Muscle Cramps at Night – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Muscle cramps at night

Who does not know that? Out of nowhere, stabbing pains shoot up in the calf. A muscle spasm! Muscle cramps are also common at night . The spontaneous pain pulls the affected person directly out of their sleep. Every movement of the leg hurts. But usually there is no serious illness behind it.

What are muscle cramps at night?

If there is severe pain in the thigh or calf at night , the person concerned does not need to panic . Because: Quite often, the acute pain condition can be traced back to harmless causes. Once the pain is there, the leg reacts by hardening at the point of pain. Then you can no longer think about movement or sleep . All that remains is to wait for the pain to subside again. This happens by itself after a certain time. But slight stretching of the corresponding leg muscles can help more quickly. Muscle cramps in and of themselves are not a disease, but a symptom. Modern medicine still knows very little about the development of muscle spasms at night.


Causes of muscle cramps are not yet sufficiently known. The suffering is widespread. Around 40 percent of all people have experienced this insidious pain firsthand. Even if many people often struggle with these annoying cramps, doctors are not yet able to fully name the causes. Scientists argue about whether the painful hardening is caused by an undersupply of essential nutrients or by a disruption in nerve impulses.

An important question is: Why does the unpleasant pinching occur particularly often during the nocturnal rest phase? Doctors suspect that, unlike during the day, people do not immediately react to the slightest muscle twitch and change their body position when they sleep at night. A muscle can be overloaded to such an extent that it hardens severely. When awake, on the other hand, uncomfortable leg postures can be varied much more quickly, preventing hardening in good time. What medicine knows is that in many cases a disturbed electrolyte balance or lack of liquid is behind the cramps. This means that the body is undersupplied with certain vital nutrients. In this case, it mainly lacks magnesium.


When to the doctor?

A doctor should be consulted for muscle cramps that occur at night if they occur regularly or if they occur several nights in a row. A lack of sleep at night leads to further complaints. Difficulty concentrating, lack of attention, inner restlessness and irritability occur. Therefore, a doctor should be consulted in good time to initiate appropriate countermeasures.

If symptoms such as pain or circulatory disorders occur, a doctor’s visit is also necessary. Before taking any sleeping medication or pain-relieving tablets, you should always consult your doctor. Side effects and risks can be discussed together. The nocturnal muscle cramps can be due to improper sleeping position and poor sleeping conditions. While some corrections can be made without medical assistance, it is still recommended that a doctor be consulted once muscle spasms persist for several days or weeks.

Emotional stress, a strenuous phase of life or anxiety can trigger muscle spasms. This is a psychosomatic reaction of the body. A doctor should be consulted as soon as the person concerned wants help and support in overcoming the challenge. If the muscle spasms start without an apparent reason, a doctor should initiate further investigations. There may be damage to the internal organs which, if it occurs repeatedly, can lead to the failure of individual systems. Without treatment, there is an insidious danger to life.

diagnosis and course

Nocturnal seizures are particularly common in pregnant women . This is due to their altered hormonal balance, which changes the fluid and mineral balance and increases the need for vitamins and minerals . However, older people also have to struggle with nighttime pinching. Muscles are often too weak and then quickly overreact – with a muscle cramp. In addition, older people drink too little, so that the fluid balance is not sufficiently covered.

They also often lack important minerals. If both are insufficient, the muscles cannot be supplied with sufficient energy. However, younger people also suffer from these symptoms. Doctors cannot always clarify the exact origin. Only a doctor can find out whether a lack of liquid and important nutrients such as magnesium or vitamins is behind the muscle cramps. If the symptoms recur frequently, an expert should be consulted. Only he can find out whether the cramps might have other causes.

They can also be concomitant symptoms of various underlying diseases. The nocturnal muscle cramps occur, for example, in neurological diseases and in advanced diabetes. They also play a role in thyroid diseases, varicose veins , liver cirrhosis, kidney failure and Parkinson’s disease. Muscle cramps can become noticeable in smokers when blood flow is restricted. In these cases, too, a thorough medical examination should be carried out. Last but not least, medication can also be responsible for the unpleasant symptoms. Dehydrating drugs and beta- blockers promote muscle cramps, as do pharmaceuticals used in chemotherapy .


Muscle cramps at night can become life threatening depending on the location of the muscle spasm. If muscles related to breathing are affected, there is a risk of suffocation during sleep. With repeated muscle spasms, there is a regular interruption of the resting phase. The burden on the organism increases significantly as a result. The disruption of the recovery phase leads to an overload of all organs and increases the risks of dysfunction and organ failure. There is also a risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. During the day, the general level of performance is reduced. There are deficits in attention and perception. This increases the risk of accidents.

The muscle spasms can be triggered by an infection. The germs spread in the organism and become pathogens for other diseases. A spontaneous drop in blood pressure during the night is possible. The person concerned is at risk of septic shock, which can also be life-threatening. A thrombus can form in the event of circulatory disorders. This also increases the risk of blood vessels bursting at night and suffering a stroke . Nocturnal muscle cramps are associated with severe pain. The cramps often result in inability to move and helplessness. Fear and panic can arise.

treatment and therapy

What can you do about the annoying pain? Depending on the cause, the appropriate therapy is recommended. If the electrolyte balance is disturbed, magnesium tablets or powder can be taken. There is also plenty of magnesium in bananas , legumes and nuts. In the event of a lack of fluids, the patient is advised to ensure that the fluid intake is sufficient on a regular basis. This applies mainly to the elderly! But younger people should not underestimate the importance of drinking.

If there are underlying chronic diseases, only the doctor can help. In addition to the sufficient supply of minerals and water, gymnastic exercises can also be used to deal with the acute spasm pain. To do this, the person concerned can sit on the floor. The legs are stretched out in front, the fingers grasp the toes. Now these are pulled towards the body, the legs remain stretched. This creates a pull in the calves. This loosens tight muscles faster!

Another simple exercise goes like this: stand at a distance of half a meter to a meter in front of a wall and bend forward towards the wall. The feet remain firmly on the ground. Remain in this position for a few minutes. Then loosen legs and shake out. This relaxes the tense calf muscles . Another proven aid to treating nighttime muscle cramps is the use of heat pads. Heat works well for tight muscles. You can also try to relieve the tension with light massages on the painful area.

outlook and prognosis

Nocturnal muscle cramps have a good chance of full relief when they are caused by overexertion or poor sleep hygiene. Both causes are completely cured within a short period of time once the conditions are optimized and adapted to individual needs. If there is a lack of minerals or vitamins, these must be supplied to the body regularly in sufficient form. Within a few weeks, the muscle spasms disappear completely. Lasting relief is achieved when mineral and vitamin levels are continuously monitored.

In muscle diseases, the prognosis depends on the disease present. In most cases, permanent reduction in symptoms can be achieved once diagnosis is made and treatment is initiated. Not all diseases can be healed or free of symptoms. In the case of chronic diseases in particular, the treatment plan is geared towards minimizing and not curing the existing ailments due to the characteristics of the disease. Cramps caused by dehydration can be permanently cured. By monitoring and controlling an optimal amount of liquid consumed, the muscles regenerate completely in a short time. If hormonal disorders are present, the thyroid function must be continuously monitored, to improve the symptoms. The goal of treatment is also to minimize symptoms.


How can muscle cramps be prevented? Regular evening stretching exercises have proven to be effective in preventing nocturnal calf cramps . The muscles of the feet, lower legs and thighs should be equally involved in the training. Three minutes every evening with short breaks in between is enough.

In order to optimally supply the muscles with energy, it is important to drink enough. At least 1.5 liters per day! In addition, an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals should be ensured. This can only be guaranteed by a healthy diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. In addition, it is helpful to intersperse small gymnastic units again and again, especially with long-lasting sedentary activity – a repeated rocking of the feet is enough.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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