Nail fungus – causes, symptoms & therapy

Nail fungus

Nail fungus , also known as onychomycosis in medical terminology, is a fairly common foot condition. Thick and discolored nails are characteristic. Caution is required with nail fungus, especially because it is a contagious disease that can hardly be avoided.

What is nail fungus?

The number of patients suffering from nail fungus has risen sharply in recent years. Nail fungus is caused by untreated athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot is mainly caused by dermatophytes (thread fungi).

People who suffer from circulatory disorders and diabetics are particularly at risk of contracting nail fungus. Inappropriate footwear and synthetic materials that are not breathable promote the development of nail fungus.

Nail fungus is the most common disease of the nails and above all a cosmetic problem, because the nails are unattractively discolored. The fungus can occur on both fingernails and toenails, with toenails being affected much more frequently.

Clear symptoms of the disease are yellowish discolored and thickened nails. You should consult a doctor as soon as the first signs of nail fungus appear, because the right treatment is crucial for rapid healing.

While children are relatively rarely affected by nail fungus, about 20 to 30 percent of people over the age of 40 develop nail fungus.


In principle, nail fungus can affect anyone, but the wrong footwear can also promote it. Anyone who also sweats on their feet also offers a good breeding ground for nail fungus.But patients who suffer from certain diseases are also much more likely to be affected by nail fungus – diabetes patients in particular often suffer from nail fungus.

What many do not know: nail fungus can also develop from athlete’s foot – so it is just as important to treat it in good time. Just like athlete’s foot , certain filamentous fungi, the so-called dermatophytes, are the main triggers for nail disease.

However, yeast or mold can also be a possible trigger for nail fungus.

symptoms and course

Nail fungus is usually characterized by a typical course. As a rule, there is a whitish-yellow-brownish discoloration and thickening of the affected nail material. The fungal infection usually starts at the edge of the nail plate and from there it finally reaches the horny layer.

Possible symptoms of nail fungus:

  • yellowish-brown (whitish in some cases) nail discoloration
  • brittle, deformed nails (nail plate)
  • Detachment of the nail plate from the nail bed

Gradually, the fungi penetrate further and finally soften the nail substance completely. The nails become rough and brittle, the nail plate lifts off. In most cases, the nail bed is also already infected, which leads to renewed infection of the following nail.

When to the doctor?

Nail fungus should be promptly examined by a doctor. White stripes or spots under the nails are clear warning signs that must be clarified quickly. In order to prevent the fungus from spreading, rapid treatment with medication and medical care products is necessary. In addition, there is an acute risk of infection for other people. Therefore, an orthopedist or podiatrist should be consulted immediately with skin changes in the area of ​​the nail plate or the nail bed.

If severe pain occurs or the infection has spread to other parts of the body, you must contact your family doctor immediately. There is an increased risk for lifeguards, cleaners and other people who regularly come into contact with moisture. You should have preventive medical check-ups at regular intervals. People with a weakened immune system should have any fungal infection checked out immediately. The same applies to patients with skin diseases or vascular diseases.

Nail fungus can be treated well if it is detected immediately and the patient takes the necessary medication and observes the doctor’s instructions regarding hygiene. The doctor should be informed about any side effects and interactions of the prescribed medication.


Nail fungus is not recognized by many of those affected, so that the fungus can also spread to the other nails. The first sign of nail fungus is loss of nail shine. The nail looks blunt. Furthermore, yellowish or brownish discoloration of the nail occurs. As the nail progresses, it becomes brittle and thickens.

Consistent therapy with special antifungal agents is essential for correct healing of the nail fungus. This treatment can last for several weeks.


An untreated fungal nail disease primarily causes severe pain and significantly restricts the function of the affected foot or finger. The fungus can also spread to other parts of the body. The nail fungus leads to the smallest injuries on the toenail or toenail, through which bacteria and viruses can penetrate. This can cause severe inflammation.

Nail fungus can develop into a chronic condition that affects several or even all toes. Such a severe course leads to chronic pain and discomfort in the patient, which makes it very difficult to participate in everyday life.

In people with existing skin diseases, the nail fungus also weakens the skin, which can lead to weak connective tissue. This can cause bleeding and inflammation. In addition, the skin changes color and becomes thinner. This is not only an optical flaw, but also promotes future skin diseases.

Impaired wound healing can lead to circulatory disorders, severe infections and scarring in diabetics. Last but not least, untreated nail fungus poses a great risk of infection. The disease can also promote psychological complaints and lead, for example, to feelings of shame and social anxiety.

treatment and therapy

People who suffer from nail fungus should know that the treatment can be quite lengthy and sometimes extend over several weeks or even months. What this treatment looks like in detail depends on the severity of the disease.

In the early stages, it is usually sufficient to treat the nails with appropriate nail polish or ointments. Some of these ointments can dissolve the nail. However, if the nail root was affected, certain antifungal agents – usually in the form of tablets – must be taken. The aim of the therapy is to make the nail completely free of fungal infestation. The affected nail is surgically removed only in extreme emergencies, because this is not only extremely painful, but can also cause infections.

The diagnosis of nail fungus is usually made quite quickly, because the symptoms such as nail thickening and/or nail hardening are usually obvious. However, to be absolutely certain, part of the nail can also be cut off and examined in the laboratory for fungal infestation.

If nail fungus is not treated promptly and successfully, it can develop into a chronic disease.


Nail fungus can be prevented by wearing suitable shoes and breathable stockings. Walking barefoot is the best prophylaxis against toenail fungus.You should be particularly careful when buying shoes, because shoes that are too tight can cause nail fungus. People who regularly visit the sauna and swimming pool should make sure to wear flip-flops here, because the warm, humid climate promotes this disease.

Even in everyday life, a few small tips help to prevent nail fungus. After a bath or shower, for example, it is advisable to dry your feet thoroughly, especially the spaces between your toes.

You also have to be careful with manicures and pedicures, because you can easily injure yourself here. It can also be helpful to regularly disinfect both shoes and stockings.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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