transmission of stimuli between neurons and muscles. In this way, it also plays an important role for the vegetative nervous system: it regulates all vital processes that do not take place voluntarily, such as heartbeat, breathing, digestion , blood pressure and metabolism .

Furthermore, links between acetylcholine and cognitive abilities can be established. These include, above all, learning processes and memory formation. Glutamate can be increasingly localized in the brain. In particular, it regulates the perception of information that comes from the sense organs and is also involved in the control of movements.

Dopamine is one of the most well-known neurotransmitters. It influences behavior, mood, alertness and sleep. Norepinephrine is responsible for wakefulness and alertness. For example, disorders can result in chronic fatigue. Another important neurotransmitter is serotonin. Serotonin affects the brain in a variety of ways. The neurotransmitter regulates appetite, sex drive and well-being on a psychological level.


  • Serotoninmangel
  • Dopaminmangel
  • Acetylcholinmangel

Certain disorders can lead to a deficiency or excess of neurotransmitters. Different complaints result from these. A lack of serotonin can make itself felt through the depressed mood of the person concerned, which often manifests itself in the form of depression . If a deficiency can be diagnosed in depressed people, medication is often used to prevent the neurotransmitter from being taken up again too quickly by the presynaptic end button.

The death of certain nerve cells cannot rule out the development of a dopamine deficiency. This in turn may result in Parkinson’s disease . Stimuli that should actually trigger a movement can no longer be adequately transported. The typical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease appear, such as slow movements.

The low dopamine production also leads to an excess of other neurotransmitters. These are often acetylcholine and glutamate. Due to this imbalance, those affected feel tremors and the classic stiffness of the muscles.

In addition, people suffering from psychosis or schizophrenia can often be diagnosed with a lack of dopamine. Some medications can lower levels, thereby relieving symptoms.

As part of Alzheimer’s disease, certain nerve cells in the brain die. Tissue damage is accompanied by a lack of acetylcholine at the same time. This is responsible for a further decrease in the patient’s cognitive ability.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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