The hollyhock is a wonderful perennial plant that triggers memories of childhood and a real cottage garden in many people. They grow upright and can still be found on many farmhouses today. They bloom very beautifully, but the splendor does not last long because the hollyhock is usually only biennial.
General overview
The hollyhock is an enrichment for every garden, the roses convince with their growth and their robustness. The flowers are delicately shaped and look very noble. The hollyhock needs a sunny location and nutrient-rich soil. Nevertheless, it prefers a dry place that should be protected from the wind. Therefore, the hollyhock thrives particularly well on buildings, but in any case close to the house. The hollyhock feels particularly comfortable in a sunny location and the location should not be too cramped. Hollyhocks should be planted from July, so they will grow well until winter and bloom profusely the following year.
Occurrence and cultivation
The botanical name of the hollyhock is Alcea rosea, but it is also popularly known as winter rose, black mallow, rose mallow or marshmallow. Normally this plant is biennial and grows very herbaceously. The hollyhock can grow up to three meters high, but it usually grows to a height of one meter. Plant parts above the surface have stellate hairs and the stem of this flower grows erect. He is quite strong and the hair is dense.
Already in the second year the stipules are distributed on the stem, with a length of about eight millimeters. The leaves are egg -shaped and three-lobed. The crown of the flowers can have a diameter of ten centimeters, the flowers are pink to purple-red in color. White and yellowish colorings are also possible. The origin is not known, but it probably comes from the Balkans or southern Italy. How it came to Germany and was used as an ornamental plant in this country cannot be said with certainty either.
Application and effect
The hollyhock is very popular in domestic gardens and is often used in cottage and perennial gardens. Of course, this plant is commercially available in different colors and many species. The petals of the black and red hollyhock contain a lot of anthocyanin, which is an excellent coloring agent. This dye was only recently obtained from hollyhocks, but is no longer used in the dyeing industry.
In the past, food , desserts, fabrics or even alcohol were dyed, with a color ranging from gray to red tones to violet. The hollyhock also has its justification in herbal medicine, this plant contains tannins , essential oils and mucilage. Incidentally, all parts of the plant are used in herbal medicine, roots, flowers and leaves.
The hollyhock is related to the mallow and the hibiscus and has a similar healing effect. The ingredients relieve various ailments, so the respiratory system is treated with it. The hollyhock can be used internally and externally, internally it is usually brewed as a tea. However, it is recommended to make a cold extract, hot water would destroy the mucilage . The tea is also ideal for external use, and compresses are very helpful for skin problems. Sitz baths also do a good job, they work wonders for women’s complaints.
What does the hollyhock help against?
Importance to health
The hollyhock is also antispasmodic and diuretic , it is often used for urinary tract diseases, the inflammations are practically flushed out of the body. Hollyhock helps against colds, such as coughs or congestion, and bronchitis and flu are treated in this way. Even fever can be reduced and inflammation of the vocal cords decreases. The hollyhock also shows a successful effect on inflammation of the skin, throat, mouth or throat, here tea from this plant is the right plant cure.
Hollyhock tea is very beneficial and relieves the symptoms. In the case of menstrual cramps, the hollyhock can be used as a sitz bath and even reduces vaginal discharge . This plant also helps with loss of appetite and is helpful for a number of ulcers. However, a doctor should always be consulted, especially in the case of severe and long-lasting symptoms. Sometimes it makes sense to use the hollyhock only as a supplementary remedy, whereby of course an interaction with the medication is to be ruled out.
Hollyhock tea is very tasty and helps with many ailments. Digestive problems, diarrhea and minor gastrointestinal diseases can be treated. The hollyhock calms the stomach and relieves the pain. The hollyhock is also known in homeopathy , this plant can certainly improve burns and close fresh wounds more quickly.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.