Neck tension (stiff neck) – causes, treatment and prevention

Neck tension (stiff neck)

Neck tension or neck pain is usually caused by muscle tension and cramps in the neck and shoulder muscles. This triggers generalized pain or discomfort when turning the head in a specific direction. Reasons are often an incorrect sitting posture or physical tension (stress, fear). Sometimes these muscular problems completely prevent movement and thus cause additional discomfort.

What is neck strain?

Neck tension is when the neck hurts and causes intense discomfort when moving. It can be a stiff neck that only hurts when you turn your head in a certain direction. Frequently, however, there is also neck tension, which is constantly painful and does not improve on its own, even when you are at rest.

Neck strain can be considered a standalone condition if it is accompanied by no symptoms indicative of another condition – but it can also present as a symptom.


Neck strain is caused by a combination of a genetic predisposition to spinal problems and poor sleeping and waking posture.The wrong pillow, an unhealthy sitting posture or unfavorable working conditions can ensure that neck tension sets in or does not go away on its own. However, it can also indicate an underlying disease if it is accompanied by other symptoms.

The stiff neck occurs, for example, with meningitis, i.e. meningitis, and as a side effect of other brain diseases. Occasionally, there are also bacterial infections in the area of ​​the cervical spine or simple signs of aging.

When to the doctor?

Neck tension associated with a stiff neck is often uncomfortable, but usually goes away on its own after a few days. If tension recurs or persists for a long time, a doctor should be consulted. Meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) can be accompanied by neck tension. If, in addition to the tension, cramps, headaches, fever, paralysis, disturbances of consciousness and pain when bending the head forward occur, an emergency doctor should be called immediately. There is an urgent need for action because meningitis can cause permanent damage or the disease can even be fatal.

If, in addition to neck tension, there is also tingling , numbness and slight paralysis in the hands and arms, a neurologist should be consulted. This could be a cervical spine syndrome (CWS). The symptoms often appear at night. Those affected wake up with tingling fingers or numb limbs. A doctor’s visit is also recommended if the neck tension radiates into the back. They can lead to serious postural damage or chronic complaints.

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms:

The stiff neck often begins spontaneously and weakly, but progressively worsens over time. When neck tension alone is the problem, it often brings with it headaches, reduced sleep quality, moodiness, and increased irritability in the patient. This doesn’t seem surprising when you consider how much permanent neck tension can affect the quality of life.

However, if the stiff neck occurs shortly after a cold or flu and is accompanied by fever , mild hallucinations, sensitivity to light and a generally absent state of consciousness, the affected person must be hospitalized immediately: It is not a harmless neck strain, but meningitis with acute need for treatment.


A neck strain that is left untreated for a long period of time can potentially lead to some complications. Anyone who suffers from a so-called stiff neck will quickly realize that the pain is not just limited to the neck area. It often happens that the side effects extend over the shoulders and into the back. The entire musculature can harden so much that those affected should urgently seek help from a specialist. So that the symptoms do not become chronic, it is important to treat the neck tension quickly and effectively.

Even the pain radiating into the jaw area is often reported. A stiff neck also severely limits the range of motion. As a result, everyday things like driving a car or sitting at the computer for a long time quickly become a problem. The most common known complications of neck tension are so-called relieving postures. They ensure that the neck does not hurt for a short time, but other parts of the musculo-skeletal system are overloaded in such a way that complaints can set in sooner or later.

treatment and therapy

Neck tension as the sole problem is best treated through methods such as massage , heat patches , and other warming applications, as well as the help of a chiropractor.

If stiff neck is the result of poor posture, lifestyle should be reviewed and corrected if necessary. This starts with the right pillow for your individual sleeping habits and ends with the purchase of an ergonomic office chair and occasional breaks for exercise during working hours.Accompanying symptoms of neck tension can be treated with medication, headaches with simple painkillers , which are freely available in pharmacies.

On the other hand, if there is a serious problem with the spine, which has already been damaged or is likely to happen, an operation may be necessary to stop the progression and repair the damage.

In the case of inflammatory symptoms such as meningitis , which cause severe neck tension, the primary disease is treated, i.e. the infection itself. If the stiff neck becomes unbearable for those affected, it is possible to prescribe painkillers to make things easier for them do.

outlook and prognosis

In most cases, a stiff neck occurs after certain activities or only temporarily and can therefore be treated relatively easily. Special complications do not occur and the course of the disease is positive. However, if the stiff neck occurs over a longer period of time, you may need to see a doctor. With the help of various therapies and exercises, the symptoms can be reduced again relatively easily and quickly. However, the person concerned usually has to repeat these exercises regularly so that the complaint does not recur.

An improved sitting posture can also lead to a positive course of the disease. Internal complaints can also lead to a stiff neck. The further course depends very much on the respective cause. Bleeding in the brain or after a tick bite can also lead to serious complications. It is not uncommon for the tension in the neck to spread, leading to headaches and other unpleasant symptoms. A cold can also lead to a stiff neck, although in most cases this will go away on its own.


In order to prevent neck tension, the right posture and protection of the cervical spine is important always and everywhere. The right sleeping pillow, a healthy sitting posture and correct working conditions are important if you don’t want to get a stiff neck. Infectious diseases should also be treated immediately if necessary – after all, even a simple cold can lead to dangerous meningitis if it does not go well and is not treated quickly enough.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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