Listeriosis is an infectious disease caused by Listeria. For adults, listeriosis is relatively harmless; However, pregnant or immunocompromised people must expect serious consequences. The bacterium is transmitted through animals; Transmission from person to person or through contaminated food is also possible.
What is listeriosis?
Listeriosis is an infectious disease caused by the Listeria bacteria . This bacterium is mainly found in wild and domestic animals. Listeria monocytogenes, a species of Listeria, is responsible for the fact that humans also become ill. For this reason, listeriosis is one of those diseases that are also called zoonoses . This is because humans can become infected through contact with an animal.
Listeriosis was named after Joseph Baron Lister, a British surgeon who lived between 1827 and 1912. Today, listeriosis is considered a notifiable infectious disease. If there is direct evidence that listeria is present in the liquor or in the blood or in other body fluids, this must be reported in accordance with the Infection Protection Act.
The causes are primarily due to the infection with Listeria. The disease-causing bacterium is found in feed, animal faeces, sewage and human stool. Traces of Listeria can also be found in food . Dairy products, raw meat and poultry, marinated fish or shellfish and meat products are predominantly contaminated with Listeria.This is also the most common reason why people contract listeriosis. Contact with sick animals is also a possible reason. People who work in agriculture or who work in their own garden are primarily at risk. Transmission between people is also possible. For example, transmission can occur through unprotected sex.
symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of listeriosis:
Listeriosis does not cause any problems in healthy adults. There are also no unusual symptoms. Thus, listeriosis is an inapparent disease. In the end, many people don’t even know that they have ever had listeriosis. In a few cases, flu-like symptoms occur; these often last up to two days. Here the patient complains of fever, diarrhea or nausea such as vomiting.
If the immune system is weak , the symptoms can be significantly more severe. In principle, there is a risk of death for people who have a weakened immune system. Meningitis – or encephalitis or even blood poisoning – can result from listeriosis . It is also possible for abscesses to form that affect the internal organs.
Pregnant people also complain of flu-like symptoms. If the pregnant woman is in the third trimester, however, there is an increased risk of the bacterium being transmitted to the placenta. Babies suffering from listeriosis drink little, appear apathetic and are plagued by seizures. Oftentimes, listeriosis can also cause a baby to stop breathing. Here, too, there is an acute danger to life.
The doctor has difficulties in making the diagnosis because the symptoms are often similar to a common cold or flu. In order to make a clear diagnosis, it is important that a pathogen is detected. However, before such proof is carried out, the anamnesis is used to ask whether any contaminated food has been consumed (raw meat, fish, etc.) or whether the patient has any pets. Here the doctor takes blood or liquor as well as a stool sample or other body fluids so that he can detect the pathogens. The bacterium is also searched for in the amniotic fluid of pregnant people.
In healthy people, listeriosis usually progresses without recognizable symptoms or symptoms. Sometimes flu symptoms and a slight feeling of illness occur during the course of the infection. Serious complications can develop when contaminated food is consumed. Then severe gastrointestinal inflammation with fever, vomiting and diarrhea can occur. Transmission from infected animals or contaminated soil can cause pustules on the hands.
As a result of an illness, people with a weakened immune system often suffer from typical symptoms such as fever and headaches, accompanied by local inflammation and diarrhea. In extreme cases, the listeria infection leads to severe blood poisoning, meningitis or encephalitis. There is also a risk of granulomas and abscesses settling in the internal organs.
In pregnant women, it can also lead to urinary tract infections and transmission of the pathogen to the child. Infants with the disease are at risk of serious complications, such as seizures, rashes, and shortness of breath. The most severe form is septic neonatal granulomatosis. When treating listeriosis, the risks mainly come from the drugs used, which are always associated with certain side effects.
treatment and therapy
The therapy depends primarily on the bacterium. The doctor prescribes antibiotics for this . The doctor mainly uses ampicilli and amoxicillin. There is also the possibility that aminoglycoside will be prescribed. An alternative to the active substances mentioned above is cotrimoxazole. Since there is a high probability of relapses (recurrences), the patient should take the antibiotics for around three weeks.
If there is a severe form of listeriosis, the therapy can often last up to six weeks. If the patient complains that the symptoms are severe, further medication will be prescribed. As a rule, however, only antibiotic treatment is used to combat listeriosis. Brain or meningitis are treated with separate therapies.
Prevention – by vaccination – is not possible. While many other infectious diseases can be prevented with vaccinations, there is no active ingredient against listeriosis. For this reason, it is important that a so-called listeriosis prophylaxis is used. This means that fruit and vegetables, for example, must be thoroughly cleaned before consumption.You should also wash your hands before eating. If you already have an immune deficiency (or pregnancy), you should only consume grilled, pasteurized, sterilized or cooked food. You should avoid raw food, as the risk of listeriosis is significantly increased here.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.