Fibula fracture – causes, symptoms & therapy

Fibula fracture

fibula fracture is a very painful fracture of the fibula. In most cases, it is the result of an accident that has caused significant damage to the fibula. In medicine, a fibula fracture is also referred to as a fibular fracture.

What is a fibula fracture?

The fibula, along with the tibia, is one of the most important parts of our lower leg. A fibula fracture is a bone fracture of the fibula. This is an extremely painful matter that may require many weeks of patience from the patient before it heals. A fibula fracture usually occurs as a result of a sports injury , often as a result of external influences .


A fibula fracture can have many causes and affect the fibula in different places. In many cases it is caused by external influences. This is usually a direct impact on the fibula, such as a kick from playing soccer. If such a kick is extremely strong or hits the fibula very clumsily, a fracture can occur.But a fibula fracture can also occur in connection with knee injuries, and this type of fracture is actually very common. In some cases, diseases can also be the cause of a fibula fracture. Osteoporosis (bone loss) or tumors can also promote fractures. Such fractures are then caused by events that would not lead to these consequences in a healthy person.

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of a fibula fracture:

In the case of a fibula fracture, the symptoms set in very quickly after the triggering event. This is pain that can be felt as oppressive or stabbing. Significant swelling usually occurs very quickly and clearly visible bruises form around the affected area. The patient can hardly put any more weight on his leg, and if this happens, it is accompanied by great pain.

If it is a particularly serious fracture, this can already be seen from the outside. Under certain circumstances, the fracture can be so severe that there is a significant misalignment of the fibula. The leg looks unnaturally bent. As with all fractures, the pain is usually very severe. Therefore, the leg should be immobilized immediately and a doctor called.


The diagnosis of a fibula fracture can usually be made quite easily. If the person concerned describes the event that preceded the symptoms, the doctor will already assume a suspicion. A physical examination, such as palpation and movement of the joint, can confirm this suspicion. In addition, the patient should describe his symptoms as precisely as possible. The patient will then have to undergo further diagnostic procedures.

This primarily includes imaging procedures, such as an X-ray examination . Computed tomography is often ordered because it provides more accurate images than an X-ray. On the basis of the imaging procedures, it must also be clarified above all whether it is really just a fibula fracture or whether surrounding body parts are also affected.

treatment and therapy

The treatment of a fibula fracture depends on the exact extent of the fracture. One possibility is to immobilize the fibula with a cast. Depending on where the fibula sustained the fracture, this cast will be larger or smaller. There is also the possibility to immobilize the broken fibula with a splint. This measure is often used for very recent fractures or shortly before necessary surgical interventions. Here, too, the shape of the splint depends on the fracture present.

If the ankle joint has also been affected by the fibula fracture, an external fixation, also known as external fixation, often takes place. The device used is called a fixator. It is a metal construction. The aim of this measure is to keep the affected bone parts in their natural position until healing occurs or in preparation for surgical intervention on the fracture.Depending on the type of fracture, a surgical intervention is unavoidable. With the help of screws, nails, plates or wires, the broken bone parts are fixed in their natural position and shape so that unhindered healing can take place. These parts are removed from the bone after healing. No matter which treatment method is required, all require absolute immobilization of the leg. The patient is therefore clearly restricted for several weeks.

Physiotherapy should definitely be carried out for the final treatment of a fibula fracture. The function of the fibula is restored as completely as possible by means of targeted movement therapy. Athletes in particular should not do without this measure so that they can then pursue their sporting activity again unhindered.

Course of the disease and prognosis

The prognosis for a fibula fracture is favorable for most patients. This is especially true for an uncomplicated fracture. The healing time depends on the type and extent of the broken bone. It takes about six weeks for the bone to grow together. During this period of wearing a cast or splint, the patient already begins physical therapy .

It sometimes takes between 12 and 16 weeks before the injured leg can be fully loaded again. After this period of time, the patient can walk properly again and do his everyday things. However, here too the healing process depends on the extent of the fracture. The general state of health of the person concerned also plays an important role.

If there are other injuries in addition to the broken fibula, such as a fracture of the tibia, the healing process will take longer. Athletes such as soccer players, tennis players or skiers, whose sporting disciplines require special demands, are often even more severely affected. They often face an even longer healing period. This is especially the case when there is a fracture of the lateral malleolus, which belongs to the fibula. Sometimes a break of half a year or even a whole year is necessary.

For an optimal resilience of the leg, it requires a fully operational musculature, which must first be regained. In order to shorten the healing time and achieve a better prognosis, it is recommended to carry out physical therapy exercises. This is the case with both conservative and surgical therapy. The muscles are gently built up again through the physiotherapy exercises and better mobility of the leg is achieved.

The prospects for closed fibula fractures are generally better than for open fractures. Children usually heal faster than adults. Fractures caused by diseases such as osteoporosis (bone loss) also take longer to heal.

Furthermore, the prognosis also depends on whether complications occur. To avoid these, it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions consistently.


The prevention of a fibula fracture is only possible to a limited extent. Since in most cases it is an accident that triggers the fracture, the person affected has little influence on it. However, sports activities should always be carried out in a concentrated and responsible manner. This minimizes the risk of sports injuries in general. However, a broken fibula often cannot be prevented completely.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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