Dry skin
Dry skin – who doesn’t know the feeling of tight and itchy skin, even if it only occurs occasionally. Dry skin is primarily due to genetic influences, as well as climatic conditions and other factors that contribute to dehydration of the skin (eg hot baths).
What is dry skin?
Does the skin just lack more moisturizing care or is it already sick? There are differences for dry skin. In the first stage of dehydration, the affected skin region itches and tightens.
Dry skin develops dandruff when there is not enough water stored in its upper layer, it is reddened and porous, and even rough and cracked as the process progresses. Fatty or moisturizing creams usually help here.
In severe cases, chronic irritation and inflammation of the skin ( dermatitis ) can develop. If you have chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis or neurodermatitis , you should definitely consult a doctor.
Why is healthy skin so important?
On the one hand, the skin is a barrier between the inside and outside of the body, and on the other hand it creates a vital contact between the two spaces, since as a finely controlled sensory organ it provides vital information about our environment.
It prevents the penetration of microorganisms, protects against chemically and physically damaging influences, against excessive fluid loss compared to our much too dry environment (human beings are made up of around 70% water).
However, our skin is not impermeable, because it transports heat, water and the substances dissolved in it out of the body and thus contributes significantly to the vital maintenance of our inner environment.
It is also able to absorb fat-soluble substances and transport them inside the body. This property is of no small importance for medical treatment measures (reception of ointments after rubbing).
Normally, the outer skin is kept moist by fluid leaking from the sweat glands and other underlying layers of tissue. The oil in the sebaceous glands prevents the liquid from escaping.
There are many factors behind dry skin. In some people, the ability of the outer skin to hold water is not particularly well developed. Others have less active sweat glands and age also plays a significant role in our skin’s moisture balance.The older a person is, the less oil is produced by the sebaceous glands and the drier the skin is accordingly.
A key factor is the low humidity; cold and dry weather – typical of the winter months – also robs the skin of moisture. Added to this are the sun, the altitude, heated or air-conditioned rooms, which also have a drying effect.
Even water can strip moisture from the skin, because prolonged bathing (especially in hot water) can result in the outermost layer of skin not being able to absorb and retain water as well.
People who bathe several times a day or frequently take hot tub baths deprive their skin of important proteins that otherwise keep the skin moist. Harsh detergents, soaps, household cleaners and chemical solvents can also affect the skin.
It is not possible to protect the skin from all these external influences. Nevertheless, there are ways and possibilities to protect the skin from dehydration and thus to preserve its youthful appearance for a long time. We give you a few useful tips to counteract dry skin.
When to the doctor?
Of course, if you have dry skin, you don’t have to consult a doctor immediately. Sooner or later, everyone has some dry skin areas, which should disappear again after a short time. Affected skin areas can also be treated with various moisturizers, as dry skin has a significant lack of moisture.
In particularly severe cases, however, dry skin can also develop into dermatitis or neurodermatitis. In rare cases, perioral dermatitis can also develop. This disease develops as a result of “overfeeding” of the skin. Small red pustules form on the face, which disappear in batches and come out again. In such a case, going to the dermatologist is strongly recommended, as appropriate medication must be used to counteract this.
Anyone who suffers chronically from dry skin can also take their own measures in advance. Home remedies such as natural moisturizers or avoiding long, hot baths can counteract dry skin. In addition, almost all soaps and lyes remove important nutrients from the skin. Therefore, excessive hand washing should be avoided. This preserves the skin’s natural protective film. A doctor should only be consulted if these home remedies do not improve the situation. Only then can targeted action be taken against dry skin.
Different complications can also occur with dry skin, which may even require medical treatment. At first glance, dry skin is not a worrying clinical picture, because many people often have dry and irritated skin. However, there can also be various complications in this context. Many affected people suffer from severe itching that causes the skin to turn red. Repeated scratching can even cause open wounds that should be treated with anti-inflammatory ointments or creams.
In some cases, dry skin can even result in a crack . This complication is a deep tear in the skin that is very difficult and lengthy to grow back together. Cracks usually occur when the skin is too dry, resulting in a tear. A deep crack in the skin offers bacteria the best conditions to nest and multiply within a short time. This causes inflammation very quickly, which of course requires medical treatment. Under certain circumstances, the inflammation can even cause pus to form, so extreme caution should be exercised. A visit to the doctor should then no longer be put off because there is a risk of blood poisoning .
home remedies
1. Use of moisturizer
One should primarily apply lotion or cream immediately after cleansing the body when the skin is still damp.
Applying moisturizer can be repeated several times a day, whenever skin feels dry and before bed.
2. Which moisturizer should you use?
The thicker the cream, the more intense its moisturizing effect.
The more natural oils a cream contains, the greater the protective effect against moisture loss.
- Dermatologists recommend using a thick, unscented moisturizer that doesn’t absorb into the skin on its own, but should be massaged in with gentle pressure. Thin liquid lotions consist mostly of water, whereby the protective function is not sufficient.
- Many care products are based on mineral oil (paraffin), please note the following when buying: Free from mineral oils (paraffin)
- You can make your own moisturizer – just mix water with natural oils – you get a cream that suits your needs and has a good protective effect.
2. Only short baths or showers and if possible with cold water
- Hot water strips the skin of oil, the natural protective layer against moisture loss. It can thus also be increased itching of sensitive skin.
- You should really only shower or bathe once a day, only as often as necessary.
- After long, hot baths, moisturizer should be applied immediately immediately afterwards to build up a new protective layer.
3. Use soap sparingly
- Too frequent cleaning with soap and water damages the outer skin. If soaps are used, they should be milder, oilier, and superfat products that offer immediate protection to the skin.
- Those affected who suffer chronically from dry skin should only bathe or shower for short periods and only dry the groin area, armpits and soles of the feet so as not to unnecessarily irritate the other parts of the skin. Because of this, it is also advisable to use a soap substitute.
4. Avoid strong rubbing
- When cleaning the body, you should avoid using washcloths, sponges or similar utensils in order to curb the drying process of the skin as much as possible.
- Dry skin tends to form excessive dandruff. In this case, those affected should not even try to rub them off after cleaning, because they will only damage themselves more.
5. Bathing with oil
- natural bath oils (without preservatives and mineral oils) are particularly recommended.
- If possible, the oil should only be put into the tub after the bather so that the skin can soak up water beforehand. It is therefore advisable to remain in the water for a while and add the oil a little later, or apply the oil directly to the skin after bathing.
- However, even when bathing with oil, you should not stay in the water for more than 20 minutes. (Caution! Use of bath oil makes the tub very smooth and slippery – the risk of injury is high!)
6. Higher humidity
- A relative humidity of 60% is optimal for the skin, because this is the point where skin and air are exactly in balance and therefore the skin is not deprived of moisture.
- The higher the humidity, the less you suffer from dry skin. In the tropics (humidity around 90%) nobody has problems with dry skin.
- If the air in the living room is less than 60%, you could remedy the situation with an air humidifier, an atomizer or a kettle boiling on a low heat.
7. Avoiding harsh detergents, cleaners and solvents
- Common household products (e.g. window cleaner, ammonia, turpentine, lighter fluid, white spirit) can dry out or damage the outer skin.
- Wearing rubber gloves when handling such implements or using long-handled brushes when washing dishes provides adequate protection.
- Vinegar and water combine to make an excellent non-damaging window cleaner.
8. Avoidance of alcohol-based products
- Alcohol-based products increasingly dry out the skin, although after cleaning with alcohol or astringents (agents that tighten the skin and mucous membranes, reduce inflammation and bleeding) the skin feels clean and tingly.
9. Use of natural makeups and creams
- When using day creams or rouge, you should use natural products because they retain moisture in the skin.
- Always remove make-up from the face in the evening with mild soap, then rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft towel, then apply a heavy moisturizer.
10. Set heater low
- The skin dries out in warm, heated rooms. Because of this, one should keep the air temperature lower so that the skin stays moist.
11. No electric blankets
- The heat emitted by electric blankets can also dry out the skin. For this reason, it is better to use a second duvet.
12. Refrain from excessive alcohol consumption and smoking
- People who consume a lot of alcohol usually have drier skin and more wrinkles on their faces. With every excessive alcohol consumption, the skin loses moisture, which it needs to look youthfully fresh.
- When alcohol enters the bloodstream, the concentration of water in the blood decreases. In order to compensate for the loss of water, water is withdrawn from the surrounding tissue (including the skin cells).
- The amount of alcohol of 50ml per day should never be exceeded.
- Smoking also leads to dehydration and premature aging of the skin, and it also makes it look sallow and sick.
- However, the best way to keep skin looking fresh and youthful is to avoid alcohol and smoking altogether.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.