Erectile dysfunction (potency problems)
Erectile dysfunction , potency problems or potency disorders are one of the most concealed taboo topics. Erectile dysfunction as such is not uncommon. According to statistics, on average every sexually active man suffers from erectile dysfunction at least once in his life. The most common cause is mental disorders. Erectile dysfunction can also have other reasons.
What are erectile dysfunction (potency problems)?
The term erectile dysfunction refers to the lack of stiffening ability of the male sex organ – the penis. Here the range of possible definitions is wide. Because one speaks not only of a complete inability to have an erection of erectile dysfunction, but also when the penis stiffens but does not remain in this state long enough.
The situation is similar when the stiffening occurs with sexual arousal but does not progress far enough. Most types depend primarily on the causes. Overall, however, one can say that an erectile dysfunction is diagnosed when the penis can only stiffen briefly, insufficiently or not at all. Most types of potency problems make sexual intercourse almost impossible.
Erectile dysfunction or potency problems can have many causes. The most common are mental stress such as stress , sadness or other things that make it impossible to “clear your head”.Most of the time, these types of erectile dysfunction last only for a short time or vary depending on the severity of the psychological stress.
Other reasons can have physical causes. For example, the nerve or blood supply or the rapid body tissue can be disturbed or damaged.
Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by hormonal fluctuations . Sometimes one cause applies, but many sufferers have multiple causes. And: Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
When to the doctor?
Every man will experience erectile dysfunction at least once in his life. If they only last for a short time, do not recur constantly, or have a lasting impact on healthy sex life, there is no reason to see a doctor. However, it is different if they occur so often that a fulfilling sex life is no longer possible for the person concerned. What counts here is the subjective feeling of the affected man and his partner.
Some men suffer from so much stress that they actually suffer from erectile dysfunction every few weeks, but this does not mean that their sexual life has been disrupted. Others, on the other hand, would perceive this as a great burden that they want to get rid of. Another reason for a medical examination is erectile dysfunction that did not occur before and is now either noticed with increasing frequency or does not go away at all.
There can be physical as well as psychological causes behind such changes, but the condition will not improve without treatment. In addition, persistent, significant erectile dysfunction is sometimes also a symptom of the disease and indicates a completely different underlying disease in good time. This can be treated in time and the potency problems will also disappear. In rare cases, young men already notice during puberty that something is wrong with their potency. Of course, this is also a reason for a doctor’s visit.
symptoms and course
The symptoms of an erectile dysfunction or problems with potency cannot be defined in general. Because here, too, it depends on the type of potency problems. In addition, erectile dysfunction is usually a vicious circle, which narrows for those affected after repeated “failures”. This leads to further psychological pressure, which intensifies the symptoms – the difficulty in achieving an erection. Depending on the cause, erectile dysfunction often occurs gradually and then worsens. Here it is important not to panic at the first mistake, but to consult a doctor if the symptoms persist. Because both psychological and physical reasons can often be treated if they are diagnosed in good time.
Since an erectile dysfunction can always be the result of a previously undiscovered disease, the doctor treating you will do everything possible to rule it out. This happens through various blood and other tests. He will then investigate other causes. This could lead to some awkward questions, but it’s important to answer them honestly. A functional test of the cavernous bodies could also be necessary. If the doctor was able to narrow down the possible causes or find out about them, he will consider different types of treatment. However, further investigations may be necessary here, since not all possibilities can always be exhausted.
Erectile dysfunction caused by an unhealthy lifestyle can be treated well. A change in diet, sufficient and healthy sleep and avoiding drugs or medication help to strengthen the organism. Stimulating or strongly depressant substances can trigger the disorders, so that discontinuing the preparations can lead to complete healing. If the erectile dysfunction is triggered by stress, psychological problems and emotional overload, recovery occurs if successful therapy is completed. Shame, low self-confidence and fear trigger the symptoms and can be treated with good therapy methods.
In the case of depression or lack of drive, there is relief with good chances of recovery if the person concerned seeks psychological care. If erectile dysfunction occurs as a result of a physical illness, a general prediction of recovery is only possible once the underlying illness has been diagnosed. Viruses and bacteria are combated very successfully with medication. Normally, venereal diseasesthat lead to erectile dysfunction are also treated well. An enlarged prostate can also trigger the disorders. With age, the prostate grows in every man. This triggers complaints and leads to potency problems. In addition to a balanced sex life, medical measures that should be monitored by a doctor also help.
treatment and therapy
Erectile dysfunction or potency problems have long since ceased to be one of the ailments that are very difficult to treat and treat. There are now numerous options, ways and means, which always depend on which cause is primarily present.If possible, with a healthy body, one will always try to alleviate the often psychological complaints. Because these are now quite often what cause erectile dysfunction. However, if there are physical causes, they must be treated. This can also happen in different ways and depends on the diagnosis. Incidentally, drug treatments are just one option of many.
Other options include, depending on the cause, special relaxation and talk therapies (to deal with the problem if there are psychological reasons), but also surgical intervention if there is a physical reason or damage to the erectile tissue.
By the way: Injuries to the tissue of the penis, such as what is known as a penile fracture, can – if they are not treated – leave behind serious damage, which in turn can lead to problems with potency. Here a doctor must be consulted immediately so that worse can be avoided.
Erectile dysfunction or problems with potency cannot be prevented, as the causes usually operate in the background. The only way is to avoid psychologically stressful situations and to see a doctor immediately when the first serious symptoms appear. The same applies to accidents that have affected the penis or abdomen. And you should always keep in mind that erectile dysfunction could always be a symptom of another serious illness. One should therefore not be ashamed to conceal them, but rather interpret and act on them as a warning signal.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.