High blood pressure during pregnancy – causes, symptoms & therapy

High blood pressure during pregnancy

High blood pressure during pregnancy is a not uncommon pregnancy complication that in many cases only needs to be monitored but not treated. Blood pressure usually stabilizes on its own after the baby is born.


High blood pressure during pregnancy, also known as gestational hypertension, occurs in about one in ten pregnancies. It is high blood pressure if the blood pressure value is more than 140/90 mmHg when measured several times. A reading of 160/110mmHg is a severe form of gestational hypertension.

A general distinction is made between high blood pressure during pregnancy with protein in the urine and without protein in the urine. If proteinuria is present, it is preeclampsia . Pregnancy-induced hypertension must be distinguished from pre-pregnancy hypertension.


The exact causes of high blood pressure during pregnancy are still unknown. In many cases, no clear cause of the hypertension can be found. It is possible that genetic predispositions play a role in the development of pregnancy-induced hypertension.A slight increase in blood pressure during pregnancy is also partly due to the fact that around 40% more blood flows in the bloodstream of a pregnant woman than in the normal state. The increase in blood volume then leads to increased pressure on the blood vessels; this also becomes clear when measuring blood pressure. High blood pressure during pregnancy can also be triggered by inflammatory reactions in the mother’s body.

There are also some risk factors which, if present, increase the risk of developing gestational hypertension. A risk factor that is often underestimated is that the mother is very overweight . Smoking is also a risk factor. If a pregnant woman eats improperly or consumes too much caffeine, this can also lead to high blood pressure during pregnancy.

When to the doctor?

If pregnant women wish to have a check-up visit because they are generally feeling unwell, they should always consult a doctor. Fear and insecurity can be clarified, which has a positive influence on the mother-to-be and the development of the child. There is cause for concern if the blood pressure of the pregnant woman is continuously significantly elevated. If you experience dizziness, tachycardia or an unsteady gait, you need to see a doctor.

Persistent nausea that goes far beyond the morning discomfort should be presented to a doctor. Vomiting, attention deficit, or impaired consciousness should be evaluated and evaluated. If the symptoms increase in intensity and scope, a doctor must be consulted. If other symptoms occur, a doctor’s visit is also necessary. Medical examinations should be initiated in the event of a headache, an unusual feeling of warmth in the body, persistent restlessness and irritability.

With inner tension, feelings of pressure in the head or body and a clearly perceptible heartbeat, it is advisable to see a doctor. If the high blood pressure leads to sleep disorders , hectic activity or reduced performance, it is advisable to see a doctor in order to take measures to alleviate it. In order to counteract high blood pressure, the pregnant woman can pay attention to her diet, sufficient exercise and avoiding obesity without consulting a doctor.

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of high blood pressure during pregnancy:

Palpitations and headaches are often the first signs of high blood pressure during pregnancy. The first symptoms usually only appear after the 20th week of pregnancy. Those affected do not feel the high blood pressure themselves. Other common symptoms are dizziness and general malaise. Nausea and chest pressure may also occur.

If preeclampsia is the cause of high blood pressure, proteins are excreted in the urine. Increased water retention in the legs and hands are also typical symptoms of gestational hypertension. In the case of a mild form of hypertension, the course can be assessed as positive. With severe forms, the risk of further complications during pregnancy and childbirth increases.


Typically, high blood pressure is accidentally discovered during pregnancy during a preventive medical check-up. Blood pressure is routinely measured. If the blood pressure measurement shows an elevated value, this must be repeated at further follow-up appointments to rule out that the increase is only temporary.

A urine test is also performed. Proteins in the urine indicate preeclampsia. Increased water retention in the tissue is not a diagnostic criterion, as this symptom occurs in almost all pregnant women.


If pregnancy-related high blood pressure is not treated, the risk of complications increases. For most pregnant women, however, high blood pressure is considered harmless.

Preeclampsia is one of the most common consequences of high blood pressure during pregnancy. The risk of contracting it increases if chronic high blood pressure occurs in the first or second trimester of pregnancy. The disorder causes a reduction in the supply of essential nutrients and oxygen to the expectant child. This, in turn, negatively affects the growth of the baby.

Over time, preeclampsia can develop into eclampsia. This serious condition manifests itself primarily in the last trimester of pregnancy and occurs suddenly. Sometimes it only sets in at birth or in childbirth.

A typical symptom is tonic-clonic spasms, in which loss of consciousness is also possible. Common harbingers include a rapid rise in blood pressure, severe frontal headache, blurred vision, motor deficits, nausea, and vomiting .

In severe cases, liver or kidney failure and a coma can also occur. Sometimes the eclampsia results in reduced blood flow to the placenta, which in turn leads to an undersupply of the baby. In some cases, this can even lead to the death of the child.

Other conceivable complications from high blood pressure during pregnancy are the HELLP syndrome, internal bleeding and premature birth.

treatment and therapy

The treatment of high blood pressure during pregnancy depends on the severity of the disease. If there is a mild form of gestational hypertension, no treatment is necessary in many cases. The person concerned only has to take care of themselves. It is not uncommon for the doctor to prescribe bed rest. An important part of treating mild high blood pressure is changing the mother’s diet.

There is often a connection between high blood pressure and poor nutrition . In order to make the diet of the pregnant woman healthier, it can be helpful to draw up a nutrition plan together with the doctor or a dietician. The diet should be particularly rich in proteins . In addition, care must be taken to ensure that there is sufficient calorie intake in order to provide the mother’s body and that of the child with sufficient energy.

In severe forms of gestational hypertension, the attending gynecologist sometimes prescribes antihypertensive medication. However, these drugs are only prescribed if other measures have not been able to lower blood pressure.

In some cases, the blood pressure of the pregnant woman does not reach a normal value despite the administration of antihypertensive drugs. If this occurs, the pregnant woman must be admitted to the hospital, as this is the only way permanent monitoring can take place. Antihypertensive drugs are still being administered in the hospital.

If preeclampsia is present, the pregnant woman must also be admitted to the hospital. In the majority of cases of high blood pressure during pregnancy, treatment does not need to be continued after childbirth as blood pressure stabilizes on its own over the following days.


High blood pressure during pregnancy cannot be prevented in all cases. However, there are risk factors that should be eliminated if possible. Pregnant women should watch their diet and not smoke.

In addition, it is important to have all check-ups in order to be able to identify and treat gestational hypertension as early as possible. Close monitoring of blood pressure is necessary if gestational hypertension has occurred in previous pregnancies.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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