A neurosis hides a sometimes stubborn mental illness that is described according to different definitions. A neurosis is currently presented as a mental disorder in the behavior of people.
What is a neurosis?
Neurosis is a mental disorder that can persist over a longer period of life or throughout life and can continue to manifest itself. People are not born with neuroses. As a rule, a neurosis is not based on any organic functional disorders.
The neurosis develops only in the course of life and is a mental illness. Within the classification of neurosis, physicians distinguish between obsessive-compulsive disorders, hysteria and hypochondria , as well as fears, also known as phobias . For this reason, the term neurosis is usually used as a collective term for deviating mental impairments.
The causes of a neurosis do not lie in diseases of organs. The actual causes of a neurosis cannot be traced in every case of illness.In principle, it can be assumed that interactions between mental and physical conditions can cause a neurosis. These can lead to a neurosis due to a genetic predisposition in combination with unfavorable external influences.
People who suffer from a neurosis are characterized by special character traits and a special psychological readiness to develop a neurosis in oppressive life situations, in contrast to healthy people.
In addition to worries, sadness, permanent excessive demands and other environmental influences that put a strain on the psyche, loneliness and burnout syndrome can also lead to a neurosis.
When to the doctor?
A neurosis can have a very negative effect on the quality of life of those affected. A doctor should be consulted in the case of a neurosis if the person concerned suffers from various psychological complaints. This can lead to panic attacks, shortness of breath or dizziness, although these symptoms are usually associated with a stressful or unpleasant situation. It can also lead to heart problems or sweating. Those affected cannot control the occurrence of these symptoms themselves.
A doctor should also be consulted for neurosis if the patient has OCD and needs to do certain things to feel better. In some cases, friends and acquaintances also have to persuade the person concerned to seek treatment. As a rule, the neurosis is diagnosed and treated by a psychotherapist. Depending on the type and severity of the neurosis, he decides on the appropriate form of therapy.
symptoms and course
The classic symptoms of a neurosis are quite complex and in many cases make it difficult to recognize this mental illness. This is because it is not always possible to clearly differentiate neurosis from other mental illnesses. In addition to various anxiety disorders in increased forms, patients affected by a neurosis often suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorders. These justify a suppression of one’s own will and burden the patient with constant compulsive actions. In addition, with neurosis, hypochondria occurs.
With hypochondria, sufferers constantly insist that they are ill without being able to diagnose any detectable symptoms. So-called dissociative and somatoform autonomic dysfunctions also characterize a neurosis. In this context, an organic disease may be present, but physical triggers are not detectable.
Depending on the course of the neurosis that occurs, the symptoms develop over a long period of time. The diagnosis of neurosis is usually an extremely long process.
A neurosis is a chronic disease. This means that its course is characterized by constantly recurring symptoms. If left untreated, advanced neurosis can lead to serious health complications.
The different types of neurosis can be diagnosed on the basis of clear symptoms. The depressive neurosis is linked to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness as well as to symptoms of anxiety such as tremors, palpitations and cold sweats. The anxiety neurosis manifests itself through months of anxiety, hyperactivity, restlessness and sometimes also through gastrointestinal problems and nervousness.
Phobias are also diagnosed based on the clear symptoms of fear. Those affected also develop extensive avoidance strategies that can be used to make the diagnosis.
In the case of obsessive-compulsive neuroses, the diagnosis can be made by taking a comprehensive anamnesis. In the course of the conversation, it can be determined whether the behavior of those affected is controlling, overly precise or meticulous. This allows the precise fault to be narrowed down.
The diagnosis of hysterical neurosis, also known as conversion neurosis, is based on the physical symptoms. Tensions, paralysis, psychogenic deafness or muteness usually occur, on the basis of which the diagnosis can be made. The living conditions are also an important factor, because the conversion neurosis occurs mainly as a result of emotionally stressful situations.
Other neuroses such as cardiac neurosis, gastric neurosis or hypochondriacal neurosis can only be diagnosed after a comprehensive analysis of the respective symptoms. The same applies to character neuroses of all kinds. In order to be able to diagnose the exact form and to decide whether a personality disorder is actually present, extensive discussions with a therapist are usually necessary.
Medical complications are usually not to be expected in the case of a milder neurotic disorder. However, living with a neurotic can involve complications at the relationship level. A pathological processing of experiences or unprocessed traumata of earlier days usually produce a distorted view of the world. Because of this worldview, people with neurotic disorders feel constantly attacked.
In addition, anxiety disorders, compulsive actions or a tendency towards hypochondria can arise from this. Here are the interference fields that can also be of medical relevance. A hypochondriac who thinks he has some serious illness all the time is eventually no longer believed by the doctors he sees. However, if the hypochondriacal neurotic has serious symptoms at some point, things could get dicey.
When anxiety disorders and panic attacks are present, serious physical symptoms can occur. This confirms those affected in their assumption that they are seriously ill. As a complication, the affected person could become suicidal. In addition, neurotic personality disorders have the potential to put those affected in constant stress. This can actually lead to stress-related illnesses.
Some special forms of neurosis are medically relevant. Cardiac neuroses, stomach or intestinal neuroses can lead to functional disorders that require treatment. Other neurotic disorders can lead to self-injurious behavior. This behavior also requires treatment because it has suicidal components. It also represents a cry for help. Self-injury expresses feelings of powerlessness, self-loathing, and despair.
treatment and therapy
A neurosis is treated with different methods. Depending on the form of the neurosis, relaxation methods, so-called operant behavior training, treatments that relate in particular to the thought processes and, in some cases, corresponding psychotropic drugs are used.
The operant behavior training is intended to help patients to deal better with their mental impairments in everyday life and to maintain a certain quality of life. Psychotherapy offers many therapeutic methods and approaches to accompany and treat people with a neurosis. Both the depth psychological and the behavioral therapy methods are usually used in combination.
A neurosis cannot be prevented, since all the causes that can lead to a neurosis cannot be perceived in advance in everyday life by those affected.In addition, different living conditions are not always recognizable in advance.
In addition, every person has other individual prerequisites that decide whether or not they develop a neurosis.
Along with depression and the burnout syndrome , neurosis currently occupies a leading position.
The prognosis for their course is quite different and not always clearly predictable.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.