Nail Deformities – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Nail deformities

Nail deformations can be of different types and characteristics. Nail deformations often occur as a result of mechanical stress (nail injuries) or as a symptom of another underlying disease. A successful therapy depends on the individual causes of occurring nail deformations.

What are nail deformities?

In medicine, nail deformities are any changes that deviate from the norm that occur on fingernails or toenails. These include, for example, changes in the shape of the nail, such as furrows or grooves. Nail deformation can also manifest itself in cracks or detachment of a nail.

Finally, an increase or decrease in nail thickness is also counted among nail deformations. Nail deformations can be observed on the so-called nail plate – the nail surface that forms from the nail root (also known as the nail matrix).


Various causes can hide behind deformed nails. First of all, it is possible that external loads on a nail lead to deformation. Such stresses include persistent nail biting or frequent contact of the nails with chemical substances such as solvents or poisons.Nail injuries caused by external forces can also cause nail deformation. In addition, nail deformations are occasionally a consequence of various deficiency symptoms; this includes, for example, a long-term undersupply of the organism with the required vitamins or minerals .

While nail deformities can also be aggravated by long-term use of various medications, the deformations are often a symptom of underlying diseases. Such diseases include, for example, infections of the nail plate and/or nail root; Corresponding infectious diseases can be caused by bacteria, fungi or other germs.

Other underlying diseases, which in some cases result in deformed nails, are, for example, circulatory disorders , diseases of the heart, lungs, liver or kidneys, psoriasis or lung and liver diseases. Hormone imbalances, HIV infections or tumors of the nail bed can also cause nail deformation.

When to the doctor?

Slight changes to toenails or fingernails, such as superficial furrows or pits, are usually due to mechanical injuries and are completely harmless. However, if the shape of the nail changes and a so-called spoon or watch nail forms, a doctor should be consulted promptly.

If a nail is already growing out of the nail plate in the wrong way and splintering, there may be an attachment disorder that needs to be clarified by a doctor. If nail deformation is accompanied by an injury to the nail bed, the wound can become inflamed if the injury is not treated professionally.

If the shape and color of the nails change significantly, a dermatologist should be consulted promptly. Fungi often invade the nail bed through a damaged nail plate and cause such changes. Since nail fungi are highly contagious and can also affect other parts of the body, rapid help is required. The doctor also explains which hygiene measures are necessary to prevent infection of family members. A doctor should also be consulted whenever a deformed nail starts to separate.

symptoms and course

Symptoms associated with nail deformation differ depending on the type and cause of each deformation. If nail deformations are the result of underlying diseases, the optically recognizable deformations are usually accompanied by symptoms that are typical of the underlying disease.

Nail deformations that are limited to the nail surface (such as grooves that occur) usually occur without local pain; On the other hand, various nail bed infections that lead to nail deformation can occasionally be painful.

The individual course of nail deformation usually depends on the cause of the deformation or the available intervention options; If the causes of deformation can be eliminated, the affected nails often grow back intact.


If a treating doctor wants to diagnose the cause of occurring nail deformations, he usually starts with a detailed patient survey. Here, for example, the approximate beginning and duration of existing nail deformations are queried. Frequently, a diagnosing doctor also inquires about possible underlying diseases and/or frequent stress on the nails (e.g. from nail biting).

As a result, existing nail deformations are usually examined more closely with the help of a magnifying glass. Blood tests or swabs of affected nails can, for example, provide information about possible nail infections. If a nail bed tumor is suspected, a biopsy (removal of a tissue sample) is diagnostically useful.


There can only be a few complications with nail deformities. This is mainly due to the fact that a nail can be completely removed in the case of very severe nail deformation and then grow back again. For most people, nail deformities look unaesthetic and can therefore lead to reduced self-esteem. This occurs relatively frequently, especially with the fingernails, when the patient bites the nails. Depression and bullying can result here if the nail deformations are not treated. The deformed nails do not pose any particular danger to the body. However, if this puts a strain on the psyche, a psychologist should be consulted.

The treatment itself is carried out with the help of medication that is applied to the nail and is successful in most cases. There are no particular complications here. If the nail is infected by a fungus, an antibiotic will be prescribed by the doctor. This eliminates the nail deformities within about a week. As a rule, no visible damage remains on the nail after nail deformation. In some cases, the nail, or part of it, must be surgically removed. This is done under local anesthesia and does not cause any pain.

treatment and therapy

A successful therapy of existing nail deformations varies between individuals and is primarily based on the respective cause of the deformation. If a patient only has very slight nail deformations that are not due to a disease, the deformations can often be counteracted with so-called nail therapeutics.

For example, nail therapeutics used to treat brittle nails due to mineral deficiencies contain minerals such as calcium. Appropriate active ingredients help to compensate for physical deficiencies and thus correct nail deformation.Infections of the nail plate or nail bed that have caused nail deformation are often treated with disinfectants in a first step. Appropriate means are usually applied directly to the affected nail. In order for the disinfecting active ingredients to be able to reach the focus of infection, the affected person’s nail plate is occasionally minimally incised.

If the disinfectants used do not have a sufficient effect on the affected person, the responsible pathogens can be specifically combated in a next step; If, for example, bacteria have caused infections and associated nail deformations, antibiotics are used, and antifungal agents can be used to combat fungal infections.

If nail deformations of individual nails are very pronounced, it may be necessary in individual cases to remove the affected nail or parts of the nail. This allows the nail to grow back without deforming. If nail deformation occurs as a result of underlying diseases that are not limited to the nail area, the main therapeutic goal is usually the treatment of this underlying disease.

outlook and prognosis

Nail deformities can indicate many different diseases and causes. For this reason, the further course of this disease is usually heavily dependent on the cause, so that a general course cannot usually be predicted. However, if the nail deformations occur as a result of an act of violence and are not serious, in most cases there is a positive course of the disease and, as a rule, self-healing.

Only in severe cases may those affected need a transplant. Fungal diseases can also lead to nail deformation and thus limit the quality of life of those affected. In this case, treatment is necessary because self-healing does not occur. An HIV infection or liver problems can also lead to deformed nails and must be treated. However, the nail deformations can always be limited relatively well, so that there is a positive course of the disease.


Depending on the factors that can lead to nail deformation in the individual, various preventive measures are possible. Physical deficiencies can be countered, for example, with a targeted change in diet. If chemical substances frequently affect the nails, wearing protective clothing or avoiding such substances can (if possible) counteract nail deformation. Nail deformations due to existing underlying diseases can primarily be prevented by early treatment of the disease in question.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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