Hirsutism – Causes, Treatment & Prevention


Modern physicians call hirsutism a form of hair growth that deviates from the norm. Generally, only women are affected by hirsutism. As part of the disease, a clear beard growth is visible. In addition, rapid hair growth occurs both in the abdominal area and in the breast area. Hirsutism can have different causes.

What is hirsutism?

The hair on the human body has enjoyed a particularly high level of attention since the Stone Age. A particularly strong body hair is always seen as a sign of unrestricted virility.

For the female sex, however, body hair often represents an insurmountable obstacle. The level of suffering becomes particularly clear when the affected person suffers from hirsutism. As already mentioned, only women suffer from hirsutism. The affected persons are usually genetically predisposed.


Under certain circumstances (eg hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex, early puberty, Cushing’s disease, polycystic ovary syndrome), the female body produces a particularly large amount of male sex hormones. The male sex hormones are largely responsible for the intensity of hair growth.

In addition to a genetic predisposition, other causes were determined by the physicians. According to medical experts, even short-term use of anabolic steroids can lead to hirsutism. Anabolic steroids are used again and again, especially in the field of doping. Medications can also promote hirsutism.

Only very rarely do tumors in the area of ​​the adrenal gland lead to hirsutism. Since hirsutism is often associated with serious impairments, action should be taken as quickly as possible.

When to the doctor?

In many cases, hirsutism is not caused by an illness, but a sudden onset should be clarified by a doctor. Especially when puberty is over and there are changes in menstruation. Clarification by a doctor is also necessary if, in addition to body hair, there is an enlargement of the clitoris or a change in the pitch of the voice.

Diabetes or high cholesterol levels can also trigger sudden hair growth, which the doctor can determine with the help of a blood test. A blood test can also be used to measure a wide variety of hormone levels, such as prolactin, testosterone or DHEAS, which can provide information about a possible cause of hirsutism.

In order to clarify a possible tumor of the adrenal gland or the ovaries , an ultrasound examination or a computer tomography can also be carried out. Hirsutism, which is genetically determined, is basically not a medical problem, but many women find the increased body hair to be a psychological burden. If the level of suffering is very high, it is advisable to carry out treatment.


If hirsutism occurs, only a physical symptom becomes visible. Excessive hair growth occurs both on the face and on the genitals. No other physical symptoms appear. Nevertheless, the psychological symptoms should not be neglected. Since primarily the hair growth in the area of ​​the face is perceived by those around the affected person, isolated cases of depression occur. However, modern medicine has been addressing hirsutism for several years.

diagnosis and course

Hirsutism can now be treated in a targeted manner. However, the selection of a suitable therapy method is strongly dependent on the course of the disease. This is determined by the doctor treating you during an intensive discussion. The conversation is also used to determine the possible causes. If the doctor treating you suspects hirsutism, a blood count will be taken.

Based on a laboratory test, the concentration of male hormones in the blood can be determined. Serious underlying diseases are best determined using an imaging method. These include tumors in the area of ​​the adrenal gland. For this reason, computed tomography is often performed. Based on the knowledge gained, hirsutism can be reliably treated.


Hirsutism can be caused by some underlying diseases that can lead to complications. For example, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO) can cause hirsutism. Possible consequences are infertility in women and disturbances in the menstrual cycle. In addition, the risk of suffering from type II diabetes , coagulation disorders or cardiovascular diseases is also increased. There are also psychological and social problems that can lead to depression . Adrenogenital syndrome (AGS) can also cause similar complications. In addition, there is often a strong loss of salt through the urine.

Some medications can also trigger hirsutism as an undesirable effect, which, however, heals after the medication is stopped. Cushing’s disease also causes increased hair growth. This disease has far-reaching complications. For one, it causes a diabetes-like condition. In addition, the affected person has high blood pressure and obesity. Left untreated, this disease can lead to death over a period of years. It also triggers severe psychological problems, which in the worst case can lead to suicidal thoughts.

treatment and therapy

Which therapy method is used to treat hirsutism is strongly dependent on the responsible causes. For example, surgery is always considered when a tumor is responsible for increased production of male hormones. Alternatively, chemotherapy can also be considered. If drugs are responsible for increased production of male hormones, the amount administered must be reduced.

The previous preparations are often replaced by alternative preparations. If hirsutism takes a particularly severe course, hormonal preparations must be administered. The preparations used have special active ingredients. The preparations have an inhibitory effect on the production of male sex hormones. As a rule, the active ingredients are administered in the form of tablets.

Alternatively, therapy can also be carried out using injections. The therapy methods already mentioned usually only lead to an initial success after a longer period of use.

In the short term, simply shaving the affected parts of the body can help alleviate the symptoms present. Alternatively, the affected parts of the body can also be subjected to epilation. Electrical epilation is enjoying growing popularity.

During an electrical epilation, the roots of the hair are destroyed. Based on this fact, the hair on the treated areas can no longer grow back. So that hirsutism does not appear, doctors repeatedly make recommendations for effective prevention.

outlook and prognosis

The further course of hirsutism is generally difficult to predict, as it usually depends on the cause of the disease. In most cases, however, there is no spontaneous healing and thus no permanent complaints for the patient. Especially in women, the excessive hair can lead to psychological problems or depression and thus significantly restrict and reduce the quality of life. In most cases, hair growth is only increased by shaving.

Hirsutism can be treated with the help of hormones and various medications, so that hair growth can be restricted. These drugs usually lead to a positive course of the disease. It cannot be predicted whether the intake of hormones will lead to complications and other side effects. In some cases, surgery can also be performed, for example to remove tumors. The hirsutism can be permanently limited, so that there is a positive course of the disease. The life expectancy of the patient is not limited by this disease.


The most effective way to prevent hirsutism is to avoid taking anabolic steroids. In addition, the package inserts of medication should be read carefully before taking them for the first time. Hirsutism can also be prevented if underlying diseases are treated as quickly as possible.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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