Fir allergy – causes, complaints & therapy

For allergies

Under the name fir allergy a form of some disorders from the field of contact allergies is declared. Science calculates this to the local allergies. In general, allergies belong to the autoimmune diseases. Allergies are not contagious. With proper therapeutic measures, a contact allergy is corrected.

What is a fir allergy?

The term fir allergy refers to an overreaction to the essential oils in the needles of the trees. Science counts fir allergy among the actual allergies, especially since the essential oil of pine needles is definitely an allergen. Our immune system reacts too much to causative substances and provokes corresponding signs of disease. Since a fir allergy only affects the local skin area, not an entire organ system, the fir allergy is considered a contact allergy.

Allergic diseases are counted among the autoimmune diseases. Here, antibodies attack the organism as such. A fir allergy is an independent disease, more than a sign of such. A fir allergy is easy to eliminate, but could flare up again when in contact with the needles of the fir trees. A contact allergy is never transmissible from person to person.


With regard to the allergy, an overreaction of humans occurs predominantly with too frequent contact with an allergy-triggering material. The same happens more often in susceptible skin. Allergies are sometimes caused by previous infections. The organism then overreacts to allergenic substances because it fights them as pathogens. An allergy itself is not caused by pathogens.In general, an allergy flares up more often when protracted disorders are present. Certain medicines can trigger or worsen allergies. Unhealthy environmental influences are also often the trigger of allergic diseases. These conditions can negatively affect the organism and thereby provoke the development of an allergy. A predisposition for allergies can be genetically determined.

Symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of fir allergy:

At the beginning, the affected person expresses symptoms such as itchy, watery eyes and severe skin itching with rash. Breathing difficulties up to shortness of breath and allergic asthma can also occur, due to the severity of the allergic reaction. Anaphylactic shock (loss of consciousness due to allergy-related drop in blood pressure) is not to be expected.

If the symptoms are drastic, a fleeting increase in temperature can occur due to the inflammation. Typically, however, this does not occur in the course of a fir allergy. With too frequent contact with the allergen in the pine needles, the signs of the disease worsen. These can germinate for the first time, but also repeatedly upon contact with pine needles. Here it should be noted whether the sufferer already suffers from allergies to comparable or other substances.

If any contact with the pine needles is avoided, the hypersensitivity reaction passes relatively quickly. Chronic sequelae are not known. Although fir allergies can be remedied by consistently avoiding an allergen, infections can still occur due to bleeding of the diseased skin region. These are triggered by frequent scratching, as well as by the use of spoiled and contaminated ointments or tinctures.


Because the same health problem names a whole clinical picture and no symptom, the fir allergy must be examined as a whole. First of all, the physician should record the disease signals that have occurred with an individual examination interview, otherwise consider any relevant health complaints and existing diseases. An examination is typically performed in the doctor’s office or polyclinic. The diagnosis is made with the examination of the diseased skin areas at the doctor. If necessary, a test for allergenic substances is performed.

treatment and therapy

Normally, antiallergic ointments are used to treat each acute phase of the fir allergy. Skin-specific antiallergic agents, e.g. B. Cortisone ointments can be used. Avoiding contact with fir trees is unavoidable because otherwise, despite treatment, the allergy may reappear or worsen. The allergy can certainly be remedied if substances similar to the trigger are avoided, such as other conifers, because Cross-allergies may be involved.

The fir tree allergy shows no protracted course. A healthy attitude towards life of the affected person is essential for keeping the body healthy. Excessive consumption of alcohol , Cigarette tuxedo and weight problems must be eliminated. The age of the affected person is an important factor in the course of the disorder, especially since the determination of the therapy and the remedy should be aligned accordingly. Ointments against allergies can also have undesirable side effects, so the cream must be chosen correctly.

On the contrary, defense-increasing agents should be avoided during the course of an acute reaction. Desensitization , which Trainsthe immune system to live with the allergen, is recommended if successful. However, it is expensive and is not usually paid for by health insurance. A special Diet can hardly alleviate a fir allergy, since the whole body is not involved. Work-related risks that provoke pine allergies, such as the daily contact of foresters or lumberjacks with pine needles, must be made harmless by protective measures such as hard hats or protective masks and protective gloves.

Disputed treatment methods that are not paid for by statutory health insurance can be useless. They must therefore be viewed with skepticism. Helpful advice from relatives, friends or self-help organizations is equally suitable. It can be useful to research the condition online. 


Avoiding contact with fir and other conifers can prevent the allergy in the long run. There will be alternatives for the Christmas season. Vaccinations against allergies are not available, especially as they would unnecessarily burden the immune system . It must be checked whether the substances in the conifers that trigger the allergy are also present in other plants.For prophylaxis, skin-healing ointments and a mild shower bath can be used if the affected skin areas are irritated. If the affected person has dry skin, it should be anointed well. State health insurers in Germany only pay the costs incurred for treatment of the fir tree allergy in acute cases.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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