FUE hair transplant
FUE hair transplantation is a hair transplantation procedure. It is considered particularly gentle. It also has excellent results due to naturally growing hair. In FUE hair transplantation, the therapist uses a hollow needle to extract hair follicle units from the back of the head and store them in a nutrient solution. The implantation of the follicular units then takes place. It is important to have the FUE method performed by an experienced specialist.
What is FUE hair transplant?
The abbreviation FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. The FUE method is considered one of the most modern and gentle hair transplant procedures. As part of FUE hair transplantation, follicular units (FU) of hair are removed, temporarily stored and finally implanted elsewhere.
The targeted removal of the individual follicles is carried out with careful precision work using fine instruments such as a hollow needle. This is used in the hairline region. For this purpose, the extraction area is shaved. If the graft volumes are small, there is an option to leave the scalp hair long.The follicular units are extremely important for hair transplantation. This is how human hair grows in natural bundles and not individually. If an FUE hair transplant takes place, the therapist removes the hair groups, which are usually composed of one to five roots, with a hollow needle. He uses special extraction needles for the procedure. These instruments are able to remove grafts (transplants) between 0.5 and 1 millimeter in size.
The FUT method preceded the FUE method, in which a narrow strip of hair is removed from the back of the head. The hair follicles are then removed from this strip of hair and transplanted. However, this method often leads to the formation of scars on the back of the head because the wound has to be closed with staples or a suture, which can lead to problems, especially with short hair.
areas of application
Most often, a hair transplant is needed due to what is known as androgenetic alopecia . In this hereditary form of hair loss, the hair roots become overly sensitive to testosterone .
FUE hair transplantation is suitable for people who suffer from hair loss. Some hair loss is not uncommon in humans. He loses up to a hundred hairs a day, which is due to the different growth cycles. Sometimes, however, hair loss only occurs in certain areas of the head. Hormones are mostly behind it. Thus, hereditary hair loss is caused by hypersensitive reactions of the hair roots to testosterone. However, the fringe of hair at the back of the head is usually spared. This forms the reservoir for a hair transplant.
In addition to men, hormone-related hair loss can also occur in women. Diseases of the thyroid gland, pregnancy or menopause are often responsible for diffuse hair loss in women. The FUE hair transplant is particularly suitable for people who wear their hair shorter than 0.5 millimeters.
Advantages of the FUE method
One of the greatest advantages of the FUE method is the gentle treatment. Hair transplantation is minimally invasive. Since the hair is removed using a fine hollow needle, the skin incisions are tiny. So it is not necessary to sew up the extraction site of the hair follicles. It is automatically closed on the same day. Even if small, punctiform scars remain, they are difficult to see with the naked eye. Other advantages of FUE hair transplantation include the option of being able to implant body hair from other parts of the body. However, these usually have a different color and structure than the hair on the head.
Process of FUE hair transplant
An FUE hair transplant is usually performed in a special hair clinic. Before the procedure, there is a detailed discussion with the doctor treating you. It is checked whether the patient is also suitable for this treatment method. For this purpose, he carries out an analysis of the hair situation of the person concerned.
No extensive preventive care is required before the transplant. The patient does not have to do without food or drink before the operation, as he only receives a local anaesthetic. The preparatory discussion will determine whether certain medications should be avoided. Sometimes it can make sense to let the hair grow a little more so that possible scars can be better covered. Before the FUE hair transplant, the doctor determines and marks the donor area. The affected area is then shaved. In order for the patient to relax, he is given a sedative. Greater pain is not to be feared with the FUE method. However, some patience is required because the procedure usually takes two to three hours,
After the local anesthetic, the hair is removed from the hair ring region using a thin hollow needle. Before transplanting, the doctor checks whether the respective group is healthy. Until the hair is transplanted, the transplants are stored in a nutrient solution. The next step is to implant the follicular units on a selected bald head site. For implantation, the doctor uses tweezers that insert the hair into a small slit in the skin. This is achieved with special blades that are between 0.5 and 1 millimeter wide. Alternatively, an injection cannula can also be used. The doctor must pay attention to the right hair angle and a density that suits the recipient area.
A variant of the FUE hair transplant is the FUE3 method. The doctor uses an even thinner hollow needle to remove the grafts from the scalp. In contrast to the FUE method, the hair density can be further increased with the FUE3 method. In addition, the local anesthesia is carried out in three stages. Pain is therefore hardly felt. After the introduction of the follicular units into the scalp, they grow into the natural environment after a short time. The transplants are supplied by the existing nerves and blood vessels. When pricking out the hair follicles, the doctor takes care not to divide the natural head hair groups. For this reason, he always only removes so many grafts that the optical hair density that exists at the back of the head
If the FUE hair transplant has been successfully carried out, the doctor covers the treated areas with sterile covers.
What does the patient have to consider during follow-up care?
The head bandage is changed one day later. So that the scalp at the donor site can regenerate more quickly, the patient is given an ointment that promotes healing (wound and healing ointment) and a scar ointment. The reception area should be wetted up to 10 times a day with skin-soothing and anti-inflammatory thermal water. If possible, this area should not be touched in the first four days after the treatment. The speed of the healing process depends on various factors such as hygiene during and after the procedure, individual wound healing, graft strength and subsequent care.
During the follow-up appointment, the patient and doctor discuss the success of the FUE hair transplant. Additional follow-up appointments may also be possible. Just one week after the operation, the patient is able to do light sporting activities again. After two weeks he is allowed to do more sporting activities again. Hair washing is possible on the fourth day after the transplant. On the 5th day, a mild shampoo (baby shampoo) should be used.
It is advisable to avoid activities that cause sweating for the first few days after the procedure. Visits to the sauna or solarium should be avoided for the first three weeks. Going to the swimming pool is also not advisable. If the patient usually wears a wig made of synthetic hair, it is advisable not to wear it for four weeks in order not to disturb the healing process of the scalp.
Following the superficial wound healing phase, the grafts can grow new hair that is healthy and strong after 3 to 6 months. These remain until the end of life. Hair that results from the transplants can be easily washed, cut and styled just like regular hair.
Complications rarely occur after FUE hair transplantation. Nevertheless, they can occur in individual cases due to unfavorable circumstances. Most of the time, this is minor bleeding that occurs during the procedure. However, they are considered normal and can be brought to a standstill without any problems.
In rare cases, the patient suffers from symptoms such as wound pain, swelling or headaches after the transplant. However, these usually subside quickly. If necessary, the patient is given painkillers. Due to irritation of the sensitive nerves, sensory disturbances sometimes appear in the implanted region or in the donor area. But after a few weeks they go back. Rarely are wound healing disorders on the scar of the donor hair extraction site in the realm of possibility. If an infection occurs in the treated area, there is a risk that the transplants will not grow properly.
In order to avoid complications in the first place, it is recommended that an FUE hair transplant be performed by a competent specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery.
costs and prices
The cost of an FUE hair transplant varies and depends on various factors. The condition of the hair, how many grafts are necessary and which clinic the patient chooses play an important role. After the examination and consultation with the doctor, the patient is given an individual cost plan for the treatment.
The costs are made up of preventive care, local anesthesia, removal of the hair follicles, preparation and preparation and insertion of the follicles. Further cost items are the follow-up treatment, the stay in the clinic and the post-operative care with medicines.Health insurance companies usually do not cover the costs of a hair transplant. However, it makes sense not to choose a cheap clinic because of the risk of disappointing treatment. Ultimately, the desired hair density is decisive for the price. In addition, the FUE method is considered the most expensive hair transplant procedure. However, the costs are now falling.
A calculation program can be used to create the possible price. However, this does not allow for an exact calculation of the follicular units either, because the hair density in the adjacent head region must also be taken into account. Therefore, careful investigation is required beforehand.
Sometimes hair transplants abroad, such as in Turkey, can be cheaper than in Germany. But here, too, it is important to find out about the respective clinic and its doctors. In the case of therapies abroad, the travel costs and any follow-up treatments must also be taken into account.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.