Gray Hair – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Gray hair

Gray hair after a certain age is a completely normal thing that is simply related to the aging process of our body. However, gray hair can also appear at a young age. In this case, they are a clear sign that something is wrong in the body and the cause should definitely be investigated.

What is gray hair?

Gray hair has to do with the loss of the actual color of the hair. Instead of brown, blonde, red, or black, hair gradually turns to a shade of gray that usually gets lighter and lighter over time. First there are individual gray hairs, which then become more and more.

The process of hair turning gray takes a long time and can last for years. The course can vary depending on the disposition. Many people initially only get a lot of gray hair in one or two places. For others, they spread evenly all over the head.


The reason for the appearance of gray hair is a decreasing production of melanin in the body, which occurs in everyone with increasing age. Melanin is formed as a natural pigment with the help of the protein tyrosine and is stored in the hair root. 

If the body produces less and less melanin, the hair first turns gray and then white. Normally not all hairs turn white at the same time. This is one of the reasons why the first impression is of gray hair. The hair is really white only in very old age.

If gray hair develops at a young age, there may be causes such as stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, mineral deficiency or a pathological disorder in the formation of pigments .

Over- acidification of the body can also trigger premature graying. Hyperacidity is often accompanied by the problem that hydrogen peroxide can no longer be broken down in the body and that gray hair develops prematurely as a result.

When to the doctor?

In the case of gray hair, there is usually no need to see a doctor. In this case, there is not much a doctor can do about the graying of the hair, as this is a normal part of the aging process. Here it is not uncommon for the gray hair to appear before the thirtieth birthday and is triggered by stress and other causes.

In some other cases, an improper diet can also lead to gray hair if certain minerals and nutrients are not consumed in the required amounts. If the gray hair causes a lot of psychological stress, a psychologist can also be consulted with whom the patient can talk about the problem. However, the symptom is not treated here, so the gray hairs remain.

A doctor should always be consulted if the symptoms of gray hair appear suddenly and unexpectedly without major changes in life. Here there is a suspicion of another problem in which the gray hair only occurs as a side symptom.

diagnosis and course

The appearance of the first gray hair is considered normal from the age of about 35 years. If they occur earlier, the first thing to do is to ask about the predisposition within the family. If you have post-traumatic stress disorder, your hair can turn gray overnight. Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder can occur after a traumatic event, such as the death of a family member or an accident.

In this case, the graying shows up within a few weeks. No more pigments are then stored in the hair root. As soon as the hair grows, this quickly becomes visible. Gray hair that occurs as a result of the natural aging process is no longer able to regenerate. The situation is different for all illness-related causes. With proper treatment, hair can return to its natural color.


Gray hair is a typical sign of aging and generally not a problem. Complications can arise if the graying has hormonal causes. Then there can be accompanying skin diseases and health problems, which bring further complaints. In addition, gray hair can lead to psychological stress and thus affect general well-being. Complications can also occur if the gray hair is due to an underlying condition. It is possible that there is a pigment disorder which, in addition to the hair, also puts a considerable strain on the skin and possibly also the immune system.

In addition to the typical exhaustion, a nutrient deficiency as a cause often also brings with it serious health problems that require comprehensive treatment. Complications can arise when treating gray hair if the preparations used cause skin irritation or allergies or if the chemicals in the hair dye damage the scalp or even the hair structure. Improper use of appropriate means often accelerates the graying process or leads to hair loss and other complications.

treatment and therapy

In the case of non-age-related pigment loss, the gray hair can be treated. In the case of post-traumatic stress disorder, trauma therapy can lead to good results. The patient learns to deal with what he has experienced and regains the courage to live. In very young patients in particular, there is a very high chance that the pigmentation will regenerate.

In the case of demineralization due to stress , poor diet or alcohol abuse , a stress management program is recommended, lots of exercise and a change in diet that provides the body with more vital substances .By regenerating body and soul, pigment production can be boosted again. In such cases, the diet should be as rich in alkaline foods as possible. A treatment to deacidify the body and build up a healthy intestinal flora is advisable.

The intestinal flora plays a particularly important role here, because only a healthy intestine can absorb the vital substances contained in food. It is also recommended to use chemical-free hair care products. In this way, the scalp can be deacidified and enriched with important minerals.

Age-related graying of the hair cannot be treated causally, but it can be influenced cosmetically. Hair dyes, which should be as gentle as possible, can artificially add pigments to the hair. There are also special care products, such as color care lotions, which produce a natural dye in the hair through a chemical reaction when used regularly.

outlook and prognosis

Graying of body hair with aging is a normal process. Once it has started, it will gradually continue and can lead to a complete graying of the hair over several years. Areas of hair that are completely free of surrounding hair with pigment deposits will eventually appear white. Genetic factors play a role in this. For example, some people never go completely gray, while others only have a few years or decades from the first gray hair to white splendor.

This process is not reversible and does not stop spontaneously. However, the pace of progress varies. If, on the other hand, the graying of the hair is based on a metabolic disorder that leads to a lack of melanin production, the treatment of such a disease can be expected to stop the graying of the hair. They persist for a few years, fall out, and are eventually replaced by pigmented hair.

The prognosis is also good in the case of shock-related discoloration of the hair. The younger the affected person, the more likely it is that the melanin production of the hair roots will start again. Such an effect can be permanently concealed with hair dyes. However, this should be viewed critically, since the chemical substances in these products often damage hair health and lead to hair loss.


The best way to prevent gray hair is to make sure you have enough vitamins , proteins and minerals from a young age. Sufficient and regular sleep is also recommended, as well as regular measures to reduce stress. If you follow these preventive measures, you can delay the appearance of gray hair for a few years.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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