Fallopian tube rupture – causes, symptoms & therapy

Tubal rupture

A fallopian tube rupture is a rupture of the fallopian tube as a result of an ectopic pregnancy . Because the rupture can cause bleeding into the abdomen, tubal rupture is a dangerous and even life-threatening complication that can only be treated with emergency surgery.

What is a fallopian tube rupture?

A fallopian tube rupture, also known as a tubal rupture, is an acute complication that refers to the tearing or bursting of the fallopian tube. It is usually the direct result of an ectopic pregnancy that is detected too late, in which the fertilized egg cell, the so-called zygote, implants itself in the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube.

After a few weeks, the growth of the zygote causes the fallopian tube to burst because it is only slightly stretchable. This perforation of the fallopian tube is medically referred to as a fallopian tube rupture.


Tubal rupture is the possible consequence of an advanced, unrecognized tubal pregnancy. About six days after fertilization of the egg cell, it implants itself in the mucous membrane. Normally, it has passed through the fallopian tube during this time and has arrived in the uterus to implant itself there.However, it can also happen that due to adhesions or narrowing of the fallopian tube, it cannot pass through it quickly enough and does not reach the uterus in time. In this case, the zygote implants in the fallopian tube itself. If this is not recognized in time, it can lead to a rupture of the fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancy is particularly often caused by scarring as a result of, for example, an operation on the lower abdomen or as a result of other inflammations of the adnexa, i.e. the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

But an overgrowth of the lining of the uterus also increases the risk of a ruptured fallopian tube. In addition to congenital problems, other causes can include unsuccessful sterilization or artificial insemination , an ectopic pregnancy with subsequent rupture of the ectopic tube.

When to the doctor?

A ruptured fallopian tube is a medical emergency and requires immediate medical attention. The patient shouldn’t wait long to see a doctor when characteristic symptoms appear, because an ectopic pregnancy has developed in her body and this has led to the rupture of the fallopian tube. Toxic substances can be released into the abdomen and serious inflammation of the peritoneum can occur.

Furthermore, very soon after a tubal rupture, the patient can develop a toxic shock reaction, which can lead to death if there is no doctor available to help her. If there are signs of a ruptured fallopian tube, an ambulance must be called immediately and the affected woman must be taken to the hospital. Since the ambulance is always faster than a self-driven car, it is best to rely on it.

Until this is on site, the affected woman should either sit down or lie down. Since ruptured fallopian tubes often lead to impaired consciousness and fainting very quickly , the woman must be placed in the stable side position in these cases. While this won’t affect the ruptured fallopian tube, it will allow her to continue breathing until she wakes up. If she is still conscious, she will likely be confused and frightened and will need to be reassured until the ambulance arrives.

symptoms and courseTypical symptoms of a fallopian tube rupture:

A fallopian tube rupture shows up with some typical symptoms. Those affected usually suffer from sudden onset, acute, mostly one-sided abdominal pain from the fifth week of pregnancy. In most cases, this was preceded by unilateral abdominal pain during the ectopic pregnancy.

Furthermore, a defensive tension in the abdomen, which is symptomatic of an acute abdomen, can be determined. Nausea and even vomiting can also occur due to the irritation of the peritoneum. Since the fallopian tube rupture causes massive internal blood loss, after some time a drop in blood pressure, an accelerated heartbeat and paleness appear as symptoms of shock. In the worst case, a complete circulatory failure can occur as a result of the unrecognized fallopian tube rupture.


The diagnosis of a fallopian tube rupture is made by a combination of different tests. First, a general pregnancy test is performed to determine if you are pregnant . By taking a blood sample in the laboratory, the suspicion of a fallopian tube rupture can also be substantiated based on the value of the pregnancy hormone, HCG. Because in a normal pregnancy, the HCG value is significantly increased, in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, it is only minimally increased.

If there is anemia according to the blood count , this is also another sign that points to a fallopian tube rupture. Feeling the abdomen also provides the examining doctor with indications of a possible fallopian tube rupture. If the suspicion has solidified as a result of these examinations, an ultrasound is carried out. As a final confirmation of the diagnosis, a laparoscopy in the form of a minimally invasive procedure is also carried out in order to be able to prove the fallopian tube rupture.


A fallopian tube rupture is a life-threatening disease that must be treated in an emergency operation. This can lead to complications during the pregnancy and thus to a threat to the mother and the child. In most cases, the pregnant woman suffers from a ruptured fallopian tube from severe pain in the abdomen and abdomen. There is also inflammation of the peritoneum and vomiting and nausea.

It is not uncommon for those affected to also suffer from a general feeling of illness and the period does not come. In severe cases, circulatory shock can also occur, in which the patient loses consciousness.

In many cases, the fallopian tube rupture leads to an abortion of the pregnancy. Those affected suffer from an increased heart rate and a drop in blood pressure. There is also severe paleness and spotting, which leads to blood loss. In most cases, an abortion leads to severe psychological problems, so that those affected and their partners are usually dependent on psychological treatment.

treatment and therapy

A fallopian tube rupture is treated immediately because there is a risk of internal bleeding. In most cases, emergency surgery is instituted. Nowadays, this is usually carried out as a minimally invasive procedure in the form of laparoscopy, or abdominal reflection. In the vital operation of the fallopian tube rupture, life is always in the foreground. It must therefore be expected that the preservation of the fallopian tube is only of secondary importance.

If there is no desire for another pregnancy or if there is no other option, the fallopian tube is completely removed during the surgical procedure. This depends on the position and extent of the fertilized egg cell. If the operation goes well and the patient is stabilized, the fallopian tube can be preserved if necessary. To do this, the fallopian tube is cut lengthwise and the zygote is removed or rinsed out.

Furthermore, the abdominal cavity must be cleaned of residues in order to reduce the risk of another rupture of the fallopian tubes. In general, however, after a fallopian tube rupture there is an increased risk of being affected again if you become pregnant again. Therefore, even if the fallopian tube is preserved, it is not certain that another pregnancy will be successful.


A fallopian tube rupture can only be prevented to a limited extent because it is an acute complication. However, it is important to pay attention to the symptoms of a possible ectopic pregnancy.

If spotting or severe abdominal pain suddenly occurs after a few weeks of pregnancy , a doctor should be consulted immediately for a check-up.

Especially if there is an increased risk of tubal pregnancy and tubal rupture due to surgery or other existing illnesses. A detected ectopic pregnancy can even be treated purely with medication in the early stages, and prevents a dangerous operation in the event of a ruptured fallopian tube.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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