Expectorants , also known in medical jargon as mucolytics , expectorants , or secretolytics , exist on both a synthetic and plant-based basis. They are used to liquefy viscous mucus and make it easier to cough up.
What are expectorants (expectorants)?
Expectorants (secretolytics) are medications that are given to loosen stuck mucus. They are therefore mainly used for diseases that are associated with a mucous cough. Classically, they are used as a supportive agent in the treatment of bronchitis. There are many different expectorants available on the market. What they have in common is that they aim to liquefy the mucus. This makes it easier to cough up, which helps to alleviate the symptoms.
Expectorant agents are among the most frequently dispensed preparations in pharmacies. Their effectiveness is well documented, so they are often prescribed for stuck mucus. Numerous synthetic and vegetable substances have an expectorant effect. In most cases, expectorants in juice form are used because they are easy to use and usually taste quite pleasant. Tablets are available as an alternative in almost every case.
How do expectorants work?
Secretolytics work by loosening the mucus that is stuck in the bronchi and making it easier to expectorate. In the majority of cases, the stubborn, viscous mucus leads to a very strong cough, which those affected find tormenting. Mucolytics can help here by liquefying the mucus.The more liquid the mucus becomes, the easier it is to cough it up. By using the expectorant, the intensity of the symptoms can be significantly reduced. The duration of the cough is also reduced by the administration of expectorants, since the coughing up is faster after the previously viscous mucus has been liquefied.
Contrary to popular belief, expectorants are not “cough blockers”. Since there is viscous mucus in the bronchi , the urge to cough must not be suppressed or stopped with medication. Instead, expectorants make it easier to cough up phlegm, shortening the duration of the cough. Their effect is therefore expectoric – they facilitate the ejection of mucus.
Typically, expectorants are prescribed in the context of bronchitis, since those affected suffer from the sticky mucus getting stuck in this disease.
application areas
Mucolytics are used, among other things, for:
What means are there?
Numerous active ingredients have an expectorant effect. In addition to synthetic active ingredients, there are also numerous herbal remedies that can be used as expectorants. In practice, it is ultimately irrelevant which remedy is used, as long as its effectiveness can be proven.
The group of synthetic expectorants includes the active ingredient acetylcysteine. The frequently prescribed expectorant ACC® contains this active ingredient. Other synthetic mucolytics that are frequently used in practice are ambroxol, which is contained in the preparation Mucosolvan®, and bromhexine.
The three active ingredients mentioned are available both in the form of juices and in tablet form. The liquid form of the active ingredients is used more frequently in practice than the solid form. In principle, however, both forms of administration are equally effective.
From the group of plant-based expectorants, ivy extracts and preparations containing eucalyptus are particularly noteworthy. Efficacy has been proven for these two active ingredients, which are also very popular. Prospan®, for example, is based on ivy extracts, while GeloMyrtol® relies on eucalyptus. Thyme is also considered an effective expectorant. Bronchicum®, for example, relies on the expectorant effect of thyme.
In addition, medicinal teas are available, which are either offered as a ready-made mixture or prepared individually. These usually also contain thyme.
Of course, general information on dosage cannot be given. The recommended dosage of the chosen expectorant can be found in the package insert of the chosen medication. In addition, the advice or prescriptions of the doctor and pharmacist regarding the dosage of the respective drug should be observed.
The benefit of expectorants in juice form is that they usually come with a measuring spoon or measuring cup. The dosage can be easily observed with the help of this measuring cup or dosing spoon. It is therefore not necessary to personally measure or even estimate the amount of liquid to be taken.
If expectorants are taken in tablet form, this form of dosing is of course unnecessary. In this case, the number of tablets to be taken daily is specified in the leaflet and is usually also given by the pharmacy staff.
In children, care must be taken to use expectorants that have been specially developed and approved for use in children. These usually contain less active ingredient. The pharmacy staff and/or the doctor treating you will explain the special dosage for children.
Herbal alternatives to clearing mucus
Alternatives to expectorant drugs are expectorant home remedies and teas. It is not always necessary to resort to a drug when there is stuck, viscous mucus. In many cases, the symptoms can be alleviated with the help of home remedies. However, if the symptoms do not improve or even get worse, you should consult a doctor.
In principle, care must be taken to supply sufficient liquid. The daily drinking quantity of two liters is an absolute minimum for stuck mucus. Sufficient fluid intake can also liquefy the mucus, which makes it easier to cough up. Drinking therefore leads to the same effect as using expectorants – ideally both should be combined.Teas are other herbal alternatives to expectorants. Teas are available in supermarkets and drugstores, which usually contain thyme, sage and other herbs. They usually go under names such as “expectorant tea”, “cough tea” or similar. However, it is important to ensure that the tea is not intended as a remedy for a dry, irritating cough . The indication is indicated on the package. Pure thyme tea can also be helpful.
Risks, side effects and interactions
Like any other medication, expectorants can cause side effects. These adverse drug reactions sometimes differ significantly depending on the mucolytic selected. If you are hypersensitive or allergic to a certain active substance, it must not be taken, as this can lead to allergic reactions that can sometimes be life-threatening.
Common side effects seen with taking expectorants in juice form include taste disturbances, numbness in the throat and mouth, and nausea . Occasionally, vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion, dry mouth , dry throat, fever , mucosal reactions, heartburn or headaches can also occur.
Other side effects that can occur when taking mucolytics include skin swelling, itching, allergic reactions, increased salivation, shortness of breath, tinnitus , edema, anaphylactic reactions up to shock, bleeding and severe skin and mucous membrane changes.
It should be pointed out again that the possible side effects sometimes differ drastically from drug to drug. For example, acetylcysteine can also cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome and Lyell’s syndrome and has been shown to decrease platelet aggregation. In addition, acetylcysteine (ACC®) and bromhexine should not be used in asthmatics, while ambroxol (Mucosolvan®) can be used in asthmatics without any problems. Certain mucolytics should also not be taken in the case of some other diseases. It is strongly recommended to ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking it.
In the case of liver and kidney diseases as well as certain allergies and some diseases of the respiratory tract, not every expectorant may be taken.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take expectorants. The attending physician can suggest alternatives. Children should only use expectorants that are specifically designed for use in children.
Dry alcoholics should find out whether the chosen remedy contains alcohol. Alcohol is often included, especially in juice form. However, alternatives are available.
Expectorant agents should never be used together with cough suppressants, since simultaneous use can lead to a life-threatening accumulation of secretions. The pharmacist will explain any other interactions.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.